Wedding anniversaries and their names

34 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?

34 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?
  1. Anniversary features
  2. Rites and traditions
  3. How to celebrate a celebration?
  4. Present

A married life goes through many stages of development over several decades, in the end, it becomes a strong union of two hearts. The 34th wedding anniversary is called: amber. For such a long time, a certain world has developed in the family with its own laws and foundations. The relationship between the spouses has become well-established and multifaceted. They have many shades, just as the color of amber has an endless variety of different colors and halftones.

Anniversary features

34 years of marriage - an amber wedding, a landmark date, although not round. Over the years, amber becomes a mineral, going through thorny vicissitudes of various transformations. Living together for 34 years is also not always a holiday: it is painstaking daily work that requires patience, concentration and a constant search for a compromise from two loving hearts. Perhaps that is why the amber wedding was named that way.

The union of two personalities in marriage is always not easy, over the years it becomes truly indestructible. It is customary to celebrate this non-round date in the circle of the closest people.

Rites and traditions

The texture of amber is unique and original, since ancient times this mineral has been endowed with a sacred meaning. There were legends and beliefs (especially among the Scandinavian peoples and Slavs) that amber is a reliable protector from the evil forces that live in the lower astral plane. The amber charm was highly valued among sailors, merchants and the military, there was a belief that the aura of this warm stone brings good luck.

It is customary to invite the closest relatives and friends to celebrate the 34th wedding anniversary.Such a holiday is characterized by a relaxed family atmosphere. There is a custom to shower the “newlyweds” with amber “rain” on their 34th wedding anniversary, for this they use:

  • yellow foil;
  • coins;
  • wheat grains.

The holiday has always symbolized wealth, well-being and prosperity. There is a well-established tradition that a husband and wife should present each other with souvenirs made of amber or, in extreme cases, interspersed with this mineral. It is best to buy stones of light yellow shades, they perfectly match the general atmosphere of the holiday.

It is impossible not to recall the remarkable ceremony, which symbolizes the harmonious fusion of the "newlyweds" with nature. Traditionally in Russia, weddings were arranged after the harvest. This can be explained by the fact that the peasants had a lot of free time, and autumn is also a time of abundance of food, which made it possible to collect hospitable feasts.

Before the guests arrived, the couple went into the forest, collected viburnum branches, from which a large wreath was woven. He carried a sacred meaning. It was placed in the most prominent place during the celebration, the wreath symbolized peace and prosperity in the house.

A similar ceremony is recommended today. A wreath can be made from different plants, its presence during congratulations, a festive dinner will be useful, it will create the desired entourage. Instead of a wreath, they often buy a small houseplant in a pot (preferably coniferous). Small pieces of amber are placed in the ground; during the feast, the plant is placed in a prominent, honorable place.

Another tradition is associated with wine. A bottle of good wine is bought 34 days before the celebration. The cork is carefully opened and amber stones are placed in the bottle. Then the wine is closed back with a cork and placed in the refrigerator. When guests arrive, the wine is poured into glasses and drunk. Such a sacred act symbolizes the transfer of the magical properties of the mineral to everyone present.

    Before the start of the feast, the spouses used to pronounce the oath of allegiance. This tradition has not lost its significance today. In no case should you “drum” them while pronouncing high words, this will create a painful impression, will lead to the opposite result. A loving heart will always find the right words, so it is not at all necessary to memorize all the phrases like a poem, the main thing is to remember the general outline.

    After pronouncing solemn words, the guests shout "bitterly". The kiss stretches for 34 bars. Our ancestors believed that after completing such a ceremony, relations would acquire a new, higher quality level.

    How to celebrate a celebration?

    The momentous day begins with the spouses presenting gifts to each other. At the same time, each of them should sincerely rejoice and thank for all the good and not remember what was bad.

    A family holiday is usually celebrated in a country house or in a city apartment with loved ones. If the summer is hot outside and the weather permits, you can contact the service for organizing celebrations and have a picnic in nature. A feast in a summer cottage under a tent or in a gazebo can turn out to be great. In winter, it is better to organize a holiday in a restaurant. When decorating the hall and table, you should use a yellow color scheme, this applies to tablecloths, curtains, napkins, decorative elements of the interior, etc.

    If the celebration takes place indoors (a restaurant or a country house), then it is decorated with colored yellow balls. The number "34" should also appear in the most conspicuous place. The crown of the celebration can be a large birthday cake made in amber colors. It is better to order such a product in a confectionery that has a good reputation and all the relevant quality certificates.

    Congratulations and parting words to the "young" must be present on the confectionery product.

    If the anniversary is going to be celebrated in a restaurant, then you should think about the appropriate music. For example, you can invite a string quartet to accompany the feast and buffet table. In the evening, you can arrange a jazz jam session with invited musicians. If the guests know how to play music, then you can “stock up” on acoustic guitars or provide for a grand piano.

    The outfits of guests and heroes of the occasion are also important. The spouse should be in a yellow dress, this shade is associated with the color of amber. It will be enough for a man to wear a yellow tie. It will be considered good form if guests wear amber jewelry. In the details of their festive clothes, there should be yellow shades, which will symbolize the amber holiday.


    Congratulations timed to an amber wedding are bound to be associated with a sun stone - amber. You can buy jewelry or souvenirs where this mineral is present in any jewelry store, there are a great many amber products now. The prices for amber are by no means exorbitant, unlike, for example, the cost of diamonds or emeralds.

    What is the most appropriate gift for such an anniversary? The clue is in the name itself. The spouses give each other amber products:

    • brooches;
    • souvenirs in the form of zodiac signs;
    • beads;
    • rings;
    • key rings;
    • pendants;
    • cufflinks;
    • earrings;
    • bracelets;
    • boxes inlaid with amber;
    • a wooden box for storing tea, decorated with small stones;
    • beads, etc.

    The wife is also presented with a luxurious bouquet of yellow roses.

    A good gift for “newlyweds” can be a voucher to a holiday home in Kaliningrad, on the Baltic Sea coast, where the richest amber deposits in the world are located. You can organize a photo session with amber decorations.

    Household appliances and electronics are not associated with amber, but you can stick appropriate stickers on the product body and packaging. The spouses may be happy with the gift, especially if the household lacks a coffee grinder or a modern refrigerator. It is best to give flowers to heroes of the occasion of yellow, thereby they will create the appropriate tonality.

    Children can also give their parents something valuable. Most often they give:

    • household appliances;
    • decorations;
    • desk clock;
    • vases;
    • various amber figurines.

    It's not a bad idea to give the spouses a trip to St. Petersburg. It will be interesting for them to take an excursion to Tsarskoe Selo, visit the Amber Room. The fashion for amber was revived by Catherine the Great, who decorated her crown with this stone. In addition, she ordered to decorate the walls of her reception room with this mineral. Since then, the stone has been associated with power, harmony and greatness. Arriving in the city on the Neva, you can personally see the traces of history.

    Textiles of various shades of yellow (tablecloths, bedding and rugs) are also appropriate to present as an expensive gift. A 34-piece set of dishes can indescribably please spouses with its originality, such a gift will remind of itself for many years, giving rise to positive emotions.

    You can donate chess in which all the pieces will be made of amber. In a sense, honey also symbolizes amber. A keg of good honey with a dedication is a wonderful gift, only honey must be natural and not sugared. Bumblebee honey can be a special gift, it is not cheap, but it contains a lot of useful microelements.

    Lemon liqueur can also be gifted if the spouses prefer these drinks. Light beer has a golden color: a medium-sized barrel of the branded drink will be a very original present.

    Other suitable gift options are:

    • lamps and chandeliers;
    • amber furniture;
    • wooden dishes.

    When choosing a gift, it is important to consider the inclinations and preferences of the spouses. Each of them has a favorite hobby.For example, if the "newlywed" is an inveterate philatelist, then buying him a large album for stamps, you can make him very happy. If his second half is presented with a branded sweater or an expensive yellow jacket, then this can also be a good gift.

    If a woman loves to knit, then it would be appropriate to give her a set of yellow yarn.

    For the household, utilitarian gifts are usually always welcome:

    • cutting wooden board;
    • various knives with yellow handles;
    • garden tools.

    Finally, a certain amount of money in a gift envelope will be a worthy gift. If the invitee has the talent of a poet, but does not have the money to make a decent gift, then a witty original poem can save the day.

    There are an unlimited number of options for gifts for the amber anniversary, you just need to apply a little imagination and maximum desire.

    How to beautifully congratulate on your wedding anniversary, see the next video.

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