Tuning your guitar through a microphone

Musicians of all levels are constantly faced with tuning the guitar. The guitar has to be tuned daily, or even several times a day. Tuning is done in different ways and in a variety of conditions. In this article, we'll talk about tuning your guitar through a microphone.

Choosing a program
There are tons of different sites that allow you to tune your guitar online through a webcam microphone or other microphone-equipped device. You can configure it on sites such as tuneronline. ru or online-tuner. ru. It will be convenient if playing music takes place on a computer or laptop. An important advantage is the availability of this configuration option - it is free. The process is as follows: go to the website page, get acquainted with the short instructions, turn on the microphone and carry out the settings. The site itself determines the frequency of the sound and helps to tune the correct scale, denoting the notes with letters.

The next convenient way is to tune your guitar using an app on your phone. In this case, convenient applications such as Guitar Tuna or DaTuner will help you tune your guitar. These tuners for your phone are considered very popular, but there are tons of other applications with their pros and cons. The principle of operation is the same: the application independently determines the sound frequency and prompts the note. If the sound deviates from the reference frequency, some applications signal this not only with an arrow on the scale, but also with a light signaling: in case of an error, the screen turns red, success - green.

Not only accessibility, but also mobility will be important arguments in using such an application. The application is always with you, always at hand, does not require unnecessary manipulations with connecting a microphone. The apps are often free, but some have paid content. This often applies to additional options such as tuning in a different note scale.

Tuning your guitar with a mic tuner has its drawbacks. The main one is catching unnecessary sounds, which makes it difficult to calmly tune the instrument. Usually tuners are equipped with a piezoelectric pickup, which is installed on the neck of the guitar and reads vibrations from the body. Tuners can be different in their functionality, the price also varies.
However, this method is more professional and convenient in its own way: there are very good models that make the setup procedure much easier.

Step-by-step setup instructions
A 6-string nylon-string acoustic or classical guitar has a Spanish tuning. This tuning is considered classic and familiar to our ear. Each string produces its own note, which has a letter designation. The first will be E (Mi), the second - B (Si), the third - G (Salt), the fourth - D (Re), the fifth - A (A), the sixth - E (Mi).

Now let's look at a step-by-step algorithm for tuning a guitar using a laptop, computer or an application on the phone. We launch the application on the phone or turn on the microphone and go to the site we need. We start tuning with the sixth (thickest) string and finish with the first (thinnest). We extract the sound from the open string and look at the position of the scale on the screen: if the scale deviates to the left, then the string must be pulled, if to the right, weaken it to the required value.

When tuning is done, you should check the sound of the strings individually and then together by playing a chord. The tension of the strings is dependent, and the tuning of each individually can get lost. If the chord sounds clear, then the guitar is in tune.
The strings should not rattle or make unpleasant sounds.

There are times when you need to tune a 7-string model. Such a guitar has a different scale and a different playing technique. Not all sites and applications can help you tune a guitar like this. Therefore, first the instrument is tuned to the standard tuning according to the application, and then the following is done: the sixth string is clamped at the fifth fret, as a result of which we get the sound of the seventh string. You can track this note with the tuner and, focusing on the scale, tune the seventh.

Useful Tips
When buying and installing a new set of strings, keep in mind that they will drag on for a while, and the guitar will quickly get upset. This is totally normal. If you gradually tune the guitar, then everything will soon fall into place.

The tighter the strings are taut, the harder it is to clamp them. You can tune your guitar to a lower pitch, making it easier to pinch chords. If the strings are generally far from the fretboard saddle, adjust the fretboard. Perhaps the main sills also require improvement: the grooves in which the strings lie can be deepened. This is done so that the strings "lay" closer to the metal frets.

The guitar is sensitive to moisture in the air, so keeping it on a wall or in a corner on the floor is not a good idea. The right thing to do is to store your guitar in a case and in a closet. This method will help keep the guitar in good condition, and the tuning of the strings will last longer.
In any case, protect the instrument from knocks and drops.

When choosing a tuner, pay attention to the presence of a piezoelectric sensor, because it is much better than a microphone. The microphone is sensitive and picks up a lot of external sounds, including those from touching adjacent strings. The transducer makes it much easier to tune the instrument in a noisy room.

When choosing a tuner, you should also pay attention to its information content. There are tuners with digital display, and there are models with LED display of the frequency scale.The LED scale will not indicate all the data, so it is not very convenient to navigate by it. The digital display will show the reference frequency and note, as well as accurately show the sounding frequency.

For more information on tuning your guitar through a microphone, see the following video.