Built-in ironing boards: features and varieties

In the duties of each housewife there are several mandatory items that must be performed daily. One of them is ironing. On the one hand, it is very pleasant to sleep on ironed sheets and put on ironed clothes in the morning. On the other hand, every day you have to disassemble the ironing board, put it in the right place, and then assemble the structure and put it in a far corner. These actions from day to day exhaust not only the physical, but also the emotional state of the woman.
Understanding the severity of this work, the manufacturers were able to find a way out. The ironing boards have gone through several stages of modernization and now have a compact size, so they can hide in the furniture structure.

Today, the minimalism of the home interior plays a huge role in the arrangement of an apartment and a house. The less furniture there is in the space, the better. But despite this, each element of the interior must be multifunctional. For example, a tea table should fold out to the size of an oversized table, and a sofa should turn into a comfortable double bed.
The sliding freestanding ironing board has lost its relevance. It is much easier to open the cupboard and lower the ironing surface. This process does not take long. If necessary, the ironing procedure can be quickly stopped, and the workplace can be assembled in half a minute. The built-in ironing board is available on the world market in several models.Each of them has a number of features, advantages and disadvantages. And yet there are several equal qualities between them.

The built-in build system is highly durable. It is safe, even a small child can handle it. The folding mechanism inside the cabinet or any other interior item where the ironing surface is hidden is designed according to a unique scheme that firmly holds the structure in the position chosen by the person. In simple terms, the internal mounts are able to keep the ironing board in the desired plane.
The aesthetic side of the issue is also important. A bulky ironing board, standing assembled in the corner of the room, was always striking for guests. But now everything is neatly and compactly laid out and hidden behind designer doors. The folding system is easy to use and invisible in everyday life.

The main trend of modern ironing boards is aesthetics, compact size and versatility. This household item can be located anywhere, for example, in the bedroom, living room and even in the kitchen.
Several important benefits have emerged over the years with built-in ironing boards.
- Dimensions. These boards, unlike their predecessors, do not require additional supports in the form of crossed legs. They freely drop out of the cabinet or slide out of the bedside table. Modern manufacturers offer their customers ready-made furniture, taking into account the ironing device. In the case of non-standard room dimensions, the ironing cabinet will have to be ordered separately.
- Ease of use. The ironing surface can be freely removed from the closed cabinet door or smoothly slides out of the cabinet. The board is fixed at a comfortable slope and also retracts back. It is worth noting that the entire assembly process is quiet, Sunday ironing does not interfere with the sweet sleep of the household.

- Security. In order to eliminate the possibility of injury, manufacturers have developed a special fastening system. It will not work simply to knock the board over or to abruptly lower it. Young mothers pay special attention to this issue.
- Design approach. When developing models of built-in ironing boards, a lot of aspects, requirements and wishes are taken into account. It is very important that the product is economical but also very luxurious. Many housewives prefer to use a large ironing surface, but for some, a minimum board is enough. Taking into account the interests of everyone, the designers have developed models of different sizes.
- Decorative part. When arranging the interior, many housewives look at even the smallest details that should be in harmony with the overall style. The surface of the ironing board should also match the design.

Like any household item, the built-in ironing board has several disadvantages.
- It is almost impossible to purchase separately matching furniture in style and interior with a built-in ironing surface. And it is impractical to completely change the headset because of such a good. Therefore, you will have to turn to experienced professionals who will be able to perform the necessary piece of furniture according to the required parameters. But custom-made furniture is much more expensive than purchasing a complete set.
- Housewives are often tired of the lengthy ironing process. Especially if there is a lot of linen. I want to sit down, sit back and be distracted by the TV screen. Unfortunately, if you don't think about this issue in advance, you will have to look for additional entertainment options, because it is not possible to move the built-in ironing board.

Modern models of built-in ironing boards are made by manufacturers in several types, thereby broadening the horizons of the buyer and giving him the opportunity to choose the most suitable design for ironing.
This type of built-in ironing board belongs to the classic look. In general, it does not differ from its portable counterpart, except that its design has a special cover with a folding fastening mechanism mounted on the wall. An important advantage of the folding model is its simplicity and reliability. When folded, the ironing surface is positioned vertically along the wall. The only limitation for the required dimensions is the hiding surface.
The folding ironing board is equipped with a special fastening mechanism that can be easily hidden in the closet. In the case of wall mounting, it will be impossible to hide the metal inserts, respectively, the style of the room will be slightly spoiled.

Folding ironing board built into the mirror
Quite an interesting solution for any interior. Manufacturers are ready to offer various sizes of mirrors, any shape, the main thing is that the ironing surface is hidden from everyone's eyes.
The mirror can be equipped with a door swing mechanism, but the main demand is for models with a retractable mirror surface.

Pull-out ironing boards fit into small drawers and chests of drawers. The only drawback is the size of the cabinet, in which the hidden ironing surface is located. The movement mechanism of this model is rather complicated, rough operation can lead to quick breakdown.

Built in wardrobe
The most popular built-in ironing board for large families. The basis for fastening can be a linen closet, where one shelf will have to be allocated to the iron and the necessary ironing supplies. Large cupboards can be equipped with a swivel ironing surface.
It is worth noting that a folding ironing surface will be the most suitable for cabinet swing doors. The sliding wardrobe will be able to accommodate a folding ironing board.

Kitchens with ironing board
Quite an interesting option, designed for built-in kitchens with a large square. There is also a washing machine and a roll-out ironing board nearby. And in the bedside table on the shelf you can find everything you need for ironing.

Few people know that the models built into the closet also have some classification.
- Folding ironing board. A special ironing device with a simple mechanism. In terms of technical characteristics, it is more reminiscent of the classic version of the ironing board.
- Pull-out ironing surface. Unlike folding models, it takes up much less space. The design itself is hidden in a cabinet drawer. The sliding mechanism is quite complex and fragile, due to which it can often break.
- Hidden model. The hidden ironing boards are mostly located behind the mirror in the niche. But instead of a mirror, you can install any surface, for example, open shelves.

Popular models
Ironing boards are more than just a household item. This is a very important subject that cannot be dispensed with under any circumstances. External characteristics make it possible not only to facilitate the work of a housewife, but also to bring additional comfort to the ironing process. Today you can spend more than one hour looking for a high-quality ironing board without finding a suitable model.

To date, Russian-made models have gained great popularity. They are prized for their unrivaled quality and increased durability. Ease of use and basic technical characteristics bring them to the first place. The “Shelf On Iron Slim Eco” model is in rather great demand today.
Along with the Russian manufacturer, the Foppapedretti brand (Italy) is very popular among ironing boards. His product line is filled with a variety of models with unimaginable designs. The versatility of the products allows you to iron out even the most difficult jams in hard-to-reach places.

Selection recommendations
Before proceeding with the selection of the required model of the built-in ironing board, you should decide on its stationary location. It is convenient for someone that the place for ironing is located in the dressing room. By the way, it is very convenient to immediately lay out and hang ironed things on hangers.
For others, it will be most comfortable to use the ironing board built into the kitchen set. This arrangement is also very convenient, given that washing machines are often installed in the kitchen.

After choosing a place, you need to decide on the size of the ironing surface. A small structure is best suited for the kitchen. It can be hidden in a drawer with a pull-out mechanism.
For the living room, it is best to opt for a large ironing surface. It can be placed in a closet or in oblong furniture. The environment will help to brighten up the grueling ironing process, TV programs will add voice diversity, and interesting programs will completely shorten the working time.

When making a choice in favor of a particular model, several important factors should be considered.
- The reliability of the parsing and folding mechanism. By their principle, built-in ironing boards are from a technical point of view much more complicated than their folding predecessors. It is very important to carefully inspect the built-in surface mechanism. It must be made of durable metal. During the preliminary inspection, it is required to bring the mechanism into action several times and listen to the presence of extraneous noise. The lowering process should be smooth and soft, sharp jolts indicate a poor-quality fastening.

- Support quality. A special support serves to support the ironing board in a horizontal position. For the retractable model, the support is installed in the wall or in a drawer. It is important to check that the support is firmly attached, otherwise the ironing surface may fall out of the cabinet.
- The weight. The weight of the ironing surface structure should not exceed the required norm. In simple terms, the weight of the ironing board must match the wall of the ironing board.
- Stability of the structure. The ironing board must be firmly in a horizontal position, not dangling, wobbling or moving. These factors affect the comfort of the ironing process.

Quite often, before purchasing this or that thing, each person tries to find out more information about the product of interest. At the same time, they turn to relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, seek comments from satisfied owners on the Internet and from any media representatives.
But even standard knowledge makes it clear that the built-in ironing board is a real breakthrough in the household field. Many housewives emphasize the convenience of its operation, especially if small children live in the house.

Each head of the family expresses deep gratitude to the manufacturers of these structures. Now you do not have to constantly drag a massive ironing board to a convenient place and then put it away.
Of course, only positive reviews can raise doubts, but in the case of negative statements, you should be careful. Perhaps, the dissatisfied owners, before purchasing the product, did not take into account the dimensions of the ironing surface, the fastening mechanism, or they chose an inconvenient place for stationary ironing.
For information on how to make a do-it-yourself transforming ironing board, see the next video.