All About Sizing Guitars

The size range of guitars is not as wide as that of clothes or shoes, but it is this parameter that has a huge impact on the comfort and quality of the sound produced. The instrument is selected individually, the musician must not only hold the guitar and understand if it suits him, but also try to play - check the sound, quality of the strings and ease of play. It is not so easy to give a six-stringed musical instrument to someone, but you can make it easier for yourself by studying the basic parameters of guitars and figuring out which one is right for a certain height and age.

Basic parameters of guitars
The guitar can be used both as a solo and as an accompanying instrument. It is used everywhere - in school circles, music schools, while hiking and for serious concerts on the big stage. All existing guitars are similar in shape and materials from which they are made, but there is a major difference - the size.
In the most ordinary music store, there will be no problems with the choice, because you can not only evaluate the purchase yourself, but also contact a consultant for help. When buying in online stores, difficulties arise - no one will tell you, and it will not work to try on the tool.
You can avoid these difficulties by familiarizing yourself with the existing sizes of guitars.

This parameter is one of the most important, because the strings and other parts can be replaced, but the size cannot be adjusted. To avoid errors, you need to consider notations such as 4/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 7/8. These numbers are necessary to indicate the size of guitars using the metric system - it is based on inches practically unknown in Russia and the CIS countries. Fractional values were created to simplify calculations — each number corresponds to a specific length in inches.

An important nuance is that the measurement of the full length of the guitar is carried out from the neck to the end of the body, and the length of the body (another necessary indicator) is measured from the scale to the bridge.
It is customary to subdivide the size range of guitars into several subcategories.
4/4 is the standard size, also called "whole". Its total length is 1000 mm or 40-41 inches and the scale is 650 mm. The neck width is standard, but the body is wider than other models - 368 mm. Such a guitar is suitable for musicians whose height is at least 160 cm. Another indicator that you need to pay attention to is the length of the arm.

The next largest guitar, the 7/8, is a miniature version of the 4/4. Experts call this tool a transitional one, because it is the middle between the two standard ones. Finding one is more difficult than any other, so most often they are made to order. The length is 38-39 inches, the sound is slightly inferior to an adult guitar in terms of saturation, but teenagers and miniature adults can perform with such a guitar on stage without any problems.
3/4 - a guitar that is only a few units differs from the previous version and is 36 inches long. It is great for children from 9 to 15 years old and adults with small hands. The height of the performer can vary from 140 to 157 cm. It is convenient to take such models with you outdoors or on trips, so even professionals do not refuse a miniature guitar.

After 3/4 is the 1/2 gauge, which is 34 inches long. This is a great option for elementary school students and children in grades 5-6. The sound is somewhat muffled and not as rich as on a full-size instrument, but such a guitar is ideal for training.
Often they want to be like adults, and a small 1/8 size guitar will help them with this.
Buying a tool for kids is not such a stupid idea as many believe, because children's games can grow into something more.
These models are 23 inches in size and sound richer than 1/2 and 2/3, so children 5-7 years old can use them not only for playing in a family circle, but also during performances in kindergarten and school.

Guitar selection is not heavily dependent on the type of guitars, but still it should not be neglected. Many aspiring guitarists cannot understand the difference between classical guitar and acoustic guitar. The sound of the acoustics is voiced. This is due to the fact that metal strings are installed on acoustics, which, with a large and hollow body, help the sound to resonate. In general, the body of the acoustics is relatively heavier and more massive than that of the classics. In addition, the shape of the guitars is often different. The neck is rather narrow. It is customary to play with a pick, so many models have a special pad, it will not be so difficult to master various finger techniques.

There is a legend that it is the classical guitar that has the closest form to the first guitars in the world. If an acoustic guitar is equipped with metal strings, then nylon counterparts are always installed on the classics. It is worth noting that nylon strings are considered to be more gentle, so beginners are advised to learn from the classics. Your fingertips will hurt anyway, but a less hard material will mitigate the damage. However, you have to learn how to tune the strings.
The main feature of the classics is the large neck. The body is high and exceeds the acoustics in size.

Bass guitars
The guitar has a design that is fundamentally different from the classics and acoustics, a stylish body and only 4 strings. Bass guitars have their own functions and have a special, lower and richer sound. It is generally accepted that the bassist always stands behind due to the fact that his melody is maximally combined with percussion instruments. Whereas regular guitars can play multiple roles, the bass usually only sets the beat.

You can choose a bass guitar based on a person's height and the length of his palm, because it is she who will have to cover the neck and pluck the strings.
- 1/4 is suitable for a person with a height of 90-100 centimeters, whose palm length is 10-12 cm.The length of the scale on such guitars is 48 cm, and the total length of the instrument is 73-80 cm.
- 1/2 is a tool that will be convenient for people with a height of 100-130 cm and a palm length of 12-14 cm.In this case, the length of the scale can be from 54 to 57 cm, and the total length from 83 to 90 cm.
- 7/8 is slightly larger than previous guitars, it should be purchased if the height of the guitarist is 140-153 centimeters, and the length of the palm is 15-16 cm.You can determine the size by the length of the scale - it can be 59-62 cm, or by the total length of the instrument - from 92 to 99
- 4/4 is a full-size guitar that is suitable for teenagers and adults, whose height is 154 centimeters, and the length of the palm is 17 cm and more. Usually the length of the palm corresponds to the height, but if a person is tall and his hands are small, you need to look at the size of your palms. The length of the scale for 4/4 bass guitars can be as large as 61 cm, that cm and 72 cm, and the total length of the instrument is 101-106 cm.

How to determine?
In stores, consultants or sellers will always tell you what size the guitar is in front of the buyer, but when shopping on the Internet, only the length is often indicated or it is written for what age the instrument is intended. Alas, not all children and adults are the same - someone at the age of 14 will need a 4/4 tool, and someone - 1/2 or 3/4. To independently determine the size of the product, it is necessary to correlate the total length and the length of the scale. They must correspond to the indicators indicated above.
The scale represents the entire working, sounding part of the string. The average length of the working surface is 65 cm, which can be compared to the length of the arm.
Accordingly, the smaller the hand and fingers of the guitarist, the shorter the scale length should be.

How to choose the size?
In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you need to contact the seller or consultant who will tell you the exact size. If the guitar is taken to a child, then a purchase made with a future perspective is reasonable. However, you shouldn't buy an "adult" guitar for a teenager. When choosing, it is better to refer to parameters such as height and length of the palm. If the guitar is intended for adults, then the most significant indicator should be the scale length, as the overall size of the guitar can be deceiving.
To understand whether a model is suitable or not, you need to pick up the guitar. With the correct position of the hands, the left hand bent at the elbow should reach with the fingers to the 4-string peg without much tension. If you have to stretch your fingers and make an effort, then it makes sense to consider a smaller guitar.

The size of the palm is crucial. If the neck is too wide for the musician, the fingers will be in constant tension.
In order to pinch some chords, you will have to stretch. This problem will lead to the fact that it will be impossible to play some techniques. On the contrary, a bar that is too small will cause additional inconvenience to the right hand. The left hand will strain very hard to make the sound clear. Finding the optimal fretboard size is easy, your fingers should be free to reach any string.
Many performers now choose to purchase their instruments through online platforms. It will take a few minutes to study the parameters that determine the individual size for a guitarist, but the number of situations when you have to return an item will be reduced to zero. To make a guitar fully suitable for a musician, you need to pay attention to just a few points: palm length, age and arm span. In order for the instrument to suit the guitarist completely, he must not only compare the characteristics, choose the material of manufacture, strings and the pattern on the guitar, but also hold it in his hands. This is the only way to choose the perfect companion for your musical career.