
How is a guitar different from a ukulele?

How is a guitar different from a ukulele?
  1. Comparison of the sound range
  2. Other differences
  3. What is the best choice?

The variety of musical instruments is amazing, each has its own characteristics and sound. To choose the most suitable option, it is worth understanding their characteristics. Comparing the guitar and the ukulele, you can find both similarities and differences. For those who are planning to choose any of these musical instruments, it will be important to understand what the differences are, to whom and when to master the guitar and the ukulele.

Comparison of the sound range

The guitar is one of the most popular stringed musical instruments. A wide variety of its external characteristics, the ability to choose an acoustic or electric guitar is of great importance for music lovers.

A more non-standard option is the ukulele. This is a Hawaiian string instrument that looks very similar to a guitar, but has its own differences that you need to be aware of when planning to learn the guitar or ukulele.

The guitar differs from the ukulele in its range of sound. Thanks to more strings, the guitar is subject to a wider sound, you can play various motives on it. By varying the thickness of the strings, you can also influence the resulting sound. The ukulele has fewer strings, and the sound of this instrument differs significantly from that of a guitar. Due to the more compact size and the number of strings, the sound is higher and more sonorous, which significantly distinguishes it from the guitar.

The difference in playing with these instruments is quite large, therefore they are used for different purposes. Fiery and fast melodies are usually played on the ukulele, both bard songs and pop songs can be performed on the guitar.

Using both instruments in one ensemble will expand the sound palette and make the melody more interesting.

Other differences

For a comparison of stringed musical instruments such as the guitar and the ukulele, it is worth talking about the species diversity. The guitar has two main options.

  1. Acoustic - has a volumetric wooden body, hollow inside, which is necessary to enhance the sound received. There are no switches or levers on the case. The acoustic instrument has 21 frets, which is due to the peculiarities of its structure. The strings are attached to a tailpiece and pulled tight. The playing techniques will be different from the electric guitar.
  2. Electric guitar - differs from the usual one in that it has a narrow one-piece body, sound amplification is due to magnetic pickups and is transmitted to the speakers. On the body there may be switches and all kinds of additions that allow you to change the sound of the instrument. The electric guitar has 27 frets, unlike the classical one, since the neck is additionally reinforced, and its length can be increased. Due to the thinner body, it is easier to play the extreme frets. The neck has a thinner structure, therefore it is possible to get to the extreme saddles on low strings. The strings are attached to a tailpiece that has a bridge that allows you to fine-tune the pitch and tension of the string, and also allows you to achieve string tremors.

There are 4 types of ukuleles:

  • soprano - the most common type, has the smallest dimensions;
  • concert - has a larger size and louder sound;
  • tenor is a relatively new variety that appeared in the 20th century, the length of the instrument is longer than that of a concert guitar, the sound can be either standard or lowered;
  • baritone is the most modern version, which is distinguished by the largest sizes.

When choosing a type of instrument, it is important to understand the differences between each of the options. Before mastering a particular instrument, it is important to know what is suitable for beginners, where to start teaching children, and what to choose for an adult.

The size

All stringed instruments have their own dimensions, which you need to know when planning the selection of a guitar or ukulele. If we talk about acoustic guitar, then there is such a classification:

  • ¼ - this is 29-30 inches, the length of the entire guitar is from 733 mm to 800 mm, the scale is from 440 to 486 mm, this option is used to teach the youngest children;
  • ½ is 33 inches, the length of the entire guitar is from 860 mm, the scale is from 521 to 578 mm, used to teach children to play in the lower grades;
  • ¾ is 36 inches, the length of the guitar is from 895 to 922 mm, the scale is from 572 to 591 mm, suitable for teaching younger students and children of middle school age, and can also be played by an adult of short stature;
  • ? - it is 37 inches, the length is from 933 to 940 mm, the scale is from 610 to 619 mm, this option is suitable for high school graduates, college girls and short men;
  • 4/4 is 38-40 inches, length is from 965 to 1016 mm, scale is from 630 to 664 mm, this is a standard that is suitable for both a teenager and an adult.

As for the electric guitar, it has its own size gradation:

  • ¼ - 30 ", length - 733-800 mm, scale - 483-486 mm, suitable for the smallest from 3 to 5 years old;
  • ½ - 34 ", length - 838-902 mm, scale - 549-578 mm, for teaching children from 6 to 8 years old;
  • ¾ - 36 ", length - 876-930, scale - 584-591 mm, for children from 8 to 10 years old and short adults;
  • ? - 38 ", length - 924-991 mm, scale - 592-629 mm, for children 10-12 years old and adults;
  • 4/4 - 40-41 ", length - 1016-1067 mm, scale - 610-717 mm, full-length electric guitar, suitable for children 11-12 years old and adults.

If we talk about the size of the ukulele, then the gradation is carried out in relation to the types of this instrument:

  • the soprano is 53 cm long;
  • concert guitar reaches a length of 58 cm;
  • tenor - 66 cm;
  • baritone is the largest, its length is 76 cm.

When choosing an instrument, it is important to adhere to the size recommendations regarding the height and age of the player.

Number of strings

In addition to the already mentioned characteristics that distinguish guitars from ukuleles, another important factor is the number of strings that determine the difference in sound and playing characteristics.

The acoustic guitar has six strings, the electronic version can have both a reduced and an increased number of strings. Bass guitar usually has only four strings, other options can have 7, 12 or more strings, depending on the wishes of the guitarist. For your guitar, you can purchase nylon or steel strings.

In terms of ukulele, most models only have 4 strings, so learning to play the instrument is easier. However, there are varieties with paired strings, so their number doubles. This technique allows you to make the sound deeper and more spacious. Ukulele strings are usually nylon strings.


The price of an acoustic guitar is less than an electric guitar, which is due to the material and structural features. A classical guitar can be bought from 2 thousand rubles, an electric guitar will cost from 10 thousand rubles and more. As for the ukulele, the price may vary. Choosing the highest quality option, you should pay attention to the price tags from 3 thousand rubles, everything else may sound worse.

Depending on the brand, body material, strings and optional accessories, the price of stringed musical instruments can vary greatly. Before buying any of the options, it is worth comparing the parameters and consulting with specialists, otherwise you can buy a bad tool or overpay for a mediocre product.

What is the best choice?

For beginners, it is advised to purchase a ukulele, as it can quickly master the skills of playing a string instrument and move on in this direction. Anyone who learns to play the guitar is more difficult to retrain to play the Hawaiian variety.

For a beginner, it is advised to choose a ukulele, try different options, master the basic techniques, so that later it would be easier to switch to an acoustic guitar. It is much easier to work with those who understand the basics of the game, read the sheet music and are familiar with the nuances of working with stringed instruments.

If possible, you should try your hand at playing the guitar and ukulele and stop at what you like. In the event that you have specific wishes and interest in the instrument, you can learn to play exclusively on it.

Whichever instrument you choose, it is important to buy the right size option, choose good strings and choose a brand that suits the price and quality.

1 comment

If I have learned to play the guitar, can I learn to play the guitar and the ukulele? How long will it take to learn the ukulele?


the beauty
