Capo for guitar: purpose and features of choice

Capo is an essential part of every guitarist's inventory. Convenient clip is easy to attach to the neck of a string instrument at any fret. It is especially popular with musicians playing in the style of flamenco, rock, folk and blues. Playing with the clip is as easy as playing without it.

The capo is a clamp that, with the help of a special element, allows you to press all the strings on one of the frets. In fact, the capo allows you to simplify the reception of the barre. First of all, such a clip on the guitar is needed in order to change the key of the piece in an instant. For example, if a song is played in the key of G minor, then you have to quickly move your fingers on the fretboard while playing a variety of chords. However, you can simplify everything if you use a capo, which is abbreviated as a capo.
The device makes the sound more vivid. The sound becomes higher if you hold down the fret and decrease the length of the string while playing. By using the clip at the 7th or 9th fret, you can achieve a banjo-like sound. If you play with a capo, then you can move some of the combinations where there are open strings to any of the keys. This is very important for those who like solos and brute force.
The guitar clip makes it possible to play the guitar without the barre, which is not always possible. It also greatly expands the possible chord shapes. With a capo, it is not at all necessary to change the position when playing if you want to diversify it with new chords. It is worth noting that the number of guitar pieces becomes much larger if you use a clamp.
The capo improvisation turns out to be very simple.This is especially popular with fans of fingerstyle. With the adjustment of the key, everything becomes very simple, since for this it is enough to hang the capo on one of the frets. Reducing the barre through this versatile element will allow your fingers to fatigue less when playing the guitar for extended periods.
Even non-professionals can use the capo.

Types of string clamps
When choosing a capo, it should be borne in mind that guitars are very different in appearance. A suitable clamp should be selected for each of them. In order to better understand which one is right, it is advisable to consider all existing options in advance.
- For acoustic guitars. The best option for acoustics would be a crocodile. This type is the most classic. This capo is available in all music stores. It is worth considering that this clamp has a very high compression force.
- For classical guitars... A slightly different option will suit the classics. The main difference is the lower pressing force of the capo compared to the clip for an acoustic instrument.
- For electric guitar... When using a power tool, you can choose a capo suitable for acoustic guitars. However, it should be borne in mind that there are also special clamps. They differ primarily in the bonding mechanism. These clamping devices are generally more convenient for electric guitars.
- For twelve-string guitar. Due to the large number of strings, a capo with a high clamping force is required. Naturally, its appearance will be somewhat different from the classic clamps.
- For ukulele. There are special miniature capos for small instruments. Low clamping force, as well as a special structure make them perfect for the bar and not traumatizing it.

Types of mechanisms and structures
Despite the fact that all capos have the same purpose, they can differ in shape and design. So, guitar strings are pressed down by means of an elastic strap, screw or spring.
- Spring loaded... This version of the capo works due to a special spring that prevents it from unclenching. To fix the clamp on the fret, you must press the lever and release it. The spring capo is the easiest to use. This allows it to be quickly rearranged to the desired frets. Most experienced musicians use these capos.
- Snap-on... The snap clip is very similar to the spring clip. The main difference is the presence of another mechanism inside. This option is also convenient to use. Installation, as well as movement between frets, does not have to spend a lot of time and effort.
- Elastic... In fact, this capo looks like a small hewn block, to which a rag tape and fasteners are attached. When installing a clip on a guitar, you have to wrap and tighten the strap or tape, and then fasten it. This option is inconvenient because it can fly off during the game. In addition, it takes a long time to install and rearrange it to the desired frets.
- With screw connection. This view is fixed using a screw screwed into the structure. The screw clamp is very inconvenient when playing, as it is difficult to install. Moreover, it easily flies off at the wrong moment.
- Electronic... The electronic monster, which has buttons and a power supply, can only be used by professionals. However, this interesting device is capable of pressing strings on one fret as well as playing chords within three adjacent frets.
In addition, such a capo looks very modern.

Features of use
It is quite easy to use a capo, but a number of nuances should be taken into account.
- After the clip is installed on the guitar, you need to make sure the strings sound clear. Ideally, they should ring, not muffle.
- It should be understood that if you put the capo on the guitar neck and play the same chords as without it, then they will be different. This will not change the fingering.The easiest way to find out which chords you can play with a clip is to use a special chart. It contains the fret numbers on which the capo is located, as well as the numbers of the chords being played. Therefore, it is easy to navigate in it without referring to minor or major, it is enough just to find the required letter.
- It is important to put the capo on the bar correctly. Mistakes during fastening can damage the strings or neck. Besides, you won't get the sound you want.
- The fret on which the capo is attached is always considered the first. To raise the sound of the instrument to the desired key, you can count the frets, taking into account that one fret is a semitone. You can also use the table in which all the keys of the guitar are painted in detail. Thanks to it, you can, for example, quickly determine how the key of 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 will change using the capo.
- The capo should be located in front of the fret gate. Avoid placing the clip directly on the saddle as this will result in a muffled sound and rattling. However, you should not attach the capo too far from the nut in order to avoid the metallic overtones.
- Most capos need to be worn on the bar from top to bottom. In this case, the mount will be at the top. This is due to the laws of physics, according to which the greatest pressure is felt at the base. This is where the fourth, fifth and bass strings are located. It should be remembered that the thicker the string, the stronger the pressure should be. Moreover, it is difficult to press thick strings so that the sound remains clear in the future.
- It is important to keep in mind that the instrument needs to be readjusted every time before and after the capo is applied. As a rule, the device is not capable of clamping the strings with the required accuracy, so inaccuracies are encountered even if the guitar was perfectly tuned.
Through constant readjustment, it will be possible to achieve high accuracy, as well as a good combination of chords and sound.

How to choose?
A device such as a capo does not differ much in model.
- First of all, you need to choose an option that will come in handy right now. So, for an acoustic instrument, you should opt for a standard form, which is based on a spring or latch. A beginner should pay attention that the capo really matches the existing type of guitar. After all, too strong models are not suitable for the classics, and weak ones for the twelve-stringed instrument.
- It is right to choose the capo individually for a particular guitar, while it is important to take into account the size of its neck, from what material the strings are made and their caliber. The number of strings also plays a role. For example, a nylon kit requires little effort, which means that a more gentle clamp should be chosen. Silver, brass, or bronze strings will need capos with more downforce. Depending on the gauge, it is important to choose a clamp so that it holds the strings well, but does not let them rattle or cause damage to the guitar.
- The difference in neck profiles between classics, acoustics and electric instruments makes it necessary for each to choose a special capo. This takes into account such parameters of the neck as width and radius.
- Often the strings are spoiled by inept tuning of the instrument. A lot of newbies tune a guitar after they've put the capo on, rather than before. As a result, this leads to rattling or even breaking of the strings.

Although capo is a very simple device and works flawlessly, in theory, it is worth taking care of the choice of the company. Today, a large number of models are presented, among which there are very inexpensive ones. However, experienced musicians say that it is better to choose options from well-known brands and more expensive. First of all, they differ from cheap analogs in their long service life, high-quality sound and ease of use.
It is important to remember that a lot depends on the quality of the plastic, metal and rubber from which the capo is made. For example, expensive screw capos last much longer and do not damage the neck of the guitar. As for high-quality spring ones, the clamping force depends on the price. Among the many modern models, the most popular are capos of certain companies.
- Production of the company Alice initially it is in great demand due to favorable prices, which can vary from 100 to 1,000 rubles. This versatile option is suitable for beginners who are just trying to use a capo. Numerous reviews of the products of this brand are very good.
- Manufacturer Dunlop quite famous among musicians. Their products are especially famous for their bright effects. Guitarists quite often choose the DUNLOP 83CB Trigger Capo model, despite its considerable cost.
- High-quality assembly and variety of colors distinguish Kyser products. It is worth noting that the capos of this manufacturer are not cheap, but they are very popular among guitarists.
- Company Planet Waves produces a large number of comfortable and lightweight capo. Many users notice that the use of clips from this manufacturer makes it possible to get high-quality sound. It is very easy to attach any capo models to the necks. Among the shortcomings, guitarists note the extremely high cost of clips, starting from 1,500 rubles.
- Firm EMUZIN manufactures a wide range of accessories for guitarists, including capos, picks and straps. Average cost and reasonable quality make EMUZIN clips very popular among musicians.
- Famous brand products K&M (König & Meyer) Guitarists like it for their quality and wide assortment. Despite the small number of reviews about the capos of this manufacturer, there is no doubt about their high quality. After all, before sending musical equipment for sale, a mandatory quality control is carried out. When used correctly, such a clamp will last a very long time.

Experts recommend paying attention to the clamps when choosing a capo, for example, whether they are adjustable or not, as well as other points. For example, there are clips with a tuner that allow you to better tune the instrument. Most manufacturers have their own original style for capos. At the same time, many models are equipped so that the capo can be easily and smoothly moved along the neck.
There are interesting versions of clamps with various innovations, such as separate "fingers" or the ability to move without loosening the clamp. In any case, it is better to give preference to lightweight models, as they do not change the vibration dynamics of the neck. In addition, the less bulky capos do not get in the way during the game.
By design, it is worth choosing simple and spring-loaded, similar in appearance to the letter C or G. Among modern models, old U-shaped clamps are almost never found.