
How to tune a guitar for a beginner?

How to tune a guitar for a beginner?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Tuning step by step
  3. other methods
  4. Using a tuning fork

A guitar, including a new one, needs periodic tuning. You will have to configure this tool yourself, and this process is repeated quite often. Beginners are unlikely to be able to tune the guitar right away, even if they use all the available methods and means for this. But you still have to choose a suitable method (and more than one). This article is just about the methods and tools for tuning your guitar.


During their training, most guitarists use an acoustic six-string instrument. Tuning such a guitar for an experienced musician at home is not difficult. For a beginner, of course, it is more difficult. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to break the strings.

Below is a list of general actions that are not recommended to be neglected both before direct tuning of the instrument, and in its process. In this case, it does not matter in what way the setting will be performed and who is performing it. The rules are the same for everyone: for an experienced guitarist, and for a beginner. Only nuances may differ.

  1. All strings should be loosened beforehand. So there is less chance of cutting them off. To do this, it is enough to turn the tuning pegs 1-2 turns. In addition, the subsequent increase in pitch is easier to recognize than the decrease, especially by ear.
  2. When tuning the next string, the previous string should be slightly loosened. Therefore, it is very important to check the overall tuning after tuning in any of the ways. If necessary, the sounds of the individual strands are adjusted to the desired one.
  3. For comfort and a clearer sound, it is best to use a pick during tuning.
  4. The ends of the strings should be wound on the axle of the tuning pegs in even and tight turns in one row. Products that are too long should be trimmed. In this case, the guitar will stay in tune for longer.

Over time, these actions will become a habit.

For beginners, you can purchase a set of replacement strings in advance. In this case, there will be no serious problem if one of them is interrupted in the process. But you should buy the same kits.

To tune your guitar, you can use special electronic devices (tuners). They come in the form of desktop or in the form of clothespins (clip-on tuners) mounted on the headstock. A there are also special programs on PCs and applications on smartphones, with the help of which it is very convenient to tune the guitar in any place where there is a computer or mobile phone with the Internet. We will talk about these methods and others in more detail later.

Tuning step by step

The tuner principle is very simple. The musician extracts the sound from the string, the device evaluates the sound using a microphone, comparing it with the reference. The device itself can be presented in the form of a clothespin, a pedal or a tabletop device like an electronic calculator. The principle of operation is identical everywhere - the device analyzes the pitch, compares it with the standard, and gives the result.

Here is a step-by-step instruction of actions.

  1. Turn on the tuner, select the guitar tuning mode. Select tuning E-B-G-D-A-E. This is the standard tuning.
  2. Start tuning with the thinnest string (first) by selecting it on the tuner. Pluck the string with your right finger.
  3. Rate the tuner scale. If the arrow is in the middle, the sound is correct. Also, in this case, the letter E (note "mi") may be displayed. Arrow on the left - you need to tighten the string, on the right - loosen it. Correct sounding can be indicated by a sound or light indicator (green).
  4. Pull the second string - B (note "B"). Also evaluate the tuner signal and adjust the string tension.
  5. Do the same for the third G ("G") string.
  6. Repeat with quad D ("re").
  7. The same actions with the fifth A ("la") and sixth E ("mi") strings.

At the end it is worth checking the general tuning.

It is important to understand that it is better to loosen the over-tightened string a little more than necessary, and then hold out. This will keep it in line longer.

other methods

Sometimes you have to tune the instrument manually, without any devices. Simple methods allow you to tune the sound of any kind of guitar. An experienced musician will tune classical, but also 7 or 5-string guitars by ear. To do this, he needs to know their structure. At first, a beginner should choose simpler methods (tuner, program), but be sure to master the skills of self-tuning the instrument without technical devices.


This method, although simple for professionals, is practically inaccessible to beginners. But he should definitely learn.

They act in the following way.

  1. The first string is tuned by ear. Of course, as a result of such tuning, it will not always sound like the note "E" (there are guitarists who cannot accurately determine this note by ear). But something close to this sound will be provided for sure. Some beginners try to tune not by sound, but by the tension of the string (so as not to dangle, make a decent note, do not cut their fingers and according to some other criteria of their own).
  2. The second one is already adjusted according to the first one. To do this, press it with the finger of the right hand at the 5th fret, extract a sound and compare it with the sound of the open first string by ear. An open first string and a pressed second string should sound the same (in unison), as if merging into one sound, dissolving in it. The whole technology of self-tuning by ear is built on this. To tune the sounds, you need to turn the peg of the tuned (in this case, the second) string.
  3. The third string is pressed down at the 4th fret. The principle of operation is the same. The sound of the pressed third string must match the sound of the open second.
  4. The fourth string is pressed down at the 5th fret. It should be ensured that it sounded in unison with the open previous one.
  5. The fifth and sixth strings, like all the others (except for the third), are pressed when tuning to the 5th fret, and then by rotating their own tuning pegs, they bring them to consonance with the open fourth and fifth open strings, respectively. It is worth noting that the sixth sounds the same as the first, but with a difference of 2 octaves.
  6. In conclusion, all that remains is to strike some chord and make sure the sound is clear. If necessary, you can repeat the entire procedure to correct the out-of-tune sounds.

By harmonics

This method is the most accurate, but absolutely not suitable for beginners. You must have a good ear for music and the ability to extract harmonics. The technology is based on comparing the overtones that occur when the harmonics sound. To get a harmonic, you need to pull the string over a certain fret nut. In this case, it is important that the touch is made with the pad of the finger in a special way.

The sixth string must be tuned by ear, as in the previous case. The setting is made for it.

Further tuning the rest of the strings is done as follows.

  1. Fifth. Play the harmonic over the 5th fret of the 6th string and then over the 7th fret of the 5th string. Twist the peg last until the sound is the same.
  2. Fourth. The flag is above the 5th fret of the 5th string and above the 7th fret of the 4th string. Tune the latter to unison.
  3. Third. Draw the harmonic over the 5th fret of the fourth string and the 7th fret of the third string. Change the sound to the desired sound on the third string.
  4. Second. The flag over the 7th fret of the sixth string and the open sound of the second string must match. Change the tension of the second string.
  5. First. Extract the harmonic over the 5th fret of the sixth and the sound on the open first. Twist the peg last until the same sound.

Using a tuning fork

This device accurately and clearly emits a sound at a specific pitch. It is used as a reference sound. A standard tuning fork sounds like an "A" of the first octave at 440 Hz. This characteristic corresponds to the first string at the 5th fret.

There are tuning forks with a different sound. For the guitar, it's best to use the one that sounds like "mi". It is convenient to tune the first string with it, and then act according to the "by ear" method, a detailed description of which was given a little higher in the text.

By phone

The most popular way for beginners. It is lightweight, because the phone is always at hand. First you need to download an application, for example, GuitarTuna. It will detect the sound using the microphone of the gadget.

The procedure is basically as follows:

  • run the program;
  • in the settings, select the desired tuning of the guitar (standard) or use the automatic mode;
  • select the string you want to tune, for example, the first;
  • extract the sound from the first string;
  • achieve the middle position of the pointer by pulling or loosening the string;
  • repeat the steps with the rest of the strings.

This method is not accurate. For a high-quality result, set up in a quiet place, and place the gadget itself on a flat surface near the guitar. However, the application is free to use, which is a plus for beginners. This method allows tuning even without an ear for music.

How to tune a guitar for a beginner, see the video.

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