What are kids' guitars and how to choose them?

Playing the guitar is a great activity for creative kids. It allows the child not only to express himself, but also to relieve nervous tension, to develop brain functions. In addition to benefits, music brings a child great pleasure and can become a worthy alternative to computer games and the Internet, which modern children go headlong into.
If we are talking about a 13-year-old teenager, then the question "How to choose a guitar for him to learn from scratch?" does not arise anymore - they just buy him an adult instrument. But how to solve the problem of training younger musicians? In fact, there are special tools for them too, allowing them to take their first steps in learning music at almost any age.

A children's instrument differs from an adult only in size. It also allows you to reproduce any sounds in the specified range, which cannot be said about toy counterparts. For young musicians, there are classic, acoustic and electric guitars in a reduced size. The information in the section below will allow you to more accurately determine the size.
If you see your child's true desire to learn how to play the guitar, then you probably want to make his dream come true. But there are a number of points to consider. Can he already hold the instrument without dropping it? Will he have enough strength to press the strings? Is he focused enough to practice regularly?
These factors are sometimes even more important than age.

Many parents are wondering if it is possible to start learning to play the guitar at the age of 3, 4 or 5? How to choose an instrument for the smallest musician? Usually they start teaching children to play the guitar no earlier than 6 years old. But all children develop in different ways.Your little one may be able to show the necessary persistence in achieving the goal at an earlier age.
In a music school, the guitar class is taken only from the age of 10. To get there, a child must have a sense of rhythm, an ear for music. Indicators such as the height and size of the palm, the length of the fingers are also taken into account. If it turns out that, according to physical parameters, he is not yet ready to study even in the children's class of instruments, then he may be offered to master the ukulele or guitar. This is a mini-guitar designed by Edelvena Smelova, the production of such models ceased in 2004, so it is not so easy to get it.

The first year of school, children are allowed to press the strings with two fingers, like bass for an orchestra. But then later the child will still have to be retrained, so it is better to put the fingers right away. The easiest way to do this is on low-string nylon.
Species overview
The child-level class of instruments is represented by the same types as the adult.
This is the best option for young learners - the strings are made of nylon, that is, from a soft material, and the drum is small. Nylon gives a soft sound, so the young musician will not disturb parents or neighbors too much. The disadvantage lies in the wide neck, that is, it will be problematic for a child with short fingers to play. Also, such a guitar has fewer frets than an acoustic one (not 20-21, but 18) and not such a powerful volume. The classic distance between the sills is also not very convenient for children.

Since acoustic guitars use metal strings, they are somewhat more difficult to play. This type of instrument requires a more accurate positioning of the hands, that is, the correct bend of the wrist, the turn of the hand, the strings will need to be clamped as close to the sills as possible. Otherwise, the sound will rattle.
It will be even more difficult to master the instrument with a strong tension on the strings, since it requires a lot of effort from the child. The advantage of these instruments is that among them you can choose models with different neck widths and different spacing between the saddles.
When choosing acoustics, special attention should be paid to the drum. The right hand should be parallel to it.

This option assumes the presence of not only the instrument itself, but also the accompanying equipment. Amplifiers make these activities quite noisy, so they usually require headphones. It is generally accepted that electric guitars are bought for a child when he already has at least some skill in playing other guitars. But there is also the opposite opinion - it is quite possible to start learning with an electric instrument, on which the strings are thinner, which means that it will be easier to learn.

Dimensions (edit)
The first training guitar for a child should be comfortable so that he does not lose the desire to study further. Therefore, you need to select it in accordance with age. Guitars are categorized like violins. Differences are noticeable in the size of the body, neck, scale. In addition to the full size, there are such popular options:
- 1/4;
- 1/2;
- 3/4.

Size 1/2 is usually 6-8 years old or 110-130 cm tall. Its length is 86 cm. On foreign products, the size is often indicated as Overall Length. Bright bass, not too velvety altos make it sound like an adult concert acoustics.
The quarter size 1/4 is 76.5 cm. The guitar allows even children of kindergarten age to practice, that is, up to 7 years old, with a height of up to 1 m 10 cm. The bass does not sound much here, in general the instrument sounds harmonious. 3/4 can also be referred to as 36 inch. Designed for schoolchildren 7-9 years old, which corresponds to a height of 130-140 cm.

There is also a 7/8 size, which is designed for musicians 10-11 years old or miniature adult guitarists. It practically does not differ from an adult, so it is rarely bought. Moreover, after 9 years, they usually switch to a full-size instrument.

These are averaged data and are indicative in nature. In any case, the child should try to pick up the instrument - only then it will be possible to understand how much it suits him.
Popular models
Consider several of the most popular models from well-known brands that differ from professional ones only in size.
Fender ESC80 Classical 3/4 and Fender MC-1
The classic student models can be used by children up to a maximum of 11 years old. Fender has long established itself in musical circles. It is not surprising that these children's options have gained popularity all over the world. A the first model ESC80 became a real hit of sales.
In general, classical guitars are optimal for young musicians, their only drawback is the wide neck.

Fender MA-1
This acoustic model from the same manufacturer is very often purchased for children 7-11 years old. Metal strings are not as easy to clamp as nylon strings, but some parents prefer to immediately accustom their child to acoustics from a well-known brand.

Fender Squier Mini Strat V2 TRD and Fender Squier Mini Black
For more advanced students who dream of playing rock, the famous brand offers electric guitars. Quality tools worth the money. For girls, red trim is more suitable, for boys - black.

Jackson js series dinky minion
One of the market leaders offers his model for little rock stars. Its impeccable quality will allow your child to learn with pleasure.

Even a young musician will need some additional equipment in the learning process. Perhaps not all of the following, but still check out the complete list of essential guitarist accessories.
Thanks to him, the child does not need to constantly hold the guitar, you can relax and completely surrender to the game. Setting up a comfortable level is easy. They are made from different materials. Belts are made of dense leather, non-stretching polyester. Nylon is widely used today for these accessories as a cheaper alternative, but keep in mind that this material is slippery.

Like any instrument, a guitar needs a protective case. It is necessary not only when you need to carry the instrument down the street, but also at home, so that it does not become clogged with dust. They are made of leather or impregnated synthetics. For the winter, warmed options are offered, since excessively low temperatures harm the tool.

Mediators (Plectras)
Thanks to them, the child will less injure the fingers that are not used to playing the acoustic guitar. True, you also need to get used to the mediator. They are most often made of plastic, but there are also metal or even bone products.

Although additional strings are consumables, their selection should also be carefully considered. If you play infrequently and store the instrument correctly, then you will have to change them approximately every eight months, and if the instrument is actively used, then every six months. To install them quickly, you can purchase a turntable for tuners - a winder.
It is cheap enough, but speeds up the stringing.

This is a must-have accessory for every guitarist. It helps to debug the sense of rhythm, hand movements, to play cleanly and clearly. They usually have a headphone jack so you can exercise without disturbing others.

It helps not only to tune the correct sound of the guitar, but also to play in different tunings. Clothespin tuners are convenient because they attach directly to the headstock. Today, applications in smartphones have replaced conventional tuners, but acoustics still need a classic version.

The six-string electric guitar itself sounds very quiet, since its deck is not hollow, but made of a solid piece of wood, and the bass guitar is practically inaudible. An amplifier is needed to convert the electrical signal from the pickups on the guitar into sound.Most often, combined models or combo are used today. They are speakers with a built-in amplifier.

Electric Guitar Cable
With it, the electric guitar is connected to the amplifier. The purity of the sound of the instrument largely depends on its quality.

A necessary "gadget" for an electric guitar. It allows you to get a clearer and more beautiful sound. Low-quality pickups are often installed on cheap models, it is better to replace them.

Guitar accessory kits are very good for beginners. They contain everything you need. First of all, it is convenient for learning to play the electric guitar. Buying the accompanying accessories as a kit, you do not have to select separately the amplifier, cable, belt, case, picks, spare strings and tuner. To make them really useful, pay attention to the kits from the leaders of the guitar market Fender, Ibanez, Jackson, Gibson.

Which guitar to choose?
To strengthen the child's interest in playing the guitar, it must be not only comfortable, but also visually appealing. Color for the instrument is of very secondary importance, and yet some children in this regard voice their wishes. It is not difficult to buy a guitar of an unusual color today - in the assortment of manufacturers you can find pink, blue, green, orange and other models.
If you are thinking about a tool for a teenager, then pay attention to the options in the traditional color scheme, that is, wood. They look much more solid and set up the child to be serious about their studies. The color of the deck depends on the wood used. Spruce has a light beige tint, cedar - light orange, nut - chocolate.
Mahogany gives the deck a reddish hue, while Indian Rosewood is brown with reddish veins.

The price of a tool for children is made up of several indicators. These are technical characteristics, type of wood, model, type. Branded copies can have similar performance with others, but cost more. Classics and acoustics can cost from 5 to 12 thousand rubles. Electric guitars are more expensive and require additional purchase of cable and amplifier.
Sooner or later, many children have a desire to master the string guitar. When choosing a guitar for your child, remember that you are buying him not just another toy, but a full-fledged musical instrument. This childhood hobby can give your child not only pleasant emotions, but also give a start to a more serious hobby for music.