How to paint a guitar at home?

Musical instruments are an integral part of life for those who cannot live without music. Love for melodies and rhythms can be so strong that playing musical instruments from a hobby grows into something more serious. In order to be able to play a lot and often, it is important to keep your instruments in proper condition.
The guitar, as the most popular musical instrument, can wear off over time, the coating can crack and crumble. But you can specially decorate it for a more spectacular appearance. Therefore, you need to be able to paint the instrument at home.

Choosing a guitar varnish and paint
When purchasing a guitar, the buyer is not always satisfied with its appearance, and in some cases it may be necessary to use varnish or paint.
Let's list the most common reasons.
The age and condition of the instrument. The acquisition of not a new instrument or the use of a guitar that has been idle for many years. In this case, it is recommended to renew the surface with a new layer of varnish.
Minor damage to the case. Due to frequent use, scratches may appear on the body of the guitar, which should be removed in time by painting it.
Desire to transform the appearance of the instrument. For performances, concerts and home music experiments, you can decorate your guitar by applying various paints and varnishes.

Applying new coatings to the body of a musical instrument is not the most difficult task, but it has its own peculiarities. For an electric guitar, you can use any amount of paint or varnish, since this will not affect the sound in any way, but on the acoustic version it is worth applying the thinnest possible layer, otherwise the sound may be distorted.
In the event of a breakdown or any work with the musical equipment, it may be necessary to cover the case with varnish or paint after major repairs. A there is also the technology of using such formulations for the neck.
With the correct selection of paints and varnishes and their correct use, the result will be positive, otherwise, the result of the work may be disappointing.

For guitar processing you can use:
polyester composition;
acrylic urethane composition;
alcohol-based varnish;
nitrocellulose-based varnish;
water-based varnish.

Each option has its own characteristics on a particular material, therefore, before applying to the guitar, it is worth checking the selected type of composition on a similar material. If you are satisfied with the result, you can apply it on the main product.
Surface preparation
To work on applying a new paintwork to the guitar, it is necessary to organize a workplace, prepare all the necessary equipment and carry out the actions in the correct order. The main requirement for a workplace is good ventilation.
To ensure the desired result, it is worth having a set of such tools with you:
sandpaper of different grain size or sander;
a primer and a roller or brush for applying it;
respirator, goggles may come in handy;
screwdrivers of various shapes and sizes;
soldering iron;
coverage that will be the base;
device for spraying paint;
finishing varnish;
building hair dryer for more intensive drying of the surface.

To paint your guitar properly, you will need to completely disassemble it. If there was no experience of such work, it is advisable to practice on old unnecessary tools so that the dismantling process goes correctly, and then it is possible to put everything in place correctly.
The process of parsing a guitar begins with the strings - first of all, the pegs are unscrewed, after which the regulators and screws are removed. It is better to put small parts in a box, and, if necessary, sign. When you're done, you need to unscrew the bolts on the back of the guitar that hold the neck to the body. Once the product is disassembled, you can start working with it.
First of all, it is necessary to remove all the old coating, for which coarse sandpaper is used. Once the desired result is achieved, it is necessary to use paper with a lighter grit to sand all parts and get a completely smooth surface.
It is after this stage that you can proceed to the painting process.

DIY guitar painting technology
Coloring processes for acoustic and electric guitars may differ slightly. The classical guitar must be disassembled and polished, the electric version does not always require such drastic measures, it often requires additional painting, which does not require cleaning for the base of the body. In order to properly paint or repaint the instrument at home, it is important to cover the prepared wooden base with a primer.
For this procedure, you can use both a brush and a roller, apply the composition in one dense layer. The primer will dry for 3 to 4 hours, after which you can continue working.
To minimize the unevenness of the case, after priming it is worth grinding it again with fine-grained emery paper or a sander. Once everything is ready, you can start painting. For optimal results, it is important to read the instructions for the composition in order to comply with all recommendations.

The staining process comes down to several manipulations.
Apply the first coat of paint using a spray gun.Do not apply a large amount of the selected product, otherwise smudges may occur. Leave on for 10 hours.
Check the finished result - if irregularities are formed, sand them, apply a new layer of the composition. In this case, it is worth using 2 or even 3 layers to obtain the desired result. Leave the guitar for a day.
When the composition is completely dry, apply a top coat. It is necessary to varnish the surface with a thin layer. Leave the product for 8 hours.
When the varnish dries, a polish is applied over it, which gives the product a shine and smoothness. For a better result, it is worth repeating the procedure several times.
Once all the layers are completely dry, you can start assembling the musical instrument, without missing out on any trifles.

To give the body color, you can use both pigments and paint of any shade. Most often, the tool is painted in black and white, but there may be other variations. Electric guitars are often covered with patterns or colored streaks, which gives the product a more interesting and non-standard look.
With the right work and the use of suitable materials, you can get a very beautiful musical instrument.

The final stage is polishing
The polish is used to care for guitars, so everyone, even a novice musician, should have such a composition. The correct selection of this tool for treating the surface of the case will allow you to get the desired result. You should not purchase any kind of polish, as they are not intended for all coatings. Classic guitars that have been varnished with nitrocellulose varnish should not be coated with polish, as it will spoil the existing varnish layer. The most suitable option for this care is polyurethane varnish.

The process of rubbing the body goes like this:
selection of the correct bubble with polish;
preparation of a soft piece of tissue;
applying a small amount of the composition to the fabric;
rubbing the polish on the body in a circular motion, leave the composition for 10 minutes;
if there is an excess of the composition when leaving, they should be removed, the polishing process after staining is the same.
Having received a smooth and even coating of the body after varnishing, it is worth additionally treating it with polish, which will protect the instrument from negative factors, make it more attractive and will be needed for caring for it in the future. Thanks to the polish, you can remove scuffs and shallow scratches, which will prolong the life of the product in its optimal form.

Useful Tips
The process of coloring the guitar is not very difficult, but trial procedures are worth doing to get good results. The more complex the idea, the more carefully you need to approach its implementation, because test staining of such a surface is the key to a successful transformation of a musical instrument.
In the event that it is necessary to use different types of paints or varnishes in the work, it is worth studying their composition and properties. Not all options can be well combined with each other and give good adhesion rates, as a result of which the result will suffer.

Most often, a transparent varnish is applied to the product, however, it is possible to add paint, use varnishes of different shades, applying them in several layers. To give an interesting appearance, you can use bright elements that are applied to the guitar: electrical tape, drawings, logos. They are varnished and give a completely different look to the finished product. Everyone can decorate the instrument himself, taking into account his abilities, artists can paint the body, and for a simpler version, you can use a stencil. Correctly selected formulations and their combinations allow you to get the perfect result.
In order to get an updated and attractive guitar out of an old or worn-out instrument, it is important to take a responsible approach to the organization of the workplace. When cleaning the surface of the guitar and applying varnish, it is important to work in well-ventilated rooms, but for the finishing layer it is worth organizing a closed space in which everything will be as clean and tidy as possible so that dust particles do not fall on the surface of the guitar body. For those who are not confident in their abilities and are afraid to ruin the guitar, it is better to turn to professionals who will fulfill any requests and wishes.

How to paint a guitar, see the video.