Dreadnought type guitars

Experienced musicians who have played the guitar for many years know all the nuances of choice and their preferences. For beginners, however, it is quite difficult to find the right instrument that will suit both height and sound. The market is now overflowing with different types of guitars. There are several varieties of acoustic instruments, but the most famous and popular type is the dreadnought.

What it is?
Dreadnought guitars are a type of acoustic guitar. It differs from the classical guitar in its shape resembling a rectangle. Has a loud sound and cross-shaped springs, which greatly strengthen the top deck and make it the most durable. The Dreadnought has the following features:
the presence of metal strings;
truss rod and narrow neck;
the body is usually made of spruce or mahogany;
large dimensions combined with a robust body;
a strong tension on the strings, which makes it necessary to use a pick;
the top deck is covered with a protective pad.

Guitars of this type were first produced by Martin in the 1920s. At that time, such directions as country, western and pop music began to come into vogue. And to play from the stage, instruments were needed with a louder sound than an acoustic one. In the 50s of the XX century, dreadnoughts began to be used for home playing, performing bard songs or acoustic blues.
The sound also depends on the material. The models with a spruce body are dominated by high and low frequencies, while those with a mahogany body have a smoother sound without harsh overtones.

There are several varieties of dreadnoughts.
Twelve-string. The strings are arranged in pairs. Each pair is tuned in a specific way, which gives a bright and rich sound. In the first two pairs, the strings are tuned in one musical octave, the rest - with a difference of one octave.It is convenient to play on them in combat. The chords for this guitar are the same as for the six-string. This instrument can be played by already experienced musicians - for beginners and this guitar is not suitable for training.

- Dreadnought with cutout. The guitar is designed to be played at high frequencies. To this day, many guitarists debate the effect of the cut on the playing. But still, with the presence of a cutout, the volume inside decreases, due to which some of the low frequencies are lost.

- Western guitar. This instrument is often referred to as an ordinary guitar due to its small size and rounded shape.

- Parlor. The instrument was popular at the time when music was performed in noble houses. Such a guitar was called a salon. Compared to conventional dreadnoughts, this guitar has a reduced size and wider neck. Due to the wide neck, it is more convenient to play the instrument, and you do not need to use a pick. The mids and highs are on par with the bass. This results in a more balanced sound in rooms intended for acoustic playing.

- Jumbo. These guitars are larger than standard dreadnoughts. Specially designed with enhanced bass content. When buying such an instrument, you need to carefully select the sound, since the sound of some frequencies is suppressed by bass.

The guitar, like any musical instrument, requires careful and attentive attitude. Unlike other classical instruments, the guitar needs to be tuned, rearranged, and even changed strings more often.
For in order not to be left without music, the musician always has a pack of spare strings in stock. Only metal ones are suitable for the dreadnought, since they create a powerful loud sound.
Since the strings are tight and metal, a pick is required to avoid damaging the skin of the fingers.

For protection from external factors, the guitar requires a case. It is better if it is made of dense materials. Such a cover is called a case. They are made from tough aluminum alloys, which provide increased protection for the tool. For a start, a regular one, made of dense fabrics, may also work.
To tune your instrument, you need to purchase a tuner. True, experienced musicians rarely use it, as they tune the instrument by ear.

Review of the best models
Dreadnoughts are one of the most famous and popular types of guitars. Many popular musicians use instruments from well-known companies that have earned their respect for a long time and are favorites - these are companies such as Ibanez, Yamaha and others. There are companies that make copies of famous brands of guitars. Such tools can be bought for 12-17 thousand rubles.
We offer an overview of guitars in the price range up to 10,000 rubles.
Rockdale Aurora D1CN - dreadnought guitar. Manufacturers highlight a number of advantages of this instrument: a comfortable neck, the ability to adjust it, a fingerboard that is resistant to changes in humidity, and reliable tuners. Such a tool is ideal for teaching. The price varies from 5 to 7 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration.

- Encore EW100BK - acoustic guitar, basswood body, maple neck. Rosewood bridge overlays. This model is well suited for training and amateur play. The cost of a guitar is from 7-8 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

- Flight D-175 BK is a kind of western guitar. The size of the guitar is standard - 4/4. Matt black color. Looks stylish. Has 20 frets. Body material - spruce. According to reviews, it has a bright high sound with a smooth transition of low and high frequencies.

- The Fender Squier SA-150 Dreadnought NAT is an acoustic dreadnought model. One of the most expensive but also high quality models. The cost of such a guitar is from 9-10 thousand rubles. The neck is made of mahogany. Has a vintage style. Maple bridge and fingerboard. Great for stage performance. According to reviews, it is not inferior to the most famous and expensive models of this type.

- Veston D-40 SP / N - Western guitar. The body is made of spruce and agatis. Has 6 strings. Looks attractive, but this type is suitable for hobbies and beginners.According to reviews, good sound and ease of carrying, low price (from 6-7 thousand rubles).

- The Flight D-165C SAP is another Western guitar model. It is in high demand among buyers. The price varies from 9-10 thousand rubles. It is made of mahogany. Has a smooth transition from low to high frequencies. Convenient model for training. But also suitable for concert music.

- "Amistar N-61-SB" is a six-string inexpensive model. She is one of the best models according to the results of numerous exhibitions, has the certificate "One hundred best goods of Russia". Manufacturers note the high quality materials from which it is made. The price is low, only 5 thousand rubles. According to customer reviews, it's not a shame to go on stage with such a guitar, but it's not a pity to take it on a hike.

- Tenson D10 Dreadnought Natural. It has good sound and attractive appearance. The body is made of linden. The neck material is maple. With a rich sound and soft tone, it allows you to perform music in a variety of styles. The price is slightly higher than its counterparts, about 10,000 rubles, but the quality is worth it.

- Prado HS-4103 / SB - Western guitar. The body is mahogany and the neck is made of catalpa. A standard set for this type of guitar: 6-string, 20 frets. The sound is spacious, with a smooth transition from low to high frequencies. The price is affordable, only from 5-6 thousand rubles.

- Phil Pro AS-4104 BK is a western model. The guitar comes with a cutout that allows you to play music at high frequencies. The beautiful black lacquer and glossy finish add a touch of style to the instrument. Six-string, 20 frets. Suitable for teaching and performing in small spaces. The price is from 6-7 thousand rubles.

- Oscar Schmidt OG2 N (A) is a mid-range dreadnought. It costs about 9-10 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer. The top is made of solid spruce, the body is made of catalpa. Rosewood fingerboard. The neck itself is mahogany. Another favorite guitar of musicians. Great for live performances.

Belucci BC4120 GR. Another cutout model. Has an unusual emerald color. In terms of characteristics, it almost does not differ from analogues. Material - whole processed spruce. The cost of such a guitar varies from 8-9 thousand rubles.

To choose a guitar to your liking and with a good sound, it is advisable to personally experience it at the time of purchase. Descriptions and reviews cannot always fully describe all the advantages and disadvantages of a musical instrument.