Guitar musical instrument

It is difficult to find people who would not have heard of such a musical instrument as a guitar and did not know what it looks like. But the names of the parts (body parts), how much such a device weighs is not known to everyone. And the history of the appearance of a musical instrument is quite remarkable, so it is also worth taking apart.

If any musical instrument has reason to be called folk, then this is just a guitar, because many performers play on it, and guitar music is more popular than other options. It successfully competes not only with other strings, but also with brass, keyboards and other means for producing sounds. But in the meantime, even experts cannot yet answer exactly how this name appeared, and with which languages it is associated. Some experts see Sanskrit roots here and say that it was originally intended to use 4 strings.
There is a version that the corresponding term appeared at the junction of Sanskrit and Old Persian dialectI am. In this interpretation, it is translated as "sounding string" or something like that. Another suggestion is that "guitar" is a modified Greek word for "cithara". It actually looks a bit similar. The photo shows a side view of the guitar body. There are constant disputes among experts whether it belongs to folk instruments or not. Opponents of this point of view refer to the fact that there is no centuries-old national tradition behind such an instrument of execution. Still, the chic performance possibilities and the variety of sounds available devalue these arguments.
It is also impossible to determine how much a guitar weighs in the general case, but most often it is from 2 to 9 kg (while many famous models are quite heavy).

History of appearance
It is impossible to say exactly in what year the world's first guitar or even its prototype appeared. Moreover, it is known that the discovery of the earliest "something similar" occurred in Spain, and it dates back to the 2nd century AD. It is impossible to find a direct logical and historical connection with the ancient Greek cithara, or, at least, there were several intermediate variants, information about which (as well as samples) has not been preserved. Already by the 8th century, the plucked instrument had gone a long way of development. Experts have identified several stages in it.
It is known that by the 13th century in the Iberian Peninsula, the guitar gained immense popularity. But it was only in the 17th century that the first printed manual on the use of this tool appeared. In the next century, they begin to use it quite often in our country. However, after 1800, the guitar went through a difficult period, the music played on it became the standard of low taste. And only after a long time, its renaissance begins, and then a steep rise.

Analyzing the structure of the guitar, it is easy to see that the main components, from an acoustic point of view, are the neck and body. The body itself has a rather complex composition. Two parts stand out in it: the top and bottom decks, connected by shells. Where the deck and shells are attached, reinforcing counter shells are also used - this is a mandatory requirement of engineers. The deck located on top is equipped with a resonance hole. In the jargon of guitarists and musical instrument makers, it is called a resonator or even just a voice voice. The hole is completed with a plastic or paper sticker.
In some cases, such a glued "rosette" is created from veneer or mother-of-pearl. However, such solutions complicate and increase the cost of the design. Usually, a certain dependence of the size of the resonator on the volume of the guitar is maintained. This proportion allows the most resonating (sound-amplifying) part of the instrument to work as efficiently as possible. Be sure to calculate everything in such a way as to reduce the formation of all kinds of noise and other negative effects. The strings are attached to the surface of the top deck. The stand for them is mounted on glue or using self-tapping screws. There is also a special nut. This plate is made of plastic, in some cases bone or metal.

From the inside, wooden springs are attached to the decks. Special tongs are attached to the shells. The neck consists of:
- from the handle;
- heads;
- heels;
- special lining.
The heel is attached to the dice. The head part of the neck is equipped with a tuning mechanism. The tuning pegs can be used to stretch the strings. In addition to the main components and spare parts of the guitar, a black spot is often used in acoustic models - when playing with a pick, scratches appear there, and the spot allows them to be invisible.
Models with a built-in tuner usually have a pickup, the traditional approach is to equip external tuners.

Varieties by body type
It is not difficult to recognize it - the wide hollow body immediately attracts attention. The neck looks massive and impressive. The strings are made from nylon. The old natural materials would be more authentic, but they are too unreliable and impractical.
A true classic is the rosewood resonator. You can play a variety of melodies on such an instrument. The limit, in fact, is only skill. Deku is protected from nails with a galpeador. It is worth noting that you can even play melodies in the spirit of flamenco.

Electric guitar
It is often believed that this is "just an ordinary guitar, only more powerful." However, in reality it is a very special tool. His own repertoire has been developed for him, and the playing techniques are different. Most often, 6 strings are provided. Electric guitars have come a long way and are significantly superior to those that originally appeared in the 1920s.

It also uses 6 strings. But again, the mechanical identification with other six-stringed instruments is obviously wrong. The neck is slightly narrower than the classic version. The design is thought out in such a way that any note sounded clearly and expressively. Strings, with rare exceptions, are made of metal.
The difference also applies to:
- joining the neck to the body;
- the way the strings are placed on the bridge;
- spring system devices inside the body;
- fret marks.

Over the course of a long history, many other types have appeared. For example, the same acoustic guitars were divided into "dreadnoughts", jumbo, parlor and several other subspecies. Also worth mentioning:
- silent guitars;
- 12-string instrument;
- semi-acoustic guitar;
- bass guitar.

The persistently high demand for these tools is attracting the attention of a large number of firms seeking to fill the market. But not all of them are equally complete. In addition, there is a certain specialization, and even if a company delivers good "classics", its "acoustics" may turn out to be mediocre (and vice versa). Newcomers traditionally choose Yamaha or Hohner products. Heavy metal is mostly played by Gibson, Fender.
Other brands worth considering:
- Fernandes;
- Burns;
- "Chord";
- Amistar;
- Doff Guitars;
- Padalka Guitars;
- Crafter;
- Martinez;
- Strunal.

How to choose?
First of all, you need to pay attention to the price. In the sense, how much you can (and justifiably) give for an instrument. It makes sense for beginners to take the most simple and uncomplicated device, just to master the basic skills of the game and basic melodies. Later, when experience is gained, an independent understanding of what is needed and what is not will appear. In any case, it is important to consider your height and physical capabilities: the guitar should be proportionate to the musicians.
It is advisable to try to play it, to feel it in order to evaluate whether it is suitable or not. You shouldn't pay any attention to the appearance (design). It is not important both for the guitarist himself and for the listeners, but the sound is important. 12-string models are better suited not for beginners, but for those who have already learned the basics of the game and are ready to move on or accompany in a group.
The seven-string guitar is needed only for those who decide to concentrate on the traditional Russian genre.

How to play?
On the Internet you can find many videos that tell about all the intricacies and nuances of the game. But it's better to learn directly from those who know how to use the guitar. If you are guided by video, then it is more correct to choose 1 or 2 channels and move sequentially, from simple to complex, and not jump from one technique to another. It is very important, contrary to the opinion popular with some "kind of guitarists", to work out from the very beginning not only speed, but also the grace of each technique, its ease.
The very first step will always be to master the settings of the instrument - without understanding them, it is impossible to extract the desired sounds. Chasing the number of chords is pointless. Much better to focus on the basic chords that make up simple melodies, both classical and modern, and then expand your skills as needed.
It is also very important to choose a clear genre (or 2-3 genres maximum) and improve in it, and study everything else on a leftover basis. And, of course, it is useful to demonstrate any worked out melody to other people who can appreciate the game.

How to care?
Wherever possible, the guitar should be carried and stored in a branded case or its exact equivalent. Even in such protection, it must be protected from dampness, cold and heat. The tool must be cleaned regularly. There are also such recommendations:
- change the strings when graceful overtones disappear;
- combine changing strings with cleaning the neck and its hard-to-reach areas;
- protect the guitar from blows;
- wipe the case with microfiber napkins (both spectacle and computer are suitable);
- avoid playing in wet places and in the rain;
- maintain air humidity not lower than 40% (therefore, a hygrometer is a guitarist's faithful friend, like a humidifier).