Wedding anniversaries and their names

Diamond wedding: meaning and ideas for celebrating a celebration

Diamond wedding: meaning and ideas for celebrating a celebration
  1. Anniversary meaning
  2. Traditions and customs
  3. What is customary to give?
  4. How to celebrate your marriage anniversary?

Not every family can boast of celebrating a diamond wedding. However, if you or your loved ones are exactly the "diamond newlyweds", you should carefully prepare for the celebration. What is significant about a diamond wedding, what to give to the “young” and how to celebrate the event?

Anniversary meaning

The 60th anniversary of the marriage is called the "diamond" wedding. The name is not accidental, because a diamond is famous not only for its beauty and high value, but also for its strength, beauty and brilliance, which does not fade over the years.

At the beginning of a joint life, the spouses, as if they receive a diamond as a gift - their relationship, family, love for each other. Diamond is a beautiful stone, but not yet so valuable and strong. Making efforts every day, working on themselves and their relationships, the couple together seem to give this diamond a cut. This is how a diamond appears.

Traditions and customs

In Europe, the tradition of celebrating a diamond wedding on a grand scale is just beginning to emerge, but in our country it has been known since the days of Russia. Previously, the 60th anniversary of marriage was celebrated as an ordinary wedding - the "newlyweds" dressed up, laid a rich table. The guests also came dressed up, with gifts, songs and congratulations. The celebration could last for several days; it was considered a great disrespect to refuse to attend such a holiday.

A little later, the tradition changed somewhat, enriched with a new custom. A few days before the diamond wedding, the spouses, heroes of the occasion, wrote letters to their children and young relatives. In these messages, they shared the secrets of family life, passed on the accumulated wisdom.

On the day of the celebration, after hearing the congratulations, the “newlyweds” took the floor in response. They thanked the guests for their kind words and gifts, attendance at their celebration and handed the written letters to the addressees. In more prosperous families, the mother usually passed on a family heirloom, a jewel, to her daughter or daughter-in-law. It was important to preserve it, to pass it on to your descendants.

In Europe, this custom has changed somewhat - letters and gifts were given to daughters on their wedding day.

What is customary to give?

An anniversary gift should symbolize long-term love, the strength of family ties, and target both spouses. The very name of the holiday indicates what gifts should be - engraved rings with diamonds, pendants, pendants. A woman can be presented with diamond earrings, and a man can be presented with matching cufflinks.

If diamond jewelry is expensive for you, then you can, firstly, make them a collective gift, and secondly, choose options with cubic zirconias (the same diamonds, however, artificial).

It also happens that the heroes of the occasion are rather indifferent to jewelry. They simply have nowhere to "walk" diamond earrings or expensive cufflinks. In this case, it is better to replace the gift with a more practical one. Elderly people, however, like young people, will be happy with household appliances and other helpers that make life easier.

A presented washing machine, if it is really needed in the household (the existing one is broken or outdated) will seem more expensive and pleasant gift than the same cufflinks. These gifts include a microwave oven, electric kettle, coffee maker, multicooker, refrigerator, TV.

The next group of gifts is the so-called family and memorable gifts. The best gift for grandparents, as they themselves admit, is the one that reminds of children and grandchildren. You can order a beautiful photo frame that includes many portraits. Of course, you shouldn't give it empty, be sure to fill it with photos.

In a large family, a family tree compiled by oneself will be appropriate. Younger family members can prepare a large greeting card from everyone present. To do this, you can use a Whatman paper, asking guests to write congratulations on it. Such a card will be re-read by the bride and groom for a long time after the holiday, reminding of pleasant events.

Table service, bed linen and blankets, a pair of terry dressing gowns are always appropriate gifts for a married couple.

Be sure to accompany the gift with a bouquet of flowers, cake, sweets. As a rule, all this is intended for a woman, so it would be useful for a man to present collection wine, good cognac. If, due to health characteristics, the newlyweds do not consume sweets and alcohol, collect a beautiful bouquet or a set of several varieties of good tea, coffee, dried fruits, honey and jam.

However, even if the spouses do not use the cake, it should still be ordered as one of the attributes of the celebration. The cake for parents or grandparents celebrating a diamond wedding should be appropriate. Choose tiered wedding options. As a decoration, you can opt for live or confectionery colors, transparent drops and decor reminiscent of diamonds. Figures of the bride and groom will also be appropriate.

It is convenient to replace one large cake with a smaller one. It is placed on the top tier of a special cake dish. The bottom and middle ones are filled with cupcakes or other small cakes, similar in taste and design to a cake. The last "newlyweds" can take home and treat themselves to the next day. And it is convenient to treat guests with cupcakes.

There is a lot of controversy about colors. On the one hand, it is customary for adult women (and the "bride" is 70-80 years old on average) to give flowers of darker shades (burgundy, dark red, purple).On the other hand, the character of the festival presupposes tenderness and airiness.

In general, most etiquette specialists, like florists, talk about a light bouquet option. However, these should not be pink, but powdery, pastel shades. Red and noble burgundy (but not too dark) are also favorites of wedding florists.

If you know about the bride's favorite flowers, focus solely on this, give just such flowers. If not, opt for classics - roses, gerberas, chrysanthemums. If possible, you can repeat the bride's bouquet, which was in her hands on the wedding day.

Do not give quickly fading and delicate flowers (violets, orchids), as well as flowers with a strong aroma (lilies). It is worth refusing from too large and heavy bouquets.

If the holiday is going to be dynamic for the newlyweds, the best option is a small basket of flowers or a capsule filled with water, so the flowers will not wither during the day.

How to celebrate your marriage anniversary?

If the health of the "spouses" permits, it is possible, following the old Russian traditions, to arrange a magnificent celebration. Traditionally, a gala banquet is organized on this day. To accommodate numerous guests and save the bride and her relatives from fussing in the kitchen, renting a restaurant hall and ordering an appropriate menu will help.

Pay due attention not only to the variety of the menu, but also to the decoration of the room. It is better to opt for a classic style with elements of luxury and nobility. This will best suit the spirit of the celebration.

It's a good idea to fully embody the events of 60 years ago. To do this, in the morning you should go to the registry office, but not to formalize the relationship, but to receive congratulations in the circle of relatives and friends and authorized representatives of the registry office. Many institutions gladly agree to hold such ceremonies, and free of charge. For them, this is a good advertisement and an extra news feed in the media.

Do not forget to invite a photographer, order musicians, make sure that when the "young" leave the registry office, they release pigeons into the sky.

Matching costumes will help to create a festive mood. If the bride and groom do not mind, you can rent a wedding dress and purchase a suit or tuxedo for the "young man." And if you have the opportunity and desire - to sew costumes that are as similar as possible to those that were on their wedding day more than half a century ago.

After visiting the registry office, it is logical to take a trip around the city, stopping at your favorite places for photographing. It is a good idea to plan a route through the places dear to the newlyweds' hearts (the place of acquaintance, favorite streets for dating, the maternity hospital where the first child appeared, the first home, etc.). Mini-quizzes for guests will help to diversify such trips - let them guess what is dear to the heroes of the occasion this or that place. The evening should end in the banquet hall.

If the state of the "spouses" does not allow them to make such trips, but there is a desire to realize, once again relive the wedding day, it is more logical to organize an on-site marriage registration. You can recommend renting a country house, where the newlyweds can dress up slowly, and then listen to the solemn congratulations from the host and guests.

This option is also good because, given the age of the "newlyweds" and some of their guests, they can get tired during the holiday. If you rent a country house with lounges, "newlyweds" and guests will be able to relax there and put themselves in order.

Younger guests at this time can enjoy a barbecue, walks in nature, arrange a photo session. In the evening, the whole family will gather at the festive table. Such holidays look beautiful under the tents. In this case, ensure that there is sufficient illumination and that the equipment used is echo-free.

Elderly "young" can refuse a magnificent celebration due to age, limited funds, natural modesty.However, sincere congratulations from relatives on this day is a prerequisite for a happy mood. If they weren't planning a party, you can surprise them by unexpectedly visiting or renting a small cafe. In the first case, do not forget to take with you not only cake and fruits, but also light snacks, drinks, so as not to put the hostess of the house in an uncomfortable position and not make you rush between the kitchen and the living room.

As a gift, including a collective one, you can present a trip to a sanatorium, and for the more active bride and groom - to a resort. The main thing is that the date of departure or arrival at the sanatorium is no earlier than one and a half to two weeks. Still, with age, people become more conservative, so the prospect of "breaking off" in a fascinating journey of elderly people is unlikely to please.

Another option for a family holiday is to arrange a home play. It is better to write the play on your own, dedicating it to the life of the diamond "newlyweds". No need to chase paraphernalia by hiring professional actors and spending money on real theater equipment.

The holiday will turn out to be much warmer and more family-like if you entrust roles to the younger generation - grandchildren, nephews. Elderly relatives will be pleased to look at young people, and they will learn better about their grandparents, receive a "portion" of useful lessons about true feelings, the importance of family relationships, respect, patience.

Regardless of the option chosen, you should adhere to the following recommendations so that the holiday brings as many positive emotions as possible.

  • Carefully plan even a small celebration, distribute responsibilities between the guests.
  • If for a wedding, to a greater extent, all organizational issues are taken over by the bride and groom, then during the celebration of the anniversary from the date of the wedding, the guests and the “young” should switch roles. The task of children, grandchildren and close relatives is to organize a holiday for the “newlyweds”.
  • Do not forget that the "young" are still people of advanced age with an established outlook on life, a habitual way of life. Do not overload the "wedding" day with events, remember that for some actions older people need more time than young people.
  • Keep water, disposable cups, and a mini first aid kit on hand. The "young" may have chronic diseases, and joyful emotions may "jump" the pressure or increase the heart rate.

The meaning of a diamond wedding and ideas for celebrating it in the next video.

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