
All About Tuning Guitar

All About Tuning Guitar
  1. Basic rules and preparation
  2. How to tune with a tuner?
  3. Tuning by ear by sound
  4. other methods
  5. Features of tuning different guitars
  6. How do I check my tuning?

If you started to master playing the guitar, then you should know that the instrument tends to get upset, so it is important to ensure that the key is always correct. There are a few rules that not only beginners but also professional musicians should follow. There are several ways to tune your guitar yourself, so you can choose the easiest and most affordable option for you.

Basic rules and preparation

Tuning a guitar involves following a number of rules. First of all, the string must be weakened, and only then pulled up to the required frequency, then slightly raised and again lowered to the desired key. It is not difficult to learn this, the main thing is not to rush, and do everything step by step. Strings tend to stretch, they are elastic, so the release-pull procedure will allow them to be better fixed. It also eliminates tension loss. If we are talking about an instrument with nylon strings, you will have to tune several times, but this is only at the beginning. Due to the high tension, the strings will ring due to the fret nut if they are in low positions. Increasing the sound will make the sound less clear, so balance is important. Do not tighten too much, otherwise the string will burst and you will have to do it all over again.

Experts recommend loosening all strings by letting go of the tuning pegs a few turns. To avoid clipping, tune by ear to help you notice any changes in the sound. After the procedure is completed, it is important to check the tuning, you may need to tweak something.The ends of the strings should be pressed against the tuning pegs and secured with an even spiral, this will help the instrument stay in tune longer. For testing, it is better to use a pick to make the sound clearer.

How to tune with a tuner?

The tuner will become your main assistant if you are just starting your acquaintance with music. This device is presented in the form of an assembly, its task is to receive sound through a microphone. The device analyzes the height of the waves, then shows the differences. For beginners, such a device is best suited, since it is difficult to set up clearly and correctly without an ear for music. A tuner is a small pedal, box, or clothespin, depending on the manufacturer. It is worth noting that this device is online, if there is a microphone on the PC, you can tune the guitar in this way. It is important not to forget to enable access, then it will remain to swipe over the strings so that the program fixes this and provides information. You need to carry out each separately, and on the other hand, make a stretch, focusing on the application prompt. If the arrow moves to the left, the peg must be twisted higher, to the right - lower.

Connect the device to the mains, select the tuning of the guitar, start working with each string separately, tug, then loosen the tension a little and check the readings. If the arrow stops in the center - you have achieved a positive result, repeat the procedure until the instrument is fully tuned.

Tuning by ear by sound

If you do not have the instrument described above, you can tune your instrument differently. It's not easy, but if you follow the recommendations, the result will be positive. This method is as follows. Focus on the fifth fret, then the sound will be correct. Initially, the first string is stretched (the Mi note is designated "E"), the main thing is that it is not too loose, play it, and move along the neck, pressing the second several times in different frets. You need to pull in turns, it is important to find a fret where both strings will emit an identical sound. The second string is pulled when the section is above the 5th fret, and vice versa. The two strings should sound identical, if there is tremor it needs to be corrected. Press the third string on the fourth fret and pluck the second, while rotating the third tuning peg to catch the same sound. In this way, the tuning of the entire instrument is carried out.

Do not pull too hard to avoid tearing the consumable.

other methods

There are other methods for setting up at home, which can be found below.

Tuning fork

It is a height reference tester and can analyze sound waves. This "instrument" produces the note A (A). It is important to note that this technique is somewhat similar to the setting described above. Slide your finger along the first string, first loosen it a little, then twist the peg so that the sound is the same with the device. This manipulation should be done with all strings that are tuned at the 5th fret. The exception is the third, which is clamped on the third.

Using a mobile app

Today there are tons of apps for musicians that work offline and have a lot of advantages. Most of them are free, and they allow you to fine tune any instrument, including the guitar. Some can be used in conjunction with a line-in cable, but this is the case if you play an electric guitar, a microphone is enough for an acoustic one. The setting is as follows. First, plug in your microphone and launch the app, bring your guitar up and start twisting the strings in the right direction to sync with your phone. You can see a hint on the screen, you need to loosen or tighten, as soon as the indicator is in the center, the task can be considered completed.

Landline telephone

As strange as it may sound, a classic phone can help to cope with the task. The point is that the tone beep of a conventional device has a frequency of 440 Hz, which accurately transmits the note A (A), which means the fifth fret of the first string. Pick up by ear so that the sound matches the beep, and the next strings are tuned from the initial one. Each note has its own letter, it is easy for a beginner to learn the notation of chords, besides there are only seven main ones. As for how often you will have to engage in these manipulations, it all depends on the intensity of the training, if you spend a lot of time with the instrument, you will have to constantly monitor the sound.

Features of tuning different guitars

Since a stringed musical instrument is divided into several varieties, the tuning may be different, which is important to study.


It is recommended to relax the first string to make it easier to perceive the sound, this applies not only to beginner musicians, but also to professionals. Overtightening and releasing too slowly will result in much less pickup of the note, so you will have to work longer. As mentioned above, the adjusted string sounds an A note.

The second string is tuned next, which is clamped at the 5th fret and struck. The sound should be the same as the first string, but already open. The third string is an exception; one is regulated differently from the others. As for the procedure itself, the procedure is the same. You can compare the third string at the fourth fret with the second open string.

The sound of the fourth string being clamped should be identical to the previous one not being pressed. Another easy way to easily test the sound is to press down on the ninth fret.

Each next string is checked against the open previous one, so any beginner will be able to cope with such work, and soon the procedure will not take much time.


Nothing complicated here, but the process is slightly different. This type of guitar is often used for a richer sound, therefore it is equipped with additional strings. The tuning scheme is that the first string is Mi, the second is C, the third is G, the fourth is Re, the fifth is A, and the sixth is Mi. First, work with one set, then move on to the next, and at the end, check two at once so that the sound converges.

How do I check my tuning?

It should be noted that beginners often make the same mistake - you can get confused where is the saddle and where is the nut. High-quality materials directly affect the sound, so it is better to immediately find good-quality products that will last long enough. Several methods can be used to check the tuning. If all actions were correct, the sound will be in unison, while the previous string vibrates slightly. If you pull the pressed string, the nearby open string should resonate. The vibration impulse will pass through an octave, for example, the sixth vibrates along with the fourth, if the latter is pressed on the E note. You can find diagrams online to help you figure out the frets.

Now you have learned about the standard tuning with a tuner and a tuning fork manually without any assistance, professionals know how to do it to their own voice, choosing the desired tone.

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