Why are my guitar strings rattling and how to fix the problem?

A musical instrument should please the ear. The rattling of strings on the guitar causes anguish even for those people who are not endowed with an ear for music. This can happen not only with an old instrument, but also with a new one. First you need to figure out why the strings began to rattle, and then it will be easy to fix the problem.

Possible reasons
Rattling strings are encountered by many musicians. First you need to identify the reason, because there can be many of them. The sound itself may also vary. In some cases, only slight vibration is observed, sometimes the situation is more serious.

Let's list the existing causes of rattling.
- The problem manifests itself only at certain frets, or at all at one. The culprit is an incorrectly rebuilt rod. Also, the reason may lie in the nut. Its low position will result in excess sound. In the first case, you can simply tighten the rod. And in the second - the nut will have to be changed to a new one.
- A rattle on an unclamped string. In this case, the problem disappears on the clamped one. This is usually due to the wrong strings on the guitar. An oversized gauge or an unsuitable material has bad consequences for the instrument. Too thin ones just hang out on the upper threshold of the neck and from this emit an unpleasant sound. If the tool was recently purchased, then the reason may be a simple manufacturing defect. Less commonly, in such a situation, the problem comes from a large deflection of the neck, which has become unusable on the nut.
- Bounce at initial frets (1 to 12). Usually the problem lies in the manufacturing defect. The frets themselves are too close to the strings, which causes extraneous sounds.If a brand new guitar rattles in such a situation, then it is better to simply return it back to the store, change it to another. If the problem appears on the tool during use, then you will have to change the part. Rarely, in this case, the rattling is associated with the adjustment of the rod. You just have to try to adjust the anchor.
- Rattling at high frets. Here you have to figure it out, because there are several possible reasons. First you need to pay attention to the setting of the anchor. Usually the problem manifests itself on a classical instrument, but it can also be on an electric guitar. If, when clamped, the string starts to creak, then you will have to change the pitch of the rod again.
- Sound when playing heavy music (from strong striking on the strings). Usually in such a situation the 6th string rings, the thickest one. Rattling sounds can be noticed when playing loudly. In this case, the cause is precisely the strong attack. You need to work out the technique, otherwise the strings will simply break. Also, the problem may be that the musician is not clamping chords correctly. If there are no problems with the technique, you will have to contact the master.
- Bounce in the tuners. These parts loosen over time and begin to crack. To solve the situation, you can simply tighten or lubricate the tuning pegs, otherwise you will have to change the part. The tuning pegs can also ring out on a new guitar. This is due to the low quality of the fittings, which will have to be replaced. Otherwise, the chatter will not disappear, it will be uncomfortable to play.
- Rattling sound in the soundboard area. The problem is rare, but extremely dangerous. If you do not solve it in time, then soon the tool will be completely unusable. More often the problem occurs on an acoustic guitar. This kind of problem also occurs with those instruments that have been dropped from great heights. One of the main reasons for bouncing in the case is peeling off the rail inside. If you knock on the deck, a sound will appear. This makes it clear that the problem lies precisely in the rail. It is not recommended to fix such a breakdown on your own - it is better to contact the master.
- After adjustments. If there was any problem with the guitar and for the solution it was necessary to adjust the rod, then such consequences are quite possible. The deflection of the bar should be assessed; it may be too weak or too strong. Incorrect setting can result in rattling.

Strings can hum in a variety of situations and on all types of guitars. Musicians are not immune from this, even in those cases when they closely follow the instrument. If the guitar is new, then the problem may also be a factory defect.
A crack in the case can cause chatter during gameplay. In this case, simply return the instrument to the dealer.

How do I fix the problem?
You can fix the rattling of the strings, the main thing is to act consistently. You can start with hardware and electronics. Not always the neck or strings are the problem - poorly screwed elements crack more often. It is necessary to check the fastening of the bridge, pegs, potentiometer, pickup.

During intense play, the guitar becomes as responsive as possible. All fasteners that can become loose will become loose. This is due to strong and regular vibrations. It is necessary to tighten all screws, belt fasteners, washers on the neck. Sometimes you just need to fix the sound and the problem will disappear.
You can simply recognize the cause of the rattle by ear. It is enough to understand the situation in which an extra sound appears: to repeat to pull the string at the desired note and look for the source of the crackle. If everything is fine with the electronics and the bindings are tight, then you can proceed to checking the neck deflection.

Incorrect anchor alignment is often a serious problem. Loosen or tighten the bar to adjust the deflection of the neck.
The anchor will allow you to change the distance between the strings and frets, but only in a certain area. This is not to say that rod adjustment always helps to solve the problem.

The next step is to polish the frets. You can do this yourself or contact the master. Frets will wear out if played in certain positions for a long time. Polishing will help level the surface. Over time, you will have to completely change the frets for new ones.

Rattling can be eliminated by increasing the height of the nut or bridge. Helps when guitar strings rattle in high positions. An unpleasant sound is easier to eliminate on an electric guitar. The real challenge for the musician will be the acoustic instrument.

If on a classic guitar there is a bounce under the sill on the body, but the exact location cannot be established, then the point is in the spring. These are small pieces of wood that are glued to the inside of the front deck. The solution to the problem is quite simple. The springs give an unpleasant sound when they come off - you just need to put them back in their place.

If an independent inspection and repair did not work, then you need to go to the workshop. Also, the help of specialists is needed in cases where a problem arose in the electronic component. An inexperienced guitarist shouldn't do any serious manipulation.
If the musician knows his instrument, then you can even deepen the neck in the body to improve the sound.

Helpful hints
Rattling strings are seen on either old or new guitars. In the latter case, you can return the tool, because the manufacturer is guilty. But in the case of an old guitar, the responsibility lies with the owner. There are fairly simple prevention methods.
- The instrument must be cleaned regularly. All fittings should always be oiled. A lint-free cloth and a special cleaning liquid are used for cleaning.
- Metal parts should be replaced during operation. They will wear out over a couple of years of intense play. Replacement should be done gradually.
- It happens that a musician realizes that he will not touch the instrument for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to lower the strings. If they are stretched unnecessarily for a long time, they will become unusable.
- Every couple of months it is necessary to replace the strings with a new set. Regularity directly depends on the intensity of the game.

Such measures do not provide a complete guarantee that the strings will not start to rattle. However, if a problem occurs, it will be much easier to identify the cause. So, fixing a guitar is much easier if you take care of it properly.
It is also important to follow the technique of playing and the tuning of the instrument.

It is necessary to select the strings according to the characteristics of the guitar. So, for acoustics we recommend caliber 11–52 or 10–47. Thicker ones are more likely to make unnecessary extra sound when played.

There are other helpful tips as well.
- Sometimes it is necessary to change the frets. You should not tap on them in order to put them in the right place. When installing, you can only press on with a block of wood.
- If you need to fix any parts, then you can use epoxy.
- You can store your musical instrument only in a case at room temperature. If the room is humid, cold or hot, the wooden case will deteriorate. As a result, the rattling can no longer be eliminated.

A musical instrument requires special attention to itself. Every guitarist knows how important it is to maintain your strings, neck, frets, and soundboard. If everything is done correctly, then there will be practically no risk of rattling. It is also necessary to carefully tune the tool so that all parts perform their function correctly.

In this video, you can learn more about the features of the problem and how to fix them.