What are guitar processors and how to choose them?

For the performance of musical works, the richness and diversity of the sound of the instrument is very important. Special equipment comes to the aid of the performer, for example, guitar processors.

What is it and why are they needed?
An electric guitar player typically uses multiple pedals to create different effects. Their number increases along with the growth of the guitarist's skill. There comes a time when they no longer fit on the pedalboard, and then a guitar processor is required.

This is a special device that processes the input guitar sound and transforms it. The result is a new sound. The processor case contains amplifiers with emulations, pedal actions, and cabinets.
In terms of the quality of sound modification, guitar processors are not inferior to pedals. On the contrary, they have great possibilities for performing original compositions, including effects that give power and color to melodies. Musicians prefer processors because they are compact, allow you to quickly and conveniently control effects, have a graphical interface that allows you to create combinations for the game.

Also these devices have tuners or metronomes. In addition, the purchase of a processor can save money when compared to the cost of a set of pedals.
Description of species
There are two types of guitar processors - tube and digital. Their operation is based on different principles.

This type of amplifier appeared in the middle of the 20th century. Tube processors have a warm, soft sound that's easy to get. They are highly customizable and therefore give the expected result.

The disadvantages of this type are that, when playing at high power, the guitarist can get a distorted sound. The reason is that such a processor does not always withstand overloads well. At the same time, there are amplifiers that have channels for pure sound and for overdrive. This makes it possible to use overdrive sound even at low power.
Also, this type of processor gives a high percentage of intrinsic noise, has significant dimensions and weight, and consumes a lot of energy. Guitar tube equipment requires regular tube replacement.

Old school musicians and many professional guitarists choose this type of processor for its reliability and sound quality.

Digital guitar equipment appeared relatively recently and immediately became widespread. It is easy to set up and has less weight and dimensions. Technologically, digital processors have great possibilities for creating various effects and modulations. Also, their advantage is the lack of a power supply.

The sound that arises from this type of device is not as soft as that of a tube, but it does not distort when overloaded. Therefore, you can play acoustic parts at any volume and even simulate the sound of overdrive using effects. Maintenance of digital guitar equipment is minimal.

Digital processors are designed for all types of guitars and more. An interesting type is vocal guitar amplifiers. They are intended for musicians who perform songs with their own acoustic guitar accompaniment. With their help, processing and creation of effects for both the voice and the instrument is carried out.
The Voice Harmonizer successfully combines the quality of vocals and instrumental accompaniment.

Rack processors are mounted in a special rack. Thanks to this design, several types of equipment can be combined to create effects. They are controlled through the connected pedals. Their advantage is their compactness. There is only a small device on the stage, and all the electronics are taken out of the stage or even the hall. This type significantly increases the possibilities for a higher sound quality. The products are intended primarily for sound engineers and are used in studio work.
One of the newest processor options is the pocket processor. Can be fixed on a belt or waistband. Despite its small size, this amplifier has all the features of a standard sized device. The disadvantages include a rather modest arsenal of effects. Works on batteries for up to 10 hours, suitable for home music making.

Top Models
Guitar processors meet the most varied requirements of musicians, both in terms of sound quality and richness of effects, as well as in terms of price. Numerous ratings of these devices help to choose the most suitable wishes of a particular artist.

For novice guitarists, the following budget models can be recommended.
- DigiTech Element XP - compact and powerful processor with 100 presets and 100 user presets. On it you can create a chain of 9 effects (37 in total). There are preset combinations of effects. There are also additional settings.
- Zoom G3X - a processor featuring simple controls and one of the highest operating speeds. It has 90 built-in effects, a drum machine, an effects pedal. Up to 12 effects can be combined. The block successfully emulates Fender and Marshall amplifiers.
- Korg AX-5 B has 58 effects, 80 programs. Easy to customize. Designed for bass guitar. Equipped with quality volume pedals and noise cancellation. It uses REMS proprietary technology to achieve more detailed note modulation.

The following models are leading in the top of expensive guitar processors.
- Joyo Gem Box III designed for professional musicians. Suitable for electric guitars.The processor uses intelligent reverse modeling. Includes 157 effects, over 300 preset tones. Has 12 device control buttons. There are 12 I / O connectors on the rear panel.
- Boss GT-100 supports 400 presets - 200 of them are factory presets. Has a very wide range of tones. It has 4 blocks that offer overdrive, reverb, distortion and delay. The advantage is convenient control with instant access to every function.
- VOX ToneLab SE. This is a tube processor, one of the best in its class. The amplification circuitry creates a classic warm and lively sound. Has 96 programs, 32 presets, 50 effects, 11 cabinets.

Guitar processors, like any electrical equipment, require certain additional elements to function properly.

Lamp devices are necessarily equipped with a power supply, without which their operation is impossible. Since this type of amplifier involves regular replacement of tubes, they can also be attributed to accessories.
Digital guitar processors do not need a power supply. They work either from the mains or on batteries. Any processor requires an AC adapter, a loop for connecting external effects, an expression pedal. Headphones may be required.

Which processor should you choose?
The choice of processor is just as important as the instrument itself. The degree of purity of the sound depends on this, as well as how much it will satisfy the needs of the performer. The criteria for each musician is determined by his needs in the game.

Some get by with a minimum of effects and a tuner. Concert guitarists prefer compact devices. For beginners, it is preferable to master the instrument without using a large number of effects in order to better hear clear sound.
It is advisable to choose an amplifier of the same level as an electric guitar. If the guitar is not of very high quality, then the amplifier will not be able to significantly improve the sound.

Today, tube and digital processors have comparable prices. Most of them are suitable for both electric guitars and electro-acoustic instruments.
When choosing an amplifier, you should rely on personal preference for sound quality, as this is the main criterion. The amplifier should not hum too much, and even at high power, you need to hear both the upper and lower frequencies well.

The number of buttons and switches on an amplifier matters as they determine the number of settings and the possibilities for combining effects. Among them pay attention to the EQs and the Presense knob, which controls the fidelity of the sound when playing solo or accompaniment. It is also important how many effects can be included in one chain. The amount of interesting, unusual sounds that you can create depends on how many built-in types of amplifiers and cabinets are in the processor.

It is necessary to pay attention to whether it is possible to connect a second guitar or tape recorder, as well as headphones. This input can be used to connect to a tape recorder or mixing console.
An audio interface will be useful when you have a home studio. Then you can use the processor as an external sound card.
According to the method of placement, processors are divided into several types: floor-standing, rack-mounted, pocket-sized. Their choice also depends on the needs of the guitarist.
Floor-standing models are suitable for a concert musician. They are well suited for live performances. They have several pads that should be reliable, so it is better to choose steel ones. The quantity and quality of the pads is important. The number should correspond to how many presets the guitarist uses on average per song. There should be the same number of programmable pads.

Studio musicians can choose from tabletop or rackmount models. They are smaller and can easily fit on a desktop. The power of such amplifiers is much higher than that of floor-standing amplifiers.They have the ability to connect a live floor controller to them.
There are guitar processors made specifically for basses. They have functions and effects that are tailored to the specific sound of this type of guitar. Among the most well-proven amplifiers are the Digitex BP 200, Lint 6 BASS Floor POD, Korg AX3000B.
There are also amplifiers for acoustic guitar. They are created taking into account the peculiarities of acoustic sound and should not generate sound, but only carefully color and enhance the natural sound of a classic instrument.

Such processors make the sound more dense, help to improve the sound with minimal effort on the part of the musician. Popular devices include the Fishman Tone DEQ or the Boss AD-10.
They were highly appreciated by professional guitarists and showed themselves well both in the studio and in concert activities.
How to connect?
You can connect a guitar amp in different ways. It is best to use a combo. This is a device that includes amplifiers and several units, a speaker system and a control panel in one housing. The advantage of this device is that it allows you to get as close to natural guitar sound as possible.

To connect the processor to the combo, you need to choose an adapter according to the instructions supplied with the processor. There are usually two slots on the connector panel. The connector of one wire must be inserted into the one with the inscription Input. Its second plug is inserted into the body of the guitar. Then the plug of the other wire is plugged into the Output jack on the amplifier. The second side must be connected to the Input jack in the same place, then the adapter must be connected to the set-top box. Only then should it be connected to the network, otherwise the adapter may not withstand the voltage.
If your amp has an effects loop, you need three wires. The presence of a loop is indicated by the Send and Return inputs. Then the guitar is plugged into the Input jack of the amp. The Send input connects to the Input jack on the amplifier. Return input - with an Output jack. This method of connection will provide the best sound for your instrument.

If the processor has battery power, a ground connection is required. Usually the combo is grounded.
You can also connect the processor to your computer. The computer must have a high-quality sound card that supports the ASIO protocol, or an external USB device can be used. To connect, you will need a special cable, which usually comes with the device, a 6.5 mm jack. It connects to a 6.3mm jack to 3.5mm jack adapter. Then, on the back wall of the system unit, you should find three round entrances: blue, green and pink. Connect the cable to the blue input, Line-In. All wires, except for power cables, must be shielded.

A guitar processor is a useful and necessary device for a guitarist. It allows you to solve a variety of performing tasks due to a wide variety of types and functions.