Variety of Belucci guitars and tips for choosing them

Belucci guitars have a lot of advantages. These musical instruments are of excellent quality and sound amazing. The brand's products have a lot of fans who do not change their preferences, and therefore choose only Belucci guitars. Let's take a look at the assortment of this manufacturer.

Country of origin of quality Belucci guitars - China. The products of this brand are very popular and are sold in many musical instrument stores. Consumers prefer Belucci branded guitars as they have a lot of positive qualities.

Let's consider the most important of them.
One of the biggest benefits of Belucci guitars is the build quality. Despite the fact that the country of origin of the instruments is China, there are no complaints about their designs. Thanks to this, the brand's guitars are able to serve for many years without causing unnecessary trouble for users.
In the manufacture of branded musical instruments, only high-quality, practical materials are used that are durable and wear-resistant. For example, basswood is often used to make guitar decks, and maple is often used to make the neck.
The musical products of the brand are distinguished by a very good and clear sound. This metric is one of the most important when it comes to a quality guitar.
The huge assortment of Belucci musical instruments also attracts. The manufacturer produces a lot of high quality guitars of different types. You can choose the best option for every taste, color and budget.
Belucci branded string instruments are affordable. In the assortment of the company, you can find a lot of inexpensive, but high-quality and well-sounding copies.This is another indicator that attracts many buyers.
Attractive design of branded products is another positive quality that cannot be ignored. Belucci musical instruments look solid and solid, even if they are quite inexpensive. The assortment of the brand includes models of guitars presented in various colors.
Belucci guitars have a thoughtful and very comfortable shape. They are comfortable to use. That is why these musical instruments are bought by many novice guitarists who are just learning the basics of playing the guitar.

Modern Belucci guitars have become so popular precisely because of the large number of positive characteristics.
Review of the best models
Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of some models of Belucci guitars.

Belucci BC3810 BS
This is a very popular model that gives its owners only positive emotions. The guitar is acoustic and belongs to the new generation. Each composition played on this quality instrument acquires a special charm, unique depth.

The Belucci BC3810 BS features a large resonant cabinet and very good loudness characteristics. This guitar is suitable for playing in front of small audiences. In this case, there will be no need to connect additional musical equipment. The specimen in question is equipped with metal strings and is made of linden.

Belucci BC3905 BLS
The classic model of the Belucci signature guitar. It has a very comfortable shape. The body of the guitar looks stylish and dignified. The musical instrument demonstrates clear and loud sound. The design has a glued neck and 2 decks made of high quality combined wood. Thanks to the use of such materials, the sound acquires a special timbre that even experienced musicians will appreciate.

The body of this model has 6 strings made of high quality nylon. They do not rub the musician's fingers when he plays the instrument.
This is one of the reasons the Belucci BC3905 BLS guitar is ideal for beginners who are just learning this stringed instrument.

Belucci BC3805 N
Inexpensive brand guitar of the classic type. It has a beautiful, reliable and very comfortable case with a well-thought-out structure. The top here is made from linden. Good nylon strings are used. The tool is of medium size, so it fits very comfortably in the user's hands.

The fingerboard of this piece is made of maple. With such a musical instrument, you can successfully perform blues, classical rock and melodies of many other popular styles.

Belucci BC3405 BK
This name belongs to the children's classical guitar. It is 1/2 in size. The model is equipped with high-quality nylon strings that do not rub your fingers. The construction is made of first-class and practical linden. Guitar Belucci BC3405 BK looks attractive and presentable. This is especially true for specimens painted in strict black.

Belucci BC3405 BK is inexpensive. This is a great model for young music lovers who want to learn how to play the guitar in a cool way. This product is very convenient to use. There are only 6 strings on its body. There are 18 frets.
Belucci BC3820 BK
This is a high-end six-string acoustics. The size of the guitar is 4/4. There are 18 frets, there is a katavei. The top in the construction is made of quality linden, and the neck is made of maple. The fingerboard is also made from maple. The BC3820 BK is equipped with metal strings.

Belucci BC3820 BK boasts not only excellent sound and affordable price, but also beautiful design. The guitar looks very stylish, but discreet, has a matte body.

Nuances of choice
In the rich assortment of quality Belucci guitars, almost every consumer will be able to find their own version. The products of a well-known manufacturer are presented in various modifications, so making the right choice is not difficult.

Let's consider what it makes sense to pay attention to when making a choice in favor of a particular Belucci guitar model.
You need to decide on a specific type of guitar. The manufacturer produces good models that are suitable for both adults and young users. So, children's copies are compact in size.
It is advisable to pay attention to all the main parameters of the chosen musical instrument. You need to find out how many strings a guitar has, what material it is made of, what neck it has and other important characteristics. You should select just such an instance, the parameters of which will completely suit you.
You need to make sure that you are comfortable using the original Belucci brand guitar. Before buying, it is recommended to hold the instrument in your hands, work a little with the strings. This is the only way you can understand whether this model suits you, or whether it makes sense to take a closer look at another.
Before buying, you should carefully examine Belucci products. The musical instrument must be of high quality assembly. Any of its surfaces should be free of damage, scratches, abrasions and other defects. If any were found, then it is advisable to refuse the purchase.
It is recommended to buy such goods only in specialized retail outlets where musical goods are sold. Only here can the buyer come across an original branded instrument in perfect condition.

Review overview
High-quality models of guitars from the Belucci brand are very popular and in demand. Many people buy them. Hence, there are a lot of reviews left to the address of musical instruments.

First, let's find out how Belucci guitars have conquered modern consumers.
Users loved the sound of most of the brand's instruments.
People also liked the design of Belucci branded guitars. Many people prefer not only brown models. Blue and black guitars are very popular as they look very beautiful.
Most buyers were captivated by the affordable cost of Belucci branded products. In a wide assortment you can find tools, the price of which is less than 3 thousand rubles.
The fact that most of the Belucci are very lightweight has pleasantly surprised many users. This is especially true for those people who are just learning the art of playing this musical instrument.
According to many people, modern Belucci models can be safely considered the best in terms of price and quality.
Users also noted that the original Belucci musical instruments are excellent in tuning.
Judging by customer reviews, the brand's guitars are very convenient to use. They have an ergonomic structure, so there is no unnecessary discomfort while playing on them.
Of course, users were pleasantly surprised by the huge assortment of Belucci string instruments.
Among the reviews, there were also those in which people claim that Belucci guitars perform well even in assembly halls. In such conditions, the instruments demonstrate very accurate, yet soft sounding. This confirms that it is quite possible to take Belucci guitars with you to various performances.
The consumers also liked the fact that the Belucci branded guitars do not need to be modified.

There are many more positive comments from buyers about Belucci string instruments. However, judging by the reviews, branded guitars also have some drawbacks.
Some buyers were unhappy that a number of guitars lacked a second strap mount.
There were users who were a little upset by the finish of the branded instruments. Judging by the reviews, slightly unpainted areas can be found on the surface of the case.
On some models, strings break too easily.
Some users have noticed that Belucci branded tools give off a pungent odor that resembles glue or paint.Fortunately, it wears out quickly.
You can also come across such reviews in which people say that the cost of the already inexpensive Belucci guitars seems slightly overpriced to them.
Some people have noticed a big difference in string heights in Belucci instruments.
Small models of guitars seemed to some users too "frail" and unstable, which is why they are not very comfortable to hold in their hands.