
Why is the guitar not building and how to solve the problem?

Why is the guitar not building and how to solve the problem?
  1. Main reasons
  2. How to check?
  3. What to do?

As a beginner guitarist, you first need to learn about the problems that arise periodically during the use of the instrument, as well as learn how to solve them. Anything happens. Perhaps you bought a good guitar from your hands, but did not listen to the advice of the seller, so on the very first day you ran into trouble - the guitar does not build. What to do, how to understand that she is upset, and what actions to take - you can find out about this in the article.

Main reasons

It should be noted that an unpleasant surprise associated with the fact that the guitar has stopped building can happen to both old and new instruments, originally made of poor quality. This is a fairly common defect, the characteristic symptoms of which are as follows:

  • floating sound;
  • stretching strings;
  • lack of melody and harmony of consonances;
  • noticeable discord in voices.

In this case, 2 main states of the guitar are possible:

  1. she does not build only on frets, and open strings sound normal at the same time;
  2. the guitar does not hold the general tuning - during tuning of the next open string, the pitch of the newly adjusted strings changes.

Let's see what reasons are not obvious for a beginner due to the first of the named states of the traditional guitar.

There are several possible answers to this question.

  • The new guitar has too high frets. When pressed against them, a slight constriction of a part of the free (sounding) length of the string occurs to the side, where it is held by a finger on the surface of the neck. As a result, the resulting sound is shifted in pitch from the expected, while increasing. That is, the desired sound has a higher pitch than required.For an inexperienced ear, this discrepancy is unlikely to be noticed, but in a concert hall such a defect is unacceptable.
  • Old instruments sometimes have worn out saddles, which initially have a semicircular working surface (where contact with the pressed string occurs). A surface with dents deformed from constant friction leads to a displacement of the contact point towards the neck. In this case, the sound, on the contrary, loses its pitch.
  • If the guitar does not tune at the XII fret (produces a lower sound), then the working distance from the nut to the saddle has not been adjusted. A fret metal nut of the XII fret divides the string strictly in half. If this is not the case, the defect should be corrected by a musical instrument repair shop.
  • When the instrument is not tuning at the first frets, it can be caused either by the strings being too high above the fretboard surface (should be a maximum of 5mm above the 12th fret), or by incorrect spacing between the frets.

Now let's name several factors that lead to the fact that the guitar does not hold in tune (it quickly gets upset).

  • A mistake was made when changing the strings - they were not properly installed on the tuning pegs.
  • Tuners can also cause malfunction if they have a small number of teeth. As a result, even with a small turn, winding of a string that is too long occurs. The same situation can arise if the tuning pegs are worn out. These parts need to be changed periodically.
  • Old or new strings sometimes cause problems as well. Poor quality or poorly tensioned strings will prevent clean tuning. And new nylon products take time to take up working condition (1-2 weeks).
  • The tuning of the guitar was influenced by temperature changes - its strings are sensitive to temperature. A classical guitar can react to the effects of cold and heat also due to the fact that its body is wooden. Because of this, the position of the bar often changes - it can bend.

How to check?

It is possible to determine that the guitar does not build by the fact that its sound becomes not very stable, the sounds are devoid of harmony and do not correspond to the frets. But to understand why it does not build, you can only through a thorough examination of all its constituent elements.

In this case, you can find the following problems:

  • deflection of the bar requiring twisting or loosening of the truss rod;
  • rusty tailpiece with loose springs;
  • strings wound on a peg in 2 rows, the turns of which make them spring;
  • cracked case;
  • deformed sills with dents.

As it turns out, troubles with the instrument are mainly related to defects in the mechanical part of the instrument, poor quality strings and their own tuning errors. When many parts of the guitar are susceptible to damage and wear, then it is better to get serious about repairing the instrument.

What to do?

When using a guitar, you need to follow the rule: the tuning should be done before each lesson. This way you can avoid many of the troubles associated with it.

In addition, you need to keep an eye on your tool:

  • inspect it daily for faults and cracks;
  • wipe the body, neck and strings with a soft cloth from dust and fat deposits (from hands);
  • timely replace poor-quality or worn-out tuning pegs;
  • loose parts of the mechanical part must be firmly fastened.

Check out the list of other important points.

  • During installation, the strings that have not yet been used must be stretched along the length, but so that they do not break. They are adjusted several days in a row after being tensioned for shrinkage.
  • Pay attention to how tight the nuts are on the faceplate of the headstock. They should not be allowed to rotate freely with your fingers.
  • Examine the nut condition for roughness or jamming, which is important when using thick strings. The solution to the problem is to replace with new elements. If there are too narrow slots on the saddle, they must be sawed to the size of the strings.To prevent clamping, it is advisable to lubricate the holes with graphite grease or grated slate powder mixed with ordinary machine oil.
  • If the sills are dented, they should be replaced. You can do this yourself using chisels. Previously, the new part must be adjusted to the desired size, its corners must be smoothed. By the way, some guitars, even with damaged saddles, continue to build beautifully.

And you should also periodically tune the scale - the gap between the lower and upper (zero) thresholds, on which the string lies.

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