
Why does a guitar go out of tune quickly and how is this determined?

Why does a guitar go out of tune quickly and how is this determined?
  1. Why does the guitar get upset quickly?
  2. How to identify by sound?
  3. What to do?

For any musician, a frustrated instrument is a big nuisance. And the guitar in this regard can be quite capricious, because the strings have to be changed relatively often, and after each such process, a change in sound is inevitable. Some professional musicians even tune their instruments before each performance. This article will tell you how to do it yourself.

Why does the guitar get upset quickly?

There are several main reasons an instrument is not in tune.

  • Very often, the reason can be a banal poor fastening of the tuning pegs. In this case, it will be sufficient to simply tighten the string tension on each tuning peg.
  • Another common cause is poor string quality. Poor quality material will constantly require tuning the guitar, since unsuitable products do not stretch well.
  • Incorrect string attachment. For recently purchased items, their length is often much longer than necessary. And beginners wind the entire unused string length on the tuning pegs, which is not entirely correct. It is recommended to wind a few turns and then cut off the excess.
  • You need to understand that the strings require proper and timely care, otherwise any, even a new instrument will always sound out of tune.
  • Old strings. The strings should be replaced every 6 months or more often if necessary. Musicians change guitar strings before recording a new song.
  • Oddly enough, but sometimes the reason that the guitar began to sound bad, may be high humidity. In such conditions, the instrument gets upset faster.
  • If the strings stretch poorly, this can also affect the sound quality. Metal specimens stretch well, while nylon ones take longer.

Practice shows that most often the reason for the bad sound of a guitar is its main components - the strings. It is also noticed that guitars "get used" to certain products and, when replaced with a new type, can behave capriciously.

How to identify by sound?

There is an opinion that in order to understand that the guitar is out of tune, you simply need to have an ear for music. However, it will be difficult for a beginner in music to do this. Besides ear for music in most cases is developed with years of practice.

The easiest way to find out if your guitar needs tuning is to check the sound of the first string. It should sound like the second octave Mi note. The second string should be clamped at the 5th fret and should sound like an E of the first octave.

The classic guitar tuning method is with a guitar tuner. This method is suitable for both beginners and professionals. To tune a guitar, you need to connect it to the tuner and extract the sound from the tuned string. The device "catches" sounds and compares them with their reference. On the tuner screen, you can clearly see how the sound matches the way it should be.

Thus, detecting bad guitar sound is easiest with a tuner.

What to do?

First of all, you need to check whether the tuning pegs with tailorders are tight, whether the necks are screwed on tightly. The tool should not have various types of damage and deformations: chips, dangling parts, etc.

If an external check of the guitar did not reveal any anomalies, then it is recommended to carry out certain manipulations.

  • Tighten the strings so they don't dangle.
  • Store your guitar in a closet, not indoors. This will protect the instrument from the influence of ambient humidity.
  • If a gap appears on the guitar (the bottom nut has come off), then the edges can simply be smeared with glue. You will need to loosen the strings later.

The easiest way to tune your guitar is with dedicated tuners. If there are deviations in sound reproduction, you just need to twist the tuning pegs in the right direction (adjust the string tension).

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