Wedding anniversaries and their names

6 years after the wedding: what is the name and features of its celebration

6 years after the wedding: what is the name and features of its celebration
  1. What is the name of the anniversary?
  2. Traditions
  3. How to celebrate?
  4. Choosing gifts for the anniversary

Six years of marriage is not a "round" date, however, very important for the spouses and people close to them. To make this solemn event unforgettable, it is worth preparing and observing some traditions.

What is the name of the anniversary?

The sixth anniversary of the wedding is called a cast iron wedding. The interpretation of the name of the anniversary is interesting. At first glance, cast iron is a strong metal, however, if handled carelessly, it can be easily deformed. A married life of 6 years also seems to be quite a long term. Husband and wife become confident in each other, they know each other well enough. But this is not a reason to relax, because family ties and love, like cast iron, do not tolerate carelessness.

It is interesting that cast iron acquires the greatest strength when heated at high temperatures. It seems to remind spouses of the need to keep a high "degree" of relations - not to forget about love, tenderness, passion. Psychologists talk about a crisis in relationships, the first of which falls on a 3-year, the second 5-, 6- or 7-year period of marriage. And again the name "cast-iron wedding" perfectly illustrates the family experience that the "young" have accumulated. Now their family is strong enough, the relationship looks "impressive", but if you stop working on them, a crisis or "destruction of cast iron" can break out.

In short, a cast-iron wedding is an opportunity for spouses to look at their marriage from a different angle. Relationships to this period can be devoid of romance and seem to be something taken for granted, indestructible and mundane.However, it is during this period that the couple may be in danger of checking the strength of their marriage. You can withstand it by showing respect for each other, remembering the importance of sincerity and tenderness in the family. Another name for this anniversary is rowan wedding. It is explained by the fact that bunches of ripe berries have long symbolized the family hearth.


The cast-iron wedding, like most of these dates, has long been celebrated in Russia. Several days before the sixth birthday of the family, the spouse cleaned the cast-iron dishes and utensils to a shine, and on the day of the celebration she proudly exhibited it on the street for everyone to see. Undoubtedly, in this tradition, there is a connection with the name of the celebration, and the desire of the hostess of the house to demonstrate her own skills, skills that she acquired in marriage. It is not surprising that the first and one of the main guests on this day was the mother-in-law. Her task was to survey all corners of the house of her son and daughter-in-law to make sure how well the latter copes with the housekeeping.

To do this, the mother-in-law took a white handkerchief and led it to all corners of the house. The result, regardless of whether it was positive or negative, was shown to the guests. Also, during the cast-iron anniversary, it was customary to cook food exclusively in utensils made of the metal of the same name. At the end of the festive feast, the guests were handed a cast iron into which they dropped coins. The more the “gathering” was, the more prosperous and rich the coming years together will be. After seeing off the guests, the spouses again took the iron pot and put notes with the cherished desires written in those cherished desires into it. Then the cast iron was removed away from prying eyes. It was believed that the desired will come true within a year.

In the Baltics, the name "cast iron" wedding is rarely heard, here a more poetic epithet is used - mountain ash. If by the 6th anniversary the family still has no children, then young relatives who have already become a mother presented the “newlywed” with a bouquet of rowan bunches. And the French, known for their romantic moods and easy attitude to life, nicknamed the sixth birthday of the family the candy. “Newlyweds” on this day accept houses made of candies and caramel as a gift, which symbolize a sweet life in abundance.

How to celebrate?

If we take into account the traditions of the past, then the most preferable option for the celebration will be a small family celebration, at which the hostess of the house, like many centuries ago, will be able to demonstrate her skills as a hostess, wife, mother. By the way, the majority of young families do just that for economic reasons - after all, the date is not “round”. Since cast iron is associated with pans, it is better to make a large meat pie as the main course. In a cast-iron pan, such dishes turn out to be especially successful.

The cake can be made in the form of a cast-iron cup with a playful inscription, which is given for an impeccable family life. As a rule, such a gift is prepared by guests. Even if a small company of relatives gathers at the table, take care of themed interior decoration. You can opt for a combination of white and golden or warm yellow, light brown shades. They will symbolize cast iron.

A little more room for imagination will give the name "mountain ash wedding". It is logical that white, red and green shades will rule the show. It is still better to choose white as the main color, since the remaining two will tire with abundant use. An autumn wedding can be decorated with natural rowan bunches. They can be the main bouquet on the table, or they can be placed in the napkin ring, in or next to the plates for each guest.

If family gatherings seem boring to you, then it is not forbidden to arrange a party on a grand scale. You don't have to spend a lot of money on it. It is enough to arrange car rides, laying an interesting route, taking light snacks and disposable dishes.In this case, be sure to plan a visit to the bridge and prepare a cast-iron lock with keys in advance. It will need to be fixed on the bridge, and the keys will need to be thrown into the water.

Some couples perform this ceremony on the day of marriage registration, but after 6 years the tradition looks more logical and symbolic. The couple walked part of the journey together, but the hard part of it (remember what we said about relationship crises just above). The castle symbolizes that they are ready to move on, to take care of the family. You can even combine these holiday scenarios. In the afternoon, spend it with friends and young relatives, driving a car, having a picnic. In the evening, celebrate the anniversary with parents and older relatives at a festive dinner.

You can beat the custom existing in ancient times to “let” the iron pot on guests in a modern way - instead of coins, invite loved ones to put notes with wishes in it. After seeing off the guests, you can, like our Slavic ancestors, begin to write your cherished desires on pieces of paper and lower them into the iron pot. This will bring the spouses closer together, will become a kind of planning for the coming year. By the way, exactly one year later, you can get notes and discuss what has come true, and what desires may already seem insignificant. By the same analogy, you can omit notes describing memorable moments, thanks to your soul mate, achievements of your family. Moreover, this tradition can be adopted for the celebration of subsequent anniversaries.

Another tradition can be embodied by the mother-in-law. To do this, she should acquaint the guests and daughter-in-law with the tradition that existed earlier - to check the cleanliness of the home with a handkerchief. After that, one should humorously beat the "test session" - put on white gloves and check, of course, where they cannot get dirty (bed linen, upholstered furniture). Then the mother-in-law can proudly demonstrate the gloves that remained white after the check and present the daughter-in-law with a comic certificate, a medal or a cup with the title "The Cleanest / Household", etc.

Choosing gifts for the anniversary

If you follow the tradition, then the spouses (and guests) should give gifts made of cast iron or things stylized for this material. Unlike some dates when jewelry made of gold, silver with precious and semi-precious stones is presented, a cast-iron wedding does not imply this. The husband can give his wife (according to tradition) something from the kitchen utensils. However, corrections should be made for the modern mentality - such a gift can offend a woman.

A man can be presented with weights or dumbbells (connection with cast iron), a metal cigarette case, a flask for alcohol, an ashtray. When choosing a gift, invited guests should remember that both spouses should use it. It is desirable that they be associated with or associated with cast iron. Such a gift can be cast-iron dishes, various boxes, figurines, vases.

However, modern housewives may not be happy with such a gift - it turns out to be too bulky and old-fashioned. A way out of the situation can be a present of forged cast-iron products for the interior - a beautiful bench for legs with twisted cast-iron legs, a mirror in an intricate pattern-frame made of cast iron, corner and ordinary bathroom shelves. Such products always look unusual, expensive and airy.

If the heroes of the occasion like picnics or have a summer cottage, you can donate a cast-iron barbecue with grills, skewers. Forged elements can represent the initials of the "young", their surname, woven into hearts. Such a gift, of course, will cost a pretty penny, but you can make it collective. Definitely, it will turn out to be more useful and pleasant than a faceless cast-iron figurine. Owners of a summer cottage or a country house can be presented with a cast-iron fireplace grate, tongs and similar tools. A good option is street lights, small benches.

An interesting presentation option is precious coins that are invariably associated with metal. Such a gift is also an investment. It is better to contact a specialist and purchase really valuable coins. Do not forget to tell about their value in the financial market to the gifted.

Cast iron products are less and less common in the everyday life of a modern person, which is associated with their heavy weight, cumbersomeness, and high cost. However, with their help, you can beat more modern counterparts. For example, to present to the “newlyweds” first an old iron made of cast iron, and then present a modern model with a steam generator and many “bells and whistles”. Naturally, gifts need to be somehow connected with each other and with the holiday, for example, with the help of a beautiful parable.

One of the options for a "cast-iron" gift is a candlestick. But if you only give it, the "young" are unlikely to find use for it. It is worth complementing it with scented candles, a pair of wine glasses on thin legs (with engraving) and a bottle of good wine. Agree, now the gift looks like a mini-set for a romantic evening and, perhaps, the “newlyweds” will want to use it immediately after they see the guests. Undoubtedly, such a present will be remembered, and its donor will be remembered with a kind word.

If the cast-iron theme is not close to you, and the anniversary falls in early-mid-autumn, interpret it as mountain ash. Gifts in deep red tones, that is, rowan shades, will be relevant. Here, jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones of appropriate shades will already be appropriate. The shade of winter berry is rich and bright, which is associated with deep love, the sensuality of partners, and passion. On this day, the spouse can present scarlet lace underwear or a certificate to the lingerie salon.

Bed or table linen, a set of towels, blankets, interior textiles will always be an appropriate gift for a couple. It is not necessary to choose red products, you can choose neutral shades with floral ornaments, better - the image of rowan bunches. It is not necessary to give exclusively cast iron pans, pots and pans. You can choose an elegant tea or coffee set for 6 people (according to the number of years lived). If desired, it can be placed on a cast-iron or any other metal tray, decorating it with rowan leaves and berries.

Don't forget about flowers. It is better for the spouse to present the wife with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Guests can bring alstroemeria, sunflowers, calla lilies, hypericum. If by this time the mountain ash has already turned red, feel free to include branches with berries in the composition.

You will learn how to cook a meat pie for a cast-iron wedding in a frying pan in the next video.

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