Features of ironing presses for the home and recommendations for their selection

Ironing is an integral part of every family's life, but standing with the iron several times a week is by no means a pleasant pastime. Therefore, an increasing number of housewives are beginning to give preference to ironing presses, which greatly simplify this routine.
The surface area of the device is several tens of times larger than the area of a standard iron, so the work is carried out more than twice as fast and much less effort is spent on it.

The ironing press, as the name suggests, is designed for ironing linen. Previously, this device was used only for industrial purposes, for example, in dry cleaners or the clothing industry, but today a household press can be found in households as well.
They differ from industrial ones in their size. - it is clear that in the conditions of an apartment or a private house it will be possible to use only a moderately compact device. In addition to traditional ironing, the press can be used to attach patches, thermoapplications or non-woven fabric.

However, the main function of such devices is the processing of large items, for example, bed linen and curtains, as well as ironing a large number of items. It is also worth mentioning that steam-treated knits get extra softness.
The convenient design does not allow you to burn yourself while working, unlike the same iron. It can be collected and put away in a convenient place for storage, since when folded, the press does not take up a lot of space. By the way, you can install the device not only on the floor, but also on the table.
Additionally, by purchasing a special stand, you can equip a full-fledged ironing place that allows you to use it both sitting and standing for people of different heights. The weight of the ironing press varies from eight to sixteen kilograms.

Principle of operation
Modern presses are used for processing natural and synthetic fabrics. In the first case, there is a steam treatment, and in the second case, ironing takes place without steam exposure. An ironing press is similar to a regular ironing board, but it can be of different shapes, for example, a square or even a trapezoid. The device consists of two plates. The lower one, covered with dense foam rubber and natural fabric or heat-resistant synthetics, acts as a fixed ironing board and is fixed on the counter.

If necessary, the covers can be easily removed, stretched and returned back. Also, replacing the covers in case of damage to the foam rubber pad will not bring any problems. The top plate moves and is essentially a giant iron soleplate. It is made of either anodized aluminum or metal with a thick non-stick coating. Most often, both plates have one beveled edge.

The size of the ironing press can be different, but in any case, even the smallest one will exceed the parameters of a regular iron ten times. The instrument usually has two main programs. The first is responsible for moisturizing. It happens as follows: first, the fabric is treated with water, then covered with a hot platform and treated with steam. The second program involves steaming. In this case, the liquid immediately ends up on the heating element, then evaporates, and with the help of the generated steam, the tissue is processed.

Before ironing, the device is connected to the socket and the required temperature is selected. The clothes are put on the lower plate, smoothed and covered with the upper one, already warmed up. Processing occurs due to the fact that the pressure element evens out the bumps, while the material becomes elastic. The end of work will most likely be signaled by a special sound signal. It will be enough to open the device and change things for new ones. It is important to mention that the ironing press prevents the laundry from burning, because if you leave the item inside for more than thirty seconds, work will automatically stop. The same will happen with an open device left without work for more than a quarter of an hour.

Usually a heat press is equipped with a small iron to reach hard-to-reach places and iron small parts. In addition, there is a spray gun for pre-humidification and a steam generator for steam treatment. It is worth mentioning that the steam generator allows you to successfully iron even laundry that is folded in several layers. When working on a thermal device, it is necessary to gently straighten the clothes and, if necessary, reduce the area by folding. Buttons and other decorative elements are best protected with fabric. Excessively wrinkled fabrics are pre-moistened, and dark and knitted items are additionally protected.

If the laundry is too large, then during ironing it will have to be moved, bringing it closer to you. When ironing things with appliqué, they must be turned inside out. In addition, it is worth choosing its own temperature regime for each type of fabric and not closing one thing inside for more than fifteen seconds. During work, it is important to adjust the position of the cord and make sure that it does not touch the hot plate, and also do not place your hands between the plates while the ironing press is working. Sleeves and darts should be pressed using special bulky cushions, and synthetic items should be pressed using the Dry Iron program and low temperatures.

By design, ironing presses are usually divided into those that are equipped with a steam generator, and those that do not.If there is no such device, then you will have to moisten things yourself with a hand spray gun. In the second case, steam is generated directly inside the device and thus the necessary humidification occurs. As you might guess, devices with steam generators are more expensive, but they are better at ironing fabrics. According to the principle of operation, ironing presses can be divided into those that operate in the steaming mode and those that operate in the humidification mode.
In addition, it is customary to subdivide household presses depending on the shape of the device itself. In addition to traditional rectangular, today they create square, rounded or with irregular contours.

Rating of the best devices
- One of the most popular is the device VLK Verono 3200... This model allows you to work with various fabrics, not only in a standing position, but also in a sitting position. The device is equipped with automatic steam supply and heating temperature control. It is ready to work in just 480 seconds, and the maximum temperature is 220 degrees. However, the fluid reservoir is not large and requires regular water replenishment.

- The press model is considered good. MIE Romeo IV Silver... It has a built-in steam generator, temperature control and an audible signal to signal the end of work. Extra steam allows you to work with a wide variety of fabrics, from linen to denim. This model also has a volumetric reservoir and a Teflon coating.

- Ironing press worth mentioning FAMILY LILIA 560 White... It allows you to quickly cope with large volumes of work, use additional accessories and maintain the best temperature during ironing.

- A good model is also called MANGANO 810 X-EL with an enlarged bottom plate and a steam generator. The device has five temperature modes, a touch panel and auto shut-off.

- An interesting solution is Mie romeo iii... It is also equipped with a built-in steam generator, but, in addition, the model has temperature and water hardness controllers. The water tank is removable, which greatly simplifies the work process.

How to choose?
When choosing an ironing device for the home, it is definitely worth choosing a small model. The frequency of the press should not go beyond fifty hertz, and the voltage should correspond to the indicator of 220 volts. It is also recommended to choose a press with a capacity of 2200 watts and an average steam output reaching 80 grams. per minute. In addition, it is important to carefully consider the available equipment. The water tank should be detachable and reattached without any problems, and safety feet with rubber should be available.
In addition, it is worth taking a device equipped with a steam generator, with surface pressure on the fabric, ranging from forty-five to fifty kilograms. However, thin and delicate fabrics can only be processed at a pressure of thirty kilograms. The bottom panel should be covered with Teflon and have a cotton cover. In addition, it is good when there are additional devices for processing hard-to-reach places and a platform designed for sleeves.

Short, wide and even square presses are suitable if you only have to iron some miniature things, for example, children's, T-shirts, T-shirts. In a situation where there are many men in the family, whose trousers need periodic processing, it is better to give preference to rectangular devices with a greater length and sufficient width.
The dimensions of the press itself should depend on the available free space., as well as the size of the laundry to be ironed. Oscillating between an electrical and a mechanical model, it should be remembered that the second will cost less, but the first will be protected from overheating and equipped with a self-shutdown system. Teflon and aluminum used to make plates also have their pros and cons.Teflon breaks down faster, but carbon deposits periodically appear on aluminum.

In general, ironing presses receive positive reviews. Especially popular are those that allow you to work while sitting and not strain your back. In addition, the opportunity to choose the required operating mode, adjust the temperature and use additional devices, for example, pads for ironing sleeves, is welcomed with a bang.
In the next video you will find an overview of the MIE Romeo II ironing press.