
All about guitar tuners

All about guitar tuners
  1. What it is?
  2. Overview of varieties
  3. Components
  4. Nuances of choice
  5. Installation rules
  6. Care Tips

The tuning machine is the most relevant element of guitar accessories, it is it that allows you to tune the instrument to the desired mode, experimentally change the guitar tuning and maintain its necessary conditions for a certain time. Both the quality and the reliability of the instrument tuning depend on it.

What it is?

The average degree of tension on a guitar string is about 9-10 kg, and in some cases it reaches 80 kg. The tension and fastening of such a string is provided by a special tuning mechanism. This device, called a tensioner, works on the principle of a worm gear. The peg design includes a head, a worm gear and a rod for winding the string. Through the cap, the torque is transmitted to the gearbox, and then to the screw for the string (rod), on which the latter is wound. The absence of a reverse motion in the worm gear does not allow the string to unwind under the force of its tension.

Guitar tuners are the most important part of the instrument. Without a tuning mechanism, the guitar cannot be played, since the guitar tuning will not be held. In case of failure of one splitter, the entire set is usually subject to replacement.

Overview of varieties

Tuning accessories are divided into two types: closed and open tuners. In the first type, all mechanics are covered by a frame, that is, it is protected from accidental damage, dust and dirt. The second type is simpler and more common, here the tuning mechanism is not protected. The latter option is considered more practical, since it is its vulnerability that allows timely maintenance of the mechanism (cleaning and lubrication of gears and stem).However, its vulnerability to mechanical stress remains the main disadvantage of open-type mechanisms - they break more often. Devices are sold on a bar with a certain center distance.

Another type of tuning pegs are lock (locking) devices, equipped with a special lock that firmly fixes the strings. In this case, the degree of probability of unwinding the string in the reverse order is close to zero, regardless of the game mode. The tuning of the strings to the locking peg is much faster than with conventional models. The disadvantage of locking systems is their high cost: they are 2-3 times more expensive than classic fittings. They are distinguished by the presence of a special wheel in the design.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the installation of the tuning mechanisms in the neck head, the following types are distinguished:

  • 6 in line (5, 4 - for bass guitars);
  • 3 + 3 (3 each above and below the head, 3 + 2 or 2 + 2 - for bass);
  • fasteners with and without bolts.

There are a number of popular types of tuners:

  • closed without tightening screws;
  • closed with a single tightening screw;
  • lateral without tightening screws;
  • lock with 2 screws per peg;
  • latching with 7 screws per line;
  • open with 7 screws per line.

Of the characteristics of the tuning pegs, the most important is the transfer parameter, which reflects the proportion of the revolutions of the roller with the string to the number of revolutions of the cap. So, Parameter 15/1 means that for 1 turn of the string roller, the peg head must be completely turned 15 times.

The higher the specified parameter, the slower the string stretches during tuning, but the finer the tuning of the instrument takes place.

Tuners are also classified according to the type of guitars where they are used.

  • In classical guitars The tension on nylon strings is less than on metal strings, so here the tuning pegs include parts made of plastic (for example, fasteners for winding the string). Usually these are open options, where their entire constructive part is visible. They are located on opposite sides of the guitar head, and the caps are perpendicular to it.
  • In acoustic guitars metal strings are used, which means that metal pegs are used. As a rule, the tuning pegs are used of a closed type, where the mechanism is closed with a special frame. The fasteners and the placement of the tuning pegs are different here, determined by the design features of the guitar.
  • In electric guitars the tuning pegs are designed as in acoustic analogs.
  • In bass guitars there are a number of significant differences. The tuning pegs and caps are much larger here, they are made of metal. They can be performed in both open and closed versions.
  • In headless guitars they are attached directly to the bridge, forming a special device equipped with a hole for the string.

Tuning tuners according to the type of guitar head. Different guitar head designs are created to accommodate different tuning head configurations.

If the pegs are lined up in 3 on both sides, then they are made larger than in a conventional building. This point is important to consider when replacing the tuning pegs.


Actually, guitar tuners are miniature string-pulling devices that include hats, a number of carved elements, and string winders. When the head rotates, the gears begin to rotate, transmitting the rotation to the rod, where the string is layered. The devices are attached to the headstock with screws and a nut that is screwed on from the face of the head. The set of pegs, in addition to the parts of the mechanism, usually includes special washers and gaskets.

Maintaining the strings in a certain tuning is an urgent task, without which a musician will not be able to play accurately. The quality of guitar playing depends on the state of the tuning mechanisms. If problems arise, first check the serviceability of the tuning pegs.

Nuances of choice

When replacing the tuning pegs, we recommend choosing a type similar to the previous tuning pegs, since with a high degree of probability they will be structurally arranged in the same way. Besides you do not have to drill additional holes for fasteners, since the old ones will also be fine, which will greatly simplify installation and preserve the presentation of the tool.

When deciding to install something new, you should decide on the type and shape of the tuning mechanisms. The manufacturer usually indicates for which types of heads the tuners are intended. We do not recommend mounting the type for 3 tuners on both sides of the instrument where the tuning pegs were placed in one row on one side.

There are 3 types of fastening. When mounted without tightening screws, the tuning pegs are easily attached to the guitar head, and for mounting them, you do not need to drill any holes or tighten anything. When fastening with one tightening screw or several screws, it is worth considering the type of fastening of the previous device, based on this already.

It is also important to take into account such a parameter as the proportion between the turn and the turn. Traditional proportions are 14/1 or 18/1, for basses it is 20/1 or 21/1.

Choosing local devices or conventional ones is a matter of personal preferences and financial security of the buyer. Locking mechanisms better keep the instrument in order.

It is important when choosing to figure out the order of installing the string. They produce 2 types: in the first, the strings are inserted into a special hole on the mount and passed through it, in the second, they are passed inside the peg, downward, where they are fixed. The difference is practical, and it is worth paying attention to when choosing a device.

It is necessary to take into account when choosing the tuning pegs and the material from which the caps are made - metal or plastic. If they have the same look, then the final decision is yours.

High-quality devices with the highest transfer parameter should be purchased for replacement, since they will last longer, and the setup process will be easier. Locking mechanisms are more expensive, but more durable, they allow you to change strings almost 2 times faster. It is an excellent choice for musicians who prefer tremolo systems.

If the headstock on the instrument is not tilted towards the neck, then you should take a device with a variable stem size. This provides a more distributed load on the nut.

Do not forget about tried and tested brands when choosing. Having a good budget, give preference to tuners from Gotoh, Schaller, Grover. If you are on a budget, take kits from Jinho or Dr. Parts.

Installation rules

Replacing the tuning pegs is not so difficult, but you need to act carefully and accurately. First of all, you need to choose the correct replacement option. It is desirable that the replacement be similar to the old tuners. The whole set should be changed at once, not a separate device.

We unscrew the old block. In this case, you should know the distances between the centers of the tuning pegs, it is desirable that they coincide with the new and old blocks. If they do not match, then the old holes are sealed with special wedges made of the same material as the neck. The wedges are glued in, and then the holes are drilled again. Further fastening of the new block does not cause any difficulties.

Care Tips

The main measures for the care of the tuning pegs and their maintenance in good condition.

  1. Check the picking device for dirt and dust constantly. Cleaning should be done with a brush and lubricated with a brush.
  2. Use special oils every six months (for example, Planet Waves PW-LBK-01), through the use of which the peg stroke will become smoother, and the service life of the mechanism will significantly increase.
  3. The fastening screws need to be checked periodically, which must be securely tightened, and there must be no play.
  4. When disassembling or installing inexpensive devices, you should not make significant efforts - in budget fittings it is easy to damage the threads and ruin the device itself.
  5. The smoothness and degree of softness of the stroke of many devices is changed by a special screw located in the upper part of the peg handle.
  6. In order for the tuning pegs to serve for a long time, give them professional examinations more often. Be sure to inspect the tuning pegs when changing strings. Fasteners for turns are often loosened. They are tightened with a special ring located on the face of the neck. It is likely that the rear screws holding the peg will need to be tightened as well.

Check the presence of backlash and the hats for rotation. If there is one, then tighten the fixing screw.

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