All About Guitar Stands

Professional musicians probably wondered where to store their favorite musical instrument, because just leaving it in the corner is not entirely safe. Alternatively, you can place your guitar on a table, chair, or other piece of furniture, but this storage method is also not reliable enough. When you decide to connect your life with music, it will be wise to get a special stand for your equipment.
The design will protect your equipment from accidental drops, will fit aesthetically into the interior and will be a convenient storage place.
Besides, such a device will save musicians the hassle of transporting the instrument before performing. In this article, we will tell you more about what guitar stands are, what they are, how to choose the right ones for different needs.

In order for the sound of musical equipment to be as melodic and pure as possible, it is necessary to carefully store it and avoid physical damage. The instrument support is specially designed to accommodate the positioning of the guitar. In the event that a special place is not allocated for the equipment, it is stored in the most diverse and not entirely successful secluded corners.
Quite often, the instrument is stored on the floor with the neck resting on the wall - in this case, there is a high risk of falling and damaging the body.

Also, the constant unnatural position of the equipment can lead to deformation of the neck, which in the future will affect the tension of the strings and the sound of melodies. The guitar stand prevents most of the problems associated with storing musical equipment.
Most of the stand models have an area for two or more musical instruments - this allows you to use the space of the room intelligently and economically. When all the equipment is neatly stored in a small area of the room, it is much easier and faster to access it.

Rack requirements are quite varied, so the market offers a fairly wide range of products. You can choose a stand based on various characteristics of the guitar - instrument size, type of operation (acoustics or electro), neck length and body shape.
In addition, manufacturers create a lot of various designs of structures - this will help to successfully choose an accessory for any interior and satisfy the delicate taste of creative individuals.

There is a classification of supports by location - floor or wall stands. Each type of construction has its own pros and cons, which it would be wise to pay attention to when choosing. To avoid unpleasant surprises, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of different types of supports for musical instruments.

For beginner musicians, the choice of an acoustic or electric guitar stand most often falls on a tubular tripod. The tubular stand seems to be quite reliable, as it is quite stable thanks to three legs and is equipped with a neck holder. For beginner musicians, this model is the standard choice, because it has a low cost and is suitable for use in different situations.
Also, a positive quality of this design is the material of manufacture - polypropylene, pipes from this raw material are quite strong, but at the same time lightweight.

Nevertheless, such an attractive picture hides its pitfalls. You will face problems immediately after buying a tripod, because its structure takes time to assemble. This factor will take away precious minutes from you while touring or performing in different cities. In addition, the assembled tubular tripod is not very stable, so there is a possibility of falling and damaging the musical instrument. Also, the design contains plastic parts that can break with frequent assembly and disassembly of the tripod.

Wall mounted
If you only have a small room, living room or bedroom to play your guitar, the wall holder is a great option for making ergonomic use of the space. This type of stands has quite a few advantages:
- help to save space, because the holder is attached to the wall, a guitar is suspended from it by the neck;
- protect the musical instrument from damage, because in a suspended state it will be inaccessible to small children and pets;
- decorate the interior, because, in addition to convenience and safety, a guitar on a wall holder adds charm and style to the room of a creative person.

But even such an excellent option for storing equipment has its drawbacks:
- the holder can be difficult to install, because if you screw it to the wall too loosely, the guitar, along with the mount, will fall and be damaged;
- the wooden stand can deform, because the location close to the wall increases the effect of moisture and temperature changes - this causes crackling and twisting of the material, and this can also affect the sound quality of the equipment;
- there is a small chance of the instrument colliding with the wall, because some types of mounts do not hold the neck tightly enough, so the guitar dangles freely and can hit the wall, but this problem can be easily corrected with a special shock absorber.

It is also not recommended to use wall holders in sound recording studios, because a guitar that dangles freely in the mount absorbs air vibrations and can make unnecessary sounds.
In the event that none of the above difficulties is a hindrance for you, the wall holder is the ideal option for storing the equipment.

The "A" shaped guitars storage structures are the most budgetary and simplest in the range of products. In addition to the low price, such equipment has quite a few advantages - the mechanism folds easily, is convenient for transportation and takes up very little space in the room. When folded, the portable floor stand fits even into a musical instrument case - this item makes it much easier for musicians to tour.

But the stand also has drawbacks, the main one being the lack of a neck mount. If the tool is not secured, it is quite easy to drop it by lightly hooking the body. Therefore, this category of designs is not suitable for those musicians who have small children or animals. Also, the disadvantages of this mechanism include the fact that only one guitar can be stored on it.

For multiple guitars
In the event that you have more than one guitar in your arsenal, it may be wise to consider a stand with multiple holders. This stand saves space as much as possible, because it places several musical instruments in a small area. This model will be convenient to install in a small room or on a small stage.
A design flaw occurs when you decide to place a stand near a wall or in the corner of a room - in this case, the tool located on the far holder will be very difficult to access.

Also, there are special rack stands for storing several guitars, they have many advantages over conventional holders, so musicians often prefer this design. Unlike a conventional stand, the rack can store 3 to 10 strings with less space. In addition, the wood structure is easy, quick to assemble, and the access to the guitars is much more convenient and simple. This stand for a large amount of equipment is perfect for band tours, long-term storage in cases, or small home studios. The convenient form of attaching the guitars to the stand allows you to quickly remove the instrument so that later you can play your favorite melody, resting the guitar on your knee.

Of course, even such a versatile design has its drawbacks. The lining material on the stand is not very durable, so it wears out rather quickly. What's more, if not properly positioned, the equipment can bump against each other - this can cause serious damage to fragile acoustic guitars.
In addition to all of the above, there are two more small stands that will greatly facilitate playing the guitar - these are leg and knee stands, each of which adds comfort to the musician during the performance.

Materials (edit)
You can often hear from experienced musicians that an instrument with a nitro lacquer coating requires special storage conditions. This advice arose because if the body of the equipment comes into contact with iron or plastic, it can harm the fragile coating. Nevertheless, fabric and wooden coasters are absolutely safe.
Newcomers to the music field may be confused by the difficulties in choosing a stand, because it is quite difficult to predict the reaction of the guitar coating to the stand material. Therefore, we suggest that you take a closer look at the types of surface of a stringed musical instrument. The body and neck of the guitar are coated with two types of material - nitrocellulose and a polymer base.

The nitrocellulose-coated instrument is a natural wood instrument with light weight and pleasant aroma. Such material cannot be found on modern equipment, it can only be found on old, vintage or amateur-made guitars.
If you are sure that your tool falls into these categories, carefully consider the selection of the rack. If necessary, consult a specialist in order to find a suitable design that will not ruin the neck and body.

Modern guitars, which are created in mass production, have a coating based on polymer plastic. This material is thicker, more durable and stronger than nitrocellulose. It is easily distinguished by the appearance of the guitar - its surface is shiny, reminiscent of glass. A musical instrument with such a coating will not deteriorate when interacting with any stand material, so there is no need to worry about this.

How to choose?
Electric guitars, bass and acoustic guitars have different body structures, this nuance must be taken into account before buying a stand. The size of the rack is also very important, which depends on the parameters of the equipment. Do not be afraid that it will be difficult to find the ideal rack size - modern manufacturers create universal structures in which you can adjust the height and width of the mounts.

In addition, you need to pay attention to several more important points, we will consider each in more detail.
- For classic equipment, it is very important to provide a secure and soft mount in order to avoid scuffs, scratches and other damage. Therefore, choose a stand, the fastenings of which are covered with special padding made of foam rubber or synthetic winterizer.
- If the design provides for a rear wall on which the equipment will rest, it is necessary to choose a model with soft upholstery. This backrest will sufficiently protect the stringed instrument from damage.
- When choosing the best option, give preference to stands with body and lead locks - this will prevent accidental falling of the guitar.
- For electric guitars and basses, you can equally choose from wall mounts to regular floor stands. If you are going to store your instrument on a wall, it is very important to ensure that the holder is firmly attached to the surface.

When choosing a stand, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which it is made. Most often, musicians choose metal structures, because they are reliable and durable.
If you are not sure if the stand will fit the size of your instrument, opt for the versatile adjustable guitar storage systems.
In the event that you have more than one instrument in stock, choose the convenient complex stands. In addition, it is wise to choose a versatile design that can accommodate both acoustics and electric guitars.