
Guitar Tabs

Guitar Tabs
  1. What is it and what is it made of?
  2. History
  4. How to read and play tabs?

People who are not familiar with musical terms do not know what tabs are. But all those who have mastered the guitar can play it, they perfectly understand this terminology. In the article, we will explain the concept of "tabs", their designation and purpose.

What is it and what is it made of?

Guitar tabs or tablature is a kind of recordings of all pieces of music. They are not intended for all instruments: strings - lute, vihuela, guitar; keyboards - organ, harpsichord; wind instruments. With their help, you can record musical parts (for example, songs, guitar solos).

For to understand tablature, it is not necessary to learn musical notation. And all because for the guitarist the use of musical notation brings certain inconveniences. After all, the same note can be played in different ways. Therefore, for some types of musical instruments, a specific musical notation was invented.

It is convenient to use if the guitarist is playing a six-stringed instrument. On the diagram, you can understand how the guitarist's fingers are located on the fretboard, as well as at what height to play the notes. Beginners also quickly master the tabs, because there are much less symbols than in musical notation. All those musicians who compose their own works also use the guitar literacy.

By the way, tablature is used for all types of guitar: ukulele, electro, classical, acoustics. Today there is even a special program where it is easy to make records - Guitar Pro. Why are these symbols and numbers needed?

There are times when a musician hums a melody or it “spins” in his head, but it just doesn't work out. In addition, if you did not write it down right away, then after half a day you can forget it.Recording on a dictaphone is also not an option, because many have hearing problems.


The tabular scheme can be attributed to the most ancient records. The first mention of such organ recordings dates back to 1300. And by 1470, there were records for the lute among the Germans. The Italians have used tabs since 1517, and the Spaniards since 1536. So the recordings were gradually improved.


There are three main types of notation for guitar tablatures. Let's consider them in more detail.

With notes

Here the music is recorded in two systems: on the top there is a stave in five lines, and in the bottom part there is a tablature of six lines. It is noteworthy that the numbers in the tablature correspond to the notes.

The system gives some advantages: it is convenient to read and memorize notes, the fingering of the staff is clearly visible, it is convenient to memorize the correspondence of notes to tabs. In other words, it is convenient and easy to perform a piece of music.

With note durations

This is a certain compromise between sheet music and tablature. Above the digital designation there are calms of duration, which correspond to the notes (sixteenth, eighth, quarter). In accordance with the staff, there is a union into ribs.

Such recordings are good for musicians familiar with bar, length, time signature, beats, rhythmic pulsation, but they have little desire to use ordinary musical notation. This scheme is quite compact, because you don't need to create takes in notes and tabs at the same time.


This is the simplest option without diagrams and graphs. The designation corresponds to a certain symbolism, which is convenient to type on any computer. It is most often used on web pages, as well as in all music chats. It is also convenient to use the symbolic system when comparing recording and listening to audio.

Plus of symbols: musical notation and special programs are not needed in this case. Minus one - there are no symbols that would indicate duration and rhythm. Basically, everything fits into the framework of measures.

There are certain difficulties with the designation: glissando, tapping, leagues are designated by numbers, letters, symbols. In addition, there are many variations of the same designation.

How to read and play tabs?

There are no difficulties in reading the tablature even for beginners. If there is a concept of correspondence of numbers and lines, letters to strings and frets, then it will remain to learn how to use certain designations.

The strings appear in tabs like horizontal lines. In this case, the top line is the bottom string. Vertical lines represent tick divisions.

The tabs should be read from left to right. The numbers indicate the fret number to be clamped. At the moment of placing two numbers one above the other, the melodies sound simultaneously. The distance between the symbols means a certain length of the melody.

If you see numbers in small circles on the sheet - the numbers of the fingers that need to be used in the melody. If the sign "o" is above the string, then this string should sound, and the letter "x2" denotes a non-sounding string.

Here are the numbered frets where the fingers are pinched into the string:

  • 0 means an open string, not clamped in the neck;

  • 1 - first fret;

  • 2 - second fret and so on;

  • 24 is the maximum value.

If there is no digit, the string will not sound.

Arrows indicate the direction of movement of the hand when playing with a fight. If the arrow goes up on the sheet, then the hand should move down. If you need a brute-force game, then there is a designation with curved stripes with numbers.

Certain techniques for playing the instrument have their own symbolism.

  • For example, a hummer-on is two digits on one line. Glissando is indicated by a downward or upward sloping line.
  • Using a typewriter with a tremolo lever - oblique lines and the "n" symbol, where a number is placed in the center - changing the note by the number of semitones.
  • Vibrato has "x, ~, W" and the English letter "t" is used for tapping. Trill is designated "tr" with several tildes.
  • To understand a single reprise use "|| - - || || * * || ", and for multiple add the required number of oblique lines. The symbols>,

Let's consider the most common techniques.

  • Glissando - the designation of a slash between numbers, for example, 6 (which means on the first string of a glissando from 6 to 8 frets).
  • Legato - English letters "p" or "h", for example, 7p5 (which means, a note at the 7th fret with a pinch of the right hand, and a note at the 5th fret with a finger of the left hand, pressing and holding).
  • Vibrato - "~" above or after a note.
  • Band is an arrow.
  • A league is a duration that sounds exactly the same throughout.
  • Flaglet - rhombuses with numbers.
  • Trioli - a game of three notes with the same duration.
  • Muting the strings - "RM".
  • Barré is a solid line all the way.
  • Combat - vertical arrows in front of the numbers.

Let's summarize. Among the advantages of tablature is an excellent description of how to play the guitar. In other words, seeing all the symbolism on the tabs, one can immediately understand not only how to play a melody, but also which hand to put on the strings, to act with your fingers at the moment.

And among the shortcomings, the following can be noted: the inability to feel the duration of the note. Rock musicians often use tablatures to play, because classical guitarists are taught to read sheet music.

Experts give some tips for newbies.

  • Before using, you must carefully comprehend all the tabs. Because many people use special symbols: for tremolo, bands, slides. As a rule, all symbols are located at the top of the sheet.
  • Sometimes, from the first reading, some chords are inconvenient. Therefore, play the chords as it is convenient for you.
  • You should always be wary of tabs on the Internet. They don't always sound right. In addition, some works are published without permission. Be careful!
  • Tablature will not be able to bring you closer to the basics of musical theory, it only indicates the correct placement of hands and fingers during the game.
  • If you have difficulty playing a song, then start learning another or storm the notes. After all, the tablature does not tell you when to start playing.
  • Here one cannot get an idea of ​​the arrangement of the chord, of the compositional rhythm, there is no melodic contour, and it is also impossible to separate the melody from the accompaniment.
  • Your best bet is to start memorizing chords for some simple songs. This is because you have already heard them, which means you know how they sound.
  • And also there are other methods of designation that cannot be disassembled or learned within the framework of one article. Musicians often make analyzes based on their preferences. Sometimes a supplement is used with written explanations. In other words, everything is learned in practice.
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