Off-road hoverboards: popular models and tips for choosing

Off-road gyro scooters have already conquered the world thanks to the enthusiasm of the brave souls who do not want to put up with isolation in the asphalt "jungle". More and more well-known brands are putting on the market their versions of mini-segways for riding on uneven surfaces, winter driving.
The best SUV models are equipped with wheels with a diameter of 9 "and get really powerful treads that at first glance declare their status.
Which ones really deserve attention? How to choose an off-road gyro scooter with and without a handle?

The very concept of an off-road hoverboard provides opportunities for travel outside of paved roads. For this, the usual mini-segways are equipped with:
- large wheels at least 9-10 ″ in diameter;
- wide tires with deep tread;
- powerful motor from 300 W for each part of the platform;
- increased ground clearance;
- chamber or pneumatic tires;
- full protection against moisture, dirt and dust according to the IP54-IP65 standard.

All these moments make the hoverboard off-road. In addition, for winter skiing, it is better to choose models with a metal - aluminum - platform, plastic becomes brittle when it freezes. The safety of the battery is also important - not all batteries are suitable for operating a gyro-scooter-off-road vehicle at low temperatures.

Where can you ride
The all-terrain hovercraft format must overcome not only the classic dirt or gravel road - it is necessary that it be adapted for other purposes.
- Snow riding. For these purposes, gyro scooters with wheel diameter over 10 ″ and batteries of class 4C, 5C are used. They will withstand frosts down to -15–20 degrees. But you should be prepared for the fact that energy consumption will be faster.

- Riding in the rain. Here, the main requirements are large wheels, high ground clearance and full body moisture protection. Most premium models have one. The IP56 class is already enough so that the device does not lose functionality after being hit by an ocean wave.

- Riding on mud and sand. Viscous coatings pose a hazard to wheel bearings and contacts. It is optimal if the gyro scooter has a sealed body that excludes the penetration of any external threats. A plus will also be wide wheels with powerful tread or inflatable tires on which you can deflate.

Taking into account the preferences in riding, it will be much easier to choose the optimal model of an off-road gyro scooter.
The budget-class electronics manufacturer Polaris invites extreme sportsmen to try out their version of an off-road hoverboard. Model PBS 1010L equipped with a pair of 300 W motors, pneumatic tires with a diameter of 10 ″, volumetric fenders that protect against splashing mud when riding. At a price of less than 20,000 rubles, declared by the manufacturer, the gyro scooter has a good power reserve - up to 20 km, accelerates up to 15 km / h, and is waterproof according to the IP65 standard. The technique is adapted to riding on complete off-road, has a high ground clearance, demonstrates a soft ride.

Kiwano ko-x - lightweight, compact hoverboard with wheels of 8.5 ", which provide increased cross-country ability on any surface. The model can withstand loads of up to 120 kg, accelerates to 25 km / h, and is distinguished by its maneuverability.
This hoverboard is considered a winter all-terrain vehicle - at a temperature of -15, it holds the road as confidently as at +50 degrees of heat.
The total power of 2 motors is 800 watts.

Smart balance
Smart Balance has released specially for off-road OffRoad model with wide 9 "wheels and powerful tread, capable of equally easily overcome snow drifts, mud, gravel, sand and puddles. Includes Bluetooth, TaoTao app support, fully waterproof case and remote control. The 800 W motor allows you to accelerate to 15 km / h, drive 20 km without stopping. The platform can withstand a weight of 120 kg, the aluminum body is not afraid of impacts and frost, side lights allow you to ride in the evening.

Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10 is another SUV of the brand with 10 ″ chambered wheels, built-in speaker, remote control. The case of the model is made of shockproof plastic, the set includes a Samsung battery, 2 motors of 500 W each. The technique easily copes with slopes up to 15%, suitable for skiing on not very snowy surfaces, rough terrain, grass and ground. This mini-segway has a high sensitivity of sensors, it may seem too difficult for beginners to master.

The mini-segway market leader launches the Ninebot Mini with a handle that lets you ride off-road with confidence and comfort.
With this type of construction, the platform is much easier to operate, in addition, it supports remote commands, control from a smartphone.
The package includes 2 motors of 350 W, a platform with a ground clearance of 8 cm, tires 10.5 ″. The steering wheel can be removed or the model can be selected without it.

Xiaomi Ninebot Mini Pro N3M320 is a hoverboard model with a more powerful battery and 2 motors of 400 W. The tall chassis (90 mm) is complemented by 10.5 ″ wheels. The carrying capacity of the model reaches 100 kg, on 1 charge it is able to travel up to 30 km, the speed limit is set at around 18 km. The steering wheel in the knee area makes this mini segway truly controllable and comfortable to use. Stylish corporate design is also a significant plus for the brand.

Selection recommendations
The best models of off-road gyro scooters are practically not inferior to their compact counterparts in maneuverability, but noticeably exceed them in cross-country ability. When choosing a technique, it is worth considering a number of important points.
- Ground clearance. It is the ground clearance, not the diameter of the wheels, that determines the off-road status of the model.The market is full of cheap hoverboards with large wheels that are unable to climb even a small curb or branch on the road. The minimum ground clearance values for ATV models start from 8 cm.
- Wheel type... The optimal solution is inflatable tires, which allow you to adjust the pressure in them depending on the surface. The diameter must be at least 9 ".
- The presence of a handle. It is optional, but it makes it easier to maneuver, which is important for beginners.
- Battery class. For SUVs, choose a battery with a class of at least 4C. Weaker batteries simply cannot withstand excessive loads.
- Speed mode... Powerful hoverboard off-road vehicles accelerate to 18–20 km / h, allowing you to get the most out of your ride.

Taking into account all the recommendations, it will not be difficult to make the final decision on the choice of an off-road gyro scooter model.
The following video compares three hoverboards with 10-inch wheels.