Wedding anniversaries and their names

How to celebrate 21 years of marriage from the date of the wedding and what is the name of such an anniversary?

How to celebrate 21 years of marriage from the date of the wedding and what is the name of such an anniversary?
  1. What kind of wedding is this?
  2. Traditions and customs
  3. What to gift?
  4. How to mark?

Having lived together for more than twenty years, the spouses become even closer to each other. The 21st anniversary of life together is popularly called an opal wedding. It is worth considering in more detail how to celebrate the event and what to give for the celebration.

What kind of wedding is this?

21 years of marriage is a serious anniversary that the spouses celebrate with their relatives. The anniversary is called opal, and this name was not chosen by chance. In general, it is generally accepted that the opal stone has a repulsive and even negative energy. But when it comes to a wedding anniversary, the mineral takes on completely different characteristics. This unusual stone was chosen for a reason as a symbol of a strong married life.

Many years have passed since the wedding, the spouses have learned to live a quiet family life, between them complete mutual understanding and relations are growing stronger every day. Opal is a symbol of happiness and strength of their marriage.

For a married couple who have been married for more than twenty years, opal becomes a real talisman. The mineral is able to protect spouses from troubles and misfortunes, from quarrels and adversities, to attract happiness and success into their family life. If this stone falls into the hands of a truly happy couple, it gives them all its positive energy without a trace.

It is worth mentioning that opal is an unusual and even magical stone. The fact is that he is able to change his energy. He can carry a positive only if peace and love reign in the family. If there are quarrels and scandals in the house, then he becomes a carrier of negative energy and does everything in order to further destroy the relationship.

Traditions and customs

An opal wedding, like any other anniversary, has its own traditions and customs. According to tradition, the family that will celebrate this anniversary must have an opal product. It can be paired jewelry or a small stone figurine. By the time of the holiday, this item should already be in the house. Before celebrating your anniversary, wipe the opal jewelry or stone figurine with a clean white handkerchief.

Traditionally, the shawl is slightly moistened with vegetable oil. Thus, the spouses will be able to divert the negative views of envious people from themselves, and the celebration will be held at the highest level.

And also, according to tradition, for the 21st anniversary, the spouses should purchase new sturdy furniture and high-quality household appliances. Many people buy new bedroom furniture especially for the anniversary. In the old days, on this day, husband and wife exchanged vows of love and fidelity. This can be a note to each other, but oral vows are also allowed. If the oath is oral, then one witness must be present with it. As a rule, this is a close relative.

There is another custom that will help bring prosperity and prosperity into the house and strengthen family ties. On the evening of the holiday, the couple must put a small disgrace in their pockets. The stone should be with them throughout the entire celebration. After celebrating the anniversary, the stones can be placed in a beautiful jewelry box to be kept in the matrimonial bedroom.

What to gift?

For an opal wedding, the spouses must exchange memorable gifts with each other. The husband can present his wife with a beautiful necklace, earrings or a ring with opal. And the wife can give her soul mate cufflinks with stones, a ring, a rosary or a beautiful keychain with an opal. The main thing is that the spouses use these gifts and, in particular, put them on at family celebrations. Then the stone will be saturated with the positive energy of the holiday, and will also give the spouses only positive.

In addition, there is a tradition where spouses exchange more personal and practical gifts for the 21st anniversary of their marriage. For example, a spouse gives his wife delicate underwear or a beautiful peignoir, and she gives him pajamas. Children can give their parents memorable gifts. For example, in honor of a celebration, you can create a photo collage that will remind parents of the happiest moments of their life together. You can order a family photo session or give something from household appliances, or just arrange a romantic dinner for two.

Relatives and friends can give both practical gifts and pleasant little things for the soul on this day. For example, you can present a beautiful tablecloth with a set of tissue napkins as a present to the spouses. You can gift luxury bedding, a set of coffee cups, vases and other utensils.

If you plan to give something of the decor items for an anniversary, for example, a vase, a candlestick, then it is worth remembering one rule - for such anniversaries, you should only give paired items. That is, it should be two vases, two candlesticks. Thus, your gift will symbolize their strong and happy union.

A beautiful painting, a specially ordered family portrait of the spouses, is quite suitable as a gift. Close relatives can give a ticket for two to a country holiday home or a ticket to the theater. Gifts for two will especially appeal to spouses. Items such as mirrors, a set of knives, forks cannot be donated. This is a bad omen. Such gifts will bring discord in the family.

How to mark?

There are no specific rules and traditions for celebrating an opal wedding. The 21st anniversary of life together can be celebrated at home in a narrow family circle, or you can arrange a magnificent celebration in a restaurant. Most often, couples celebrate this day alone with each other, and the next day they call guests. Traditionally, on this day, the spouses should be dressed in light-colored suits.The husband can choose a suit in light colors, and the wife can wear a luxurious silk dress.

On a festive evening, be sure to wear jewelry with opal, which the couple presented to each other.

The interior of the room in which the anniversary will be celebrated should be decorated in classic, soft colors. The colors can be chosen based on the natural shades of the opal. If the same shades are present at the celebration, then this is very good. To make the holiday solemn and unforgettable, the spouses can once again exchange vows and reward each other with special diplomas or medals.

For information on what wedding anniversaries are, see the next video.

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