
Everything you need to know about guitar picks

Everything you need to know about guitar picks
  1. What is it and why are they needed?
  2. Species overview
  3. Materials (edit)
  4. Dimensions (edit)
  5. Popular brands
  6. Selection Tips
  7. How to keep?
  8. What can be replaced?

Any guitarist uses a guitar pick from time to time. It is a plate that is offered in a wide variety of variations depending on shape, material of manufacture and size. The plectrum has its own characteristics and purpose, which you can learn about further. If you want to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the product, you are offered useful information, as well as recommendations for selection.

What is it and why are they needed?

Guitar picks are designed to make playing a string instrument easier. In addition, this product is suitable for bass, electric and acoustic guitars. The main task of the device is to use it instead of fingers, while it can look different, but the effect is always the same - the vibration of the strings.

It is worth noting that the plectrum never goes out of fashion; it is used by cult musicians of all times. In addition, the variety of adaptations allows everyone to choose what meets his personal requirements and wishes.

Species overview

There are several types of mediators on the market, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics, and also differs from analogs, so it is useful to familiarize yourself with them in detail.

By form

Standard is considered classic (teardrop-shaped) with rounded edges. Plectra, which resemble a teardrop, are called Jazz, they have a sharp tip and straight edges. Teardrop pieces are available with round edging. You can also find a device that resembles an equilateral triangle, therefore the corresponding name is Triangle.Surely some have seen a pick, which is somewhat similar to a shark fin, hence the name Sharkfin, you can play with any side, including the ribbed one.

On the finger

Replacement nails are picks claw, which must be put on the finger (Thumbpick). With this product, you can play chords if you want a smooth transition with a clear sound. Often, such picks are used by country musicians, or play the banjo.


Of course, in specialized stores you can find guitar picks of bizarre shapes and unusual parameters that collectors and professional musicians love to collect. In addition, there are no strict templates and rules for the manufacture of a device, so it can be different. That is why, with proper search, you can pick up a plectrum in the form of a heart, a goose feather, a coin or a fish. There are also homemade gadgets that act more as a jewelry accessory.

As for the choice, it all depends on personal wishes, as well as the type of instrument - electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustics, etc.

Materials (edit)

For the manufacture of a plectrum, a variety of materials are used that affect the strength and durability of the product. Each component has its own characteristics and advantages, and the final sound of the instrument depends on them. In most cases, plastic is used as the material, since it is affordable and easy to use. The main advantages of such products include low cost, while they can deform under load, as they are rather fragile, so guitarists often encounter breakdowns.

A special type of plastic is celluloid, which has increased strength, so the price of a mediator from it may be higher. The manufacturing technique is complex, however, musicians love to use this product due to the “vintage” sound effect.

Not everyone knows Lexan, it is an imitation of glass, so the sound is appropriate. Such plectrums have high strength, while they do not bend at all, but they are quickly consumed, since they are erased due to intensive use. When it comes to thin picks, the best material for making them is nylon, which is soft and resilient but also wears out quickly.

As for the proprietary materials used by the leading manufacturers of musical instrument accessories, they are patented. For example, Tortex and Ultex components are plastic with improved properties, so the product is much stronger. It should be noted that the texture of the former reminds many of a turtle's shell, but Ultex is glossy.

The material called "Derlin" is in great demand; it is a polymer whose main feature is increased strength. The product will give a clear and bright sound, so picks from it are in great demand. Bovine bone is used to make a plectrum, which is strong, inflexible and will last a very long time, the only drawback is the price, but it can be an amazing gift for a professional musician.

Stainless steel is often used for the manufacture of wear-resistant mediators. The sound will be sonorous and clear, but the strings suffer a little, so the iron accessory must be applied carefully.

A silver product looks presentable and stylish, so it is often chosen as a gift. As for the characteristics, they are the same as those of metal units.

Dimensions (edit)

This parameter is one of the most important when choosing a musical accessory, the sound and service life depend on it. Picks come in different shapes and sizes, so everyone can choose something individually. The differences in the product lie in their thickness. Small picks are not always comfortable to hold in your hand, as they can fall out during intense guitar playing, moreover, the hand often sweats and the accessory starts to slip.As for the larger plectrum, they are more practical, but it all depends on personal preference.

The Jazz III uniform should be noted, which is called one of the most comfortable. These are classic picks that fit well in the hand, they are durable and resistant to abrasion, so they can last long enough. This plectrum can be played in any genre, the melody will become more intense, and this is important.

Now it should be noted that the aggregates differ in thickness. The thinnest ones are intended for a melody, where a lot of chords are used, or we are talking about a rhythm part, where a dense accessory is needed. These picks are elastic and flexible, so they are designed for high-speed playing, sweeping, etc. The standard pick size, which is considered to be medium, gives a tight sound, therefore it is in the greatest demand among musicians. These accessories have the optimal balance of hardness with softness, so the solo parts and tight rhythm will be amazing, as you can see from your own experience.

The thickest units are designed for "rough" playing and heavy music, especially if the guitar has large gauge strings. With the help of such a device, you can swing the listeners, get full sound and excellent dynamics. If you play bass or just want to control the instrument, feel free to consider this position.

Popular brands

Today, the market offers a wide range of not only musical instruments, but various accessories to them; they are produced by leading brands that have managed to earn the trust and recognition of their consumers. Here is a list of the leading brands of mediators, in the range of which you can find excellent products.

  • Wegen Picks can be added first.which uses rare materials to make the plectrum and guarantees a long service life. The main feature of picks is their purpose - they are suitable for solo parts due to their lack of flexibility.
  • Further, one cannot fail to note the best products in their category from Ultexthat are available to absolutely everyone. If you like turtle sound, you can safely consider products manufactured under this brand.
  • Metallica picks can be called cult, they are in the arsenal of many musicians, which confirms their quality and reliability.
  • You may have seen an accessory that features a turtle, it is Dunlop Tortex Standard line, which gives a bright sound, will last long enough and will be practical.
  • DAddario DuraGrip brand as the main material for making produces an accessory made of duralin, due to which the sound will be clear and sonorous.

An important advantage is its versatility, because the product can be used on any stringed instrument.

  • In the list of popular manufacturers of accessories for playing a musical instrument hit Fender 551 Shape Classic Celluloid... They are distinguished by their practicality and ease of grip; the products are made of celluloid.
  • If you are a jazz fan, you should pay attention to nylon Dunlop Nylon Jazz products... The base is sharp and the profile is reduced, but you will get a real pleasure from the game.
  • Dava Control Picks have a special design, with which you can create both rhythmic and melodic music.
  • Acrylic Gravity Picks smoothly contact with the strings, the passages will be bright, and this pleases.
  • For a traditional guitar should be considered Dunlop Nylon Standard linethat guarantees a warm tone and will last you a long time.
  • Slightly beveled and pointed base made of picks Ernie Ball Prodigy, which are made of duralumin. The assortment includes models for fans of shred music.
  • Ivory substitute applies Graph Tech TUSQ, therefore, picks have a wide range of sound, which has become the hallmark of the product.As you can see, you can make a gift set from such a plectrum if you are going to a musician for a holiday.

Selection Tips

Of course, with such a wide variety, it is not easy to decide which option is right for you. Therefore, a number of criteria and recommendations of specialists should be taken into account so that the purchase is not only profitable, but practical and useful. A beginner needs to select a pick according to the instructions, initially deciding on which guitar the accessory is intended for.

If you play a classical instrument, it is best to choose a standard-shaped product with which you can experiment with the sound. Experts note that models made of synthetic materials almost never fail, so they should be considered. But what if you are already an experienced guitarist and have never tried using picks yet, there are also some interesting tips for you.

It cannot be argued that there is a unique pick that fits any string instrument, so it is important to consider what exactly you are playing.

You can start with an acoustic guitar, which will perform well with a thin plectrum. As for the range, the thick one is not the best solution, either the thinnest or the medium-sized accessory is enough. If you can, hold the pick in your hand to see how comfortable it is for you to use.

If we are talking about an electric guitar, in which the strings are not so tight, the best choice would be a solid plectrum of any manufacturer, the thickness can be medium or maximum. For bass players, a large, thick pick with a shape that allows better control of the instrument is ideal. Summing up, we can say with confidence that the acoustics will perform well with a soft plectrum, because the game should be legible, melodious and harmonious, but for instruments with thick stretched strings, you should take more durable accessories that do not bend.

How to keep?

This question arises for absolutely everyone who has never held a pick in their hands, but is absolutely sure that it is impossible to do without it. The main rule that all musicians follow is that the product should not be clamped too tightly, as the brush will strain and you will quickly get tired. In addition, it is practically impossible to play at a fast pace in this position, so if you train daily, always keep this aspect in mind.

Place the mediator on your index finger and cover the phalanx with your thumb. The smallest angle of the plectrum should look at the guitar, do not stretch your fingers or bend them too much. Everything comes with practice, the main thing is to relax, hold the accessory securely, but not make much effort and enjoy the game.

It is important to choose a pick that allows you to play comfortably and easily, and to get the sounds you expect from your instrument.

What can be replaced?

What should you do if you cannot buy a guitar pick, or you have lost it somewhere, and in a few minutes you have to speak in front of the audience? Well, many musicians often find themselves in this situation, so the following life hacks will help solve the problem. There are several materials at hand that can fulfill the task of a mediator.

For example, if you have a SIM card or credit card lying around at hand, you can cut a plectrum out of them. Also, a nylon cap, an ordinary plastic bottle and even a CD disk are suitable for this. Some people think that you can play with a coin, but it will damage the strings of the guitar, so it is better to use something plastic. Now you know much more information about plectrics, their varieties, have met the leading brands, and you can also choose an accessory for yourself.

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