Fight "Eight" on the guitar

Surely everyone remembers how, before the collapse of the Soviet Union and after (in the 90s), companies of young people gathered on benches under the windows of apartment buildings. They always had a guitar with them, and they sang songs by famous musical performers of that time in chorus. The inhabitants of these very houses did not like such concerts in the evenings. They thought it was self-indulgence, youthful recklessness. And only those who are familiar with the basics of guitar playing could determine how difficult the compositions performed by young guitarists were, because each new song is accompanied by a certain rhythm, and most importantly, by a fight.

The most difficult basic guitar stroke scheme is the figure-of-eight fight. It consists of 8 beats that the guitarist should play at different lengths. In the self-study guide for playing the guitar, it is indicated that there are several basic figures of the "figure of eight". The first is characterized by killing, and the second is characterized by no killing. All other existing schemes are variations that can be used by examining the basic framework.
For guitarists who have managed to understand and master the "eight" fight, other playing schemes will seem as easy as possible.

Professional musicians know that the number of guitar strikes corresponds to the number of rhythmic patterns. This is because guitarists are constantly developing their own style of performing different songs. But in any case, when drawing up the rhythm and the fight, the specific standards of the game are taken as a basis. And most often the battle "eight" is used - a classic variation of the performance of melodies by famous musicians.

The main advantage of the "eight" fight is its variability, thanks to which it is possible to transform the manner of performance. The guitarist must exercise the utmost care and diligence in learning this fight. It is most easily given to those who have well-developed coordination. But this does not mean that other guitarists will not be able to master the fight of the "eight". Everyone will be able to study the correctness of the game, the difference is only in the time of development.

At the very beginning of learning the fight, the guitarist must correctly place the accents. Over time, the musician will realize that it is not necessary to use all 6 strings of the guitar. However, in the first stages of learning, the chords should be reproduced in full, affecting only the first three strings. This will make each chord you play sound brighter and louder.

Surely many guitarists have noticed that the "eight" fight is most often used in compositions of a slow or medium tempo. However, professional musicians use this scheme when playing fast songs. Rhythmic movements of the hands involve active actions with the fingers, which are used for 8 strokes. The resulting melody bears a resemblance to the Spanish motif.

In the guitar playing tutorials, there are several lessons dedicated to the "eight" fight. And to make it easier for the guitarist to navigate, several different symbols are indicated on the presented diagrams, each of which is responsible for a specific action:
- "" - direction of blows up-down;
- "V" - rhythmic performance with beats up and down;
- "_" - pause;
- "X" - jamming.

It is necessary to start your acquaintance with the "eight" fight with slow compositions. The guitarist must repeat the same movements several times. You can use a pick as an auxiliary element. The blows must be applied in a specific sequence, starting with the first and ending with the last string, and then in the opposite direction. Rhythm is created on 4 counts. In the process of playing, the guitarist should accentuate the strong beats of the melody, highlighting them with springy strokes.
To keep the music clean, the guitarist must carefully practice every move. Haste has never led to good results.

Jamming combat scheme
Young guitarists of our time have noticed that modern tutorials on guitar playing practically do not contain detailed information. Each individual lesson is presented in a separate version, so that it is impossible for the student to deal with the nuances of a particular battle. A after all, the "eight" is considered the most difficult version of the game, and it is necessary to allocate at least 3-4 detailed lessons for it.

That is why novice guitarists go to second-hand bookstores in search of old self-study guides released during the Soviet Union. It is in these books that the rules and sequence of actions of the fingers with a specific direction are described in detail. It also explains why and when it is necessary to muffle the sound, and where it should not be touched.

To understand what is at stake, it is proposed to get acquainted with the lesson "jamming combat scheme" presented in the old tutorials. The rhythmic pattern is as follows: downward movement - jamming - upward movement - upward movement - upward movement - downward movement - jamming - upward movement. Muting should be done at moments when strong melody beats are accentuated.

- The very first strike of the "eight" fight is performed in a standard variation.
- On the second hit, the emphasis is on the strong beat with muffling.
- The second part of the "eight" fight involves strikes with the same upward movements.
- In the third part, the pace of the game becomes fast. The hand should clearly slide up and down as the string is muted. And then the thumb moves up the strings again.

It is this information that is more readily available for novice guitarists.After they have mastered the battle of the "eight", they will be able to read musical schemes, which indicate the specific designations of each action.
How to play "Eight" without jamming?
Regarding the scheme of the "eight" with jamming: combat without jamming seems to be very simple and very easy. According to professional musicians, it is much easier to learn it. The main thing is to stick to an even rhythm and hit the strings correctly.

In this case, the guitarist must understand that the way of playing without jamming must be divided into three parts. The first part involves striking the strings two times with pauses. The second part is also designed for two hits without pause. The third part involves four quick hits: without pauses, delays, and even a hint of a slow pace.

And in order for the guitarist to be able to understand the information offered, it is necessary to make a detailed analysis of each specific part of the guitar fight.
- In the first part, as mentioned earlier, we are talking about two successive strokes. Both movements are done with your finger down. After each stringing, the guitarist should take a short pause. It is much more convenient to use a pick. However, if the guitarist is more comfortable playing with his hands, then for this part of the fight it is preferable to use only the index finger.
- In the second part, the direction of the blows changes. Now, with your thumb or a pick, you need to move up the strings twice, without stopping the melody with pauses.
- The third part is very difficult. The guitarist should use his thumb to move the strings up and immediately with the index finger down. After that, a pause is made - and several more similar movements are carried out.
The main thing is to catch the rhythm, stick to it and not miss the moments when you need to rearrange the chords.

Tips for Beginners
For beginner guitarists from scratch, only experienced musicians can provide the most efficient lessons. They will not only show the correctness of actions in the performance of this or that battle, but also will certainly point out some nuances, thanks to which novice musicians master a musical instrument much faster.

The first and most important advice of every teacher is aimed at the "eight" combat scheme with jamming. Professionals recommend orienting yourself by saying the score to yourself.

The second - no less important - advice is intended for those who are unable to play the battle correctly. You should try to play your favorite melody with a slow rhythm. Yes, with such a performance, the chords will not sound beautiful, but the main task is the development of muscle memory. And only when it turns out to work out the fight with a slow rhythm, it is worth switching to a faster execution.

Young guitarists who have just mastered the "eight" fight will not be able to play the melody and immediately perform the song. Only after a few rehearsals will the musician be able to abandon mental counting. In this case, muscle memory will be worked out to automatism, respectively, the hands will do everything on their own - the guitarist will only have to sing.

Now it is proposed to get acquainted with less important advice from experienced musicians, thanks to which the study and subsequent practice of the "eight" fight will proceed in the most comfortable conditions.
- When learning about combat, it is best to divide the standard layout into several parts. Spend the first day studying the first part. To devote the second day to acquaintance with the second part. On the third day, master the third part. And only after that, proceed to the combination of the studied movements into a single whole.
- When studying, don't try to play fast. At first, it is recommended to choose slow melodies in order to work out each sequence of actions as clearly as possible.
- After mastering the standard "eight" battle scheme, you can come up with your own versions of its execution. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, if necessary, add blows or remove them.
- It is recommended to use a pick to play without jamming. This will make the sounds from the clamped chords more sonorous. But the "eight" with jamming should be played with your fingers so that you can clearly hear the click.
- Nylon guitar strings require care and gentle handling. Therefore, instead of a pick, you should use your index finger nail. Otherwise, going to a record store to buy new strings will become a standard of living.
- When performing certain musical compositions, one should not forget about the placement of accents when striking the strings. Monotony and lack of expression will ruin the melody.
- When performing the "eight" fight, it is impossible for the hands or shoulders to be stiff. So the guitarist will waste energy very quickly, and as a result will not be able to reproduce loud and clear sounds.
- Having learned how to muffle the strings with the right hand, the guitarist can begin to master the technique of muffling the sound with the left hand. So, instead of clicking, a rustle will be played.
- If something does not work out, in no case should you give up and put your guitar in the attic. Only perseverance and diligence will allow a person to achieve perfection in this or that deed.

Detailed and visual instructions for learning and practicing this skill can be found in the following video.