Wedding anniversaries and their names

30 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is the anniversary celebrated?

30 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is the anniversary celebrated?
  1. What is the name of the anniversary?
  2. Traditions
  3. Celebrating a celebration
  4. What to give for the anniversary?

Each year the spouses live together has a certain name, signs and customs. What is the name of the 30th anniversary of your marriage? What is customary to give spouses for their anniversary? You will learn about how it is celebrated for thirty years of marriage, and what to give to newlyweds in this article.

What is the name of the anniversary?

Over the long years of their life together, the spouses have gone through a lot in marriage: they learned to appreciate and understand each other, to forgive small weaknesses and big shortcomings, and ate more than one pound of salt together. Approaching this date, married life grew stronger day by day, overcoming the trials prepared by fate, and love, like pearls, became stronger and more beautiful. The children have already grown up, perhaps they have become parents themselves, and the “newlyweds” have the opportunity to pay attention and show a reverent attitude towards each other.

Thirty years of marriage is called a pearl wedding. This is a special day not only for newlyweds, but also for close relatives, children and grandchildren. Pearls are often identified with white, but there are many shades, each of which has its own special meaning:

  • White means virgin purity, purity, loyalty to a loved one;
  • pink - plans for the future, support and care;
  • blue - hopes and dreams, dreams that have come true, and those that are destined to come true;
  • green - health, energy, inextricable connection with nature, family harmony;
  • Orange - vitality, deep breathing, fulfillment of all hopes;
  • Gray - the years that have been lived and those that are destined to live together;
  • Red - true love, understanding and closeness;
  • bronze - loyalty and devotion to each other;
  • golden - family values ​​and traditions;
  • Brown - tenderness and warmth of the relationship between spouses;
  • black - the path of life that is destined to go.

Not every relationship stands the test of time. Most of them crash on the coastal cliffs of domestic troubles, material problems and a showdown. Only sincerely loving people maintain mutual understanding for many years, and then, after years, there is a great opportunity to celebrate the 30th anniversary of life together. Once again, repeat the wedding ceremony, pronounce the oaths of allegiance and seal the first toast with a kiss to the solemn "Bitter". Each family chooses its own way, according to family traditions and material wealth.


Each anniversary of family life has its own name, traditions and rituals corresponding to it. Following popular beliefs, special rituals are held on the pearl wedding day that will help maintain the warmth of relations, mutual understanding and harmony in the family.

One of the most famous rituals involves throwing a pearl into running water. Before dawn, the spouses need to go to the nearest river or stream and throw one pearl into the mirror surface, pronouncing the words of an ancient conspiracy. The meaning of such actions is to attract love and prosperity to the family for another half century. Exactly as long as a noble pearl lives. Upon returning home, the couple approached the icon, read a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and asked each other for forgiveness for past grievances.

There is another well-known Orthodox tradition that came to us from our wise ancestors. In the evening, on the eve of the pearl anniversary or for the morning service, it is customary to go to church to light three candles. The first candle is put to the Virgin Mary with a prayer for the preservation of the family, the second - to Jesus Christ with gratitude for a long family life. The third candle is put to the Holy Trinity with a petition for protection and health. Such a tradition is of particular importance for a couple married according to the Orthodox ceremony. It is believed that she protects spouses from illness, troubles, gives wisdom and patience.

Another tradition has pagan roots. It is believed that during this ritual, parental wisdom is passed on to the next generation. It looks more like a wedding contest, but with some guidance. To carry out the ceremony, you will need several coins, a pen, a small ribbon and a saucer. The saucer is placed on the floor a few meters away from the pair, and their legs are loosely tied with a rope. The couple's task is to reach the saucer. But before that you need to hit the saucer with a coin. Coins from the saucer are collected in cloth or paper with pre-written wishes, and stored as a family amulet.

Modern European traditions have brought their zest to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of marriage. After the first spoken toast, one pearl is thrown into glasses of champagne and drunk to the bottom. A vow of love prepared in advance will seal the ceremony. Then they make jewelry from these pearls and wear them as a symbol of fidelity between the spouses.

Celebrating a celebration

The celebration begins with the presentation of gifts, congratulations and pleasant surprises. You can arrange to share videos or family photos. At the same time, the spouses will share family traditions, funny stories and pleasant moments, of which an infinite number has accumulated over three decades.

Gifts from children should stand out against the background of other surprises and show sincere attention to parents, gratitude for the life given, gratitude for helping in raising grandchildren. Children can prepare stories about family outings and their first parent-teacher meeting.Share memories of how mom was called to school or her reaction that she will soon become a grandmother.

What should spouses wear?

Traditionally, in the clothes of the heroes of the occasion, pastel colors or light shades should prevail. The groom's clothes should have elements of rich pearl tones: a cream shawl, a white shirt, an ivory jacket.

For women, delicate turquoise, pink, blue shades are suitable. A newly-made bride can wear a satin dress, decorate it with a scattering of pearls or beads.

If a dress code is specified in the invitation for guests, then the wishes of the newlyweds should be taken into account in order to maintain the festive atmosphere. In any case, a good mood, smiles and sincere wishes will create an unforgettable impression.

Who are you inviting?

It is customary to invite children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives to the thirtieth anniversary of family life. A celebration of this level is celebrated in a restaurant, cafe, in the country or outdoors. It is very good if there is a river, stream or lake nearby. This will serve as a pretext for holding festive ceremonies: you can throw coins into the water for wealth and prosperity.

Each of the guests at the holiday will want to say warm words, make a toast, take part in a competition. To keep each of the moments of the celebration in memory, they invite a professional presenter. If a large number of small children are planned for the holiday, it is advisable to invite an animator. And then the little pranksters will not get bored, but will be involved in contests and entertainment.

Many couples adhere to modern trends: they throw a pearl into a glass of champagne, drink it "for brotherhood" and smash it behind their backs. The apogee will be a gentle kiss, in which the invited guests count to thirty.

Do not forget to invite a professional photographer and videographer, then every moment of the anniversary will be remembered for many years, and will become a reason for watching on the next anniversary.

If it is not customary in your family to celebrate holidays on a grand scale, then you can do this among close relatives. A few hours spent in a warm family atmosphere will certainly bring many positive emotions for the heroes of the day, their children, parents and grandchildren.

In such a company, you can spend time in your home kitchen, looking at family photos, videos or children's drawings. You can go to the dacha with an overnight stay, go fishing, or limit yourself to a walk in the park with the whole family. The main thing is a family-like, good-natured atmosphere.

Room decoration

When choosing a decoration for a holiday, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of both heroes of the occasion. If the maritime theme is close to the newlyweds, then you can rent a yacht or decorate the hall in the best maritime traditions. The active modern couple can enjoy a Pirates of the Caribbean party with outlandish fish, marine-style vases and luxurious seashells.

For three decades spent together, the spouses have accumulated many memorable photographs, video materials, and objects. Having collected an impressive collection, you can equip a kind of lovers' corner, decorate with balloons, flowers, and supplement with an album for guests. In the album, invitees can leave their best wishes, congratulations in poetry and prose.

Garlands of pearlescent balloons are a great decoration for the holiday. They can be placed at the front door or they can be used to decorate the arch, near which the table of the heroes of the day can be placed.

Recently, decorations with paper pom-poms have joined the fashion trends of the holidays, and flowers of delicate tones are appropriate for any celebration. Freshly cut flowers can be simply arranged in vases or made compositions with candles, flowers.

Upholstery of chairs with ribbons and fabric in pastel colors will complement the image of the room and create a certain style and flavor.

If the celebration takes place at home, then you can add magic with the help of LED strips or garlands, and the newlyweds' glasses are decorated with strings of artificial pearls.

What should be on the festive table?

It is advisable to decorate the festive table in the style of the sea element. Can be decorated with white, pink, blue satin tablecloths. In the middle of the table, you can set a composition of flowers, candles, shells, decorate it with various ribbons, a string of beads, artificial seaweed. The symbol of marital happiness will be a pearl tree, which is installed on the table of the heroes of the day.

When choosing dishes for a pearl wedding, it is necessary to build on the venue of the banquet and the preferences of the hosts. You should pay attention to the children's menu if there are small children on the invite list.

If the celebration will take place in a restaurant, it is recommended to opt for fish dishes, cocktail salads and gourmet desserts.

In the event that the celebration is planned at home, in the country or in nature, you can limit yourself to a buffet. In any case, it is recommended to include in the list:

  • sea ​​and river fish dishes: fish steaks, sturgeon or rapan kebabs, fish pate, stuffed pike, jellied fish;
  • seafood salads: Caesar salad with shrimps, cocktail salads with octopus, mussels, rapa and seaweed;
  • fish pies, pies, baskets with fish pate;
  • rolls, sushi and other seafood dishes;
  • desserts with a scattering of pearls of different shades, the symbolic number "30", figures of the bride and groom.

    A wedding cake is an integral decoration of every event; it is decorated in the form of a sea shell, decorated with starfish, and covered with light-colored glaze. And of course, cutting the birthday cake will become the symbol of the evening.

    Birthday cake ideas:

    • a cake in the form of two shells with two pearls inside;
    • cupcakes decorated with hearts and a scattering of confectionery pearls;
    • dessert in the form of a large mirrored pearl;
    • you can depict the sea coast with starfish on the cake;
    • the traditional "Goldfish" with a pearl in the mouth will become an adornment of any holiday.

    What to give for the anniversary?

    Pearls have long been considered a symbol of fertility, luck and wealth. Its magical properties are known: it is able to protect against bad weather, poverty, dashing words. Therefore, pearl jewelry also acquire a sacred meaning, become generic talismans, passed from generation to generation, symbolizing prosperity and loyalty.

    The 30th anniversary of family life is one of the most important anniversaries; it is believed that over the years they have lived together, the spouses have built strong relationships, proved their devotion, learned to listen and hear each other. Of course, this did not happen right away, I had to go through hardships, misunderstandings, partings, but all problems were solved thanks to patience, a sense of humor and the ability to forgive each other's little weaknesses. And now it's time to show your loved one a sincere attitude, and present a gift in honor of the anniversary of their life together. It is believed that a gift for a pearl wedding should match the theme of the event.

    A bouquet of your favorite flowers from your spouse with words of gratitude and congratulations will open the festive evening. Then you can say prepared speeches, toasts, or poems. It will become an emotional moment and move the guests.

    Jewelry is considered a traditional gift for a spouse. A rare woman will not like pearl jewelry, they are considered classics of jewelry art, captivating with their grace and tenderness. From time immemorial they are called "tears of the sea", and are traditionally presented to the wife as gratitude for the years they lived together.

    Among the variety of jewelry in jewelry stores, you can choose:

    • pearl earrings, white or yellow gold ring;
    • gold or silver bracelets with a scattering of pearls;
    • hairpins, bindings or hair comb;
    • brooches with pearls inlaid with precious stones.

      Pearls have long been used as a decoration on clothes and shoes. A bag or phone case with embroidery from white or pink beads will look original.

      A handmade gift is suitable for a husband. It can be a photo album with family photos. It needs to be decorated in a nautical style, decorated with mother-of-pearl beads, sequins, ribbon flowers, painted using decoupage technique.

      You can order a family portrait from a professional artist or purchase a painting by numbers depicting the heroes of the occasion. A good solution would be to edit a film showing the main events of the couple, with music from the favorite songs of the couple.

      A classic gift for a husband would be a tie clip or pearl cufflinks, but make sure they match the clothes so the spouse will enjoy wearing them. An accessory for a car is a wonderful gift for any man, especially if it was presented by his beloved wife in honor of the anniversary of family life.

      A gift for the 30th anniversary of living together for parents does not require certain conventions. When choosing a surprise, you can focus on:

      • tickets to the theater, cinema, to a concert of your favorite artist, circus show;
      • certificates to a massage or beauty salon;
      • interior items, paintings, vases, kitchen sets;
      • collection drinks.

      A great gift - a trip to the sea, a trip around the world, a weekend in a country hotel. A wicker furniture, a rocking chair, a garden swing, a vintage lantern or a wrought-iron table for a summer residence will not leave anyone indifferent.

      Choosing a gift for parents, you need to build on their preferences. If they are lovers of travel or summer cottages, then there will be no problems with the choice of a surprise. Difficulties can arise if you do not know what the reaction of loved ones will be after receiving a gift. Then you need to choose neutral handmade gifts. This can be candlesticks, a collage of family photos, video cutting. Children can prepare a musical surprise, sing a favorite song of grandparents, paint a plate or a couple of glasses with their own hands.

          A joint photo session at the celebration of the anniversary will cause a lot of positive emotions. You can capture touching moments with friends and family. It will attract the attention of guests, bring variety, and make the evening unforgettable. If the venue permits, you can:

          • to be photographed against the background of the number "30";
          • lay out numbers from flowers, garlands, toys;
          • write a symbolic date or the names of lovers on the river bank;
          • write on the helium balloons the names of the heroes of the day and after the first toast and the uttering of the conjugal vow, launch them into the sky;
          • take pictures in the outfits of the Renaissance or disguised as pirates.

          The photo will look original, where the spouses are holding photographs from previous anniversaries.

          Not every couple is able to preserve mutual understanding, preserve love and primordial feelings by the 30th anniversary. But if the spouses celebrate this date, it means that they were able to withstand all the tests with honor and are worthy to celebrate the long-awaited event on a grand scale. Having passed such a long way, one can be sure - this is the beginning of a new stage of mutual love.

          See the next video for an idea for your pearl wedding anniversary greetings.

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