Wedding anniversaries and their names

Silver wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary and what to give for it?

Silver wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary and what to give for it?
  1. Why is the anniversary called that?
  2. How to celebrate this holiday together?
  3. We invite relatives
  4. Traditions
  5. Gift ideas for parents
  6. Options for the original congratulations of friends
  7. Present to each other

The wedding faded away, the wedding flashed, the newlyweds saw off the last guests and finally were left alone. Quite imperceptibly, the first weeks of married life smoothly flow into years, and then into decades, and now the family is on the verge of the 25th anniversary. How the silver wedding will go, what gift to give to each other, who to invite to the family's birthday - all this will have to be decided by the so-called newlyweds.

Why is the anniversary called that?

Twenty-five years of life together can rightfully be called the first significant event for any married couple. If two people have lived together for a quarter of a century, it means that they have managed to preserve love and mutual respect during this time. This day must be celebrated! To celebrate the anniversary of their life together, spouses, as a rule, invite only relatives and closest friends.

The Silver Wedding is an important and solemn event for the family. During this period, the two halves, who once met, managed to experience both the joys and hardships of family life. Children have already matured, and, perhaps, there are grandchildren. On this date, the spouses, trying to surround their soul mate with care and sensitivity, thereby revive the former romance in their relationship. Isn't this the best gift for each other for a silver anniversary?

Why exactly twenty-five years of marriage is commonly called a silver wedding? The fact is that silver is considered a fairly hard and durable metal. Accordingly, it symbolizes the strength and stability of the relationship.Spouses have long understood each other not only from the first word, but also from one glance. Shared habits and traditions have emerged.

On this day, the spouses are full of pre-holiday chores, because everything happens in the same way as 25 years ago. Silver weddings happen only once in a lifetime, and this event must be celebrated on a grand scale.

How to celebrate this holiday together?

A luxurious loud wedding today is not always and not everyone can afford. Even some newlyweds, for the first time going to cross the threshold of the wedding hall, prefer to celebrate a family holiday either in a narrow circle or just together. If you calculate all the expenses for the celebration, you will notice that the family's budget will suffer serious damage. And who would like a crowd of drunken revelers shouting "Bitter"?

Therefore, a wedding for two away from numerous relatives, boring contests, fuss and other routine is gaining more and more supporters. Celebrating a family's birthday can be easy, inexpensive, but gorgeous! After all, a wedding is a solemn day only for two, and not for a huge number of relatives.

If the spouses are going to celebrate the anniversary of their marriage only among themselves, then for this you can arrange a romantic dinner by candlelight at home, book a table in a small cafe, or just spend the whole day together, dedicating it to each other. Although there are a number of options for celebrating the anniversary of their life together:

  • a married couple can take a walk in the same place as 25 years ago;
  • it would be nice to make a trip to such romantic places as Rome, Paris, Venice;
  • you can organize a picnic in nature, where there will be only two guests;
  • It is a good idea to arrange a joint viewing of photos and videos from the very first wedding;
  • you can take a horse ride, hot air balloon ride or a short boat trip;
  • an interesting solution would be a joint visit to a photo salon, theater and other cultural institutions.

We invite relatives

Those who prefer not to arrange noisy gatherings can celebrate the anniversary with a close family circle. Moreover, such an event will allow you to communicate with your most dear people, because in everyday life sometimes there is absolutely no time for meetings. In this case, the silver wedding can be celebrated as follows:

  • gather at the family table only the closest and dearest people;
  • organize a small picnic in the background of a forest or reservoir;
  • rent a guest house outside the city for the weekend;
  • arrange a collective visit to entertainment events (zoo, attractions);
  • play entertaining home games (loto, "Monopoly", forfeits, interesting board strategies and word guessing).


Traditionally, the Silver Jubilee is celebrated noisily, cheerfully and on a grand scale. This is not surprising, since anyone wants to share their happiness. Many couples prefer to arrange a celebration in honor of their twenty-fifth birthday that would be remembered for a long time. Here are some ways to celebrate.

  • Spouses can be remarried to recall the feelings they had on their wedding day.
  • Church wedding. The Silver Wedding Anniversary is considered the perfect day to cement your marriage before God.
  • Event at the restaurant. The method, of course, is banal, but it has long become traditional and beloved in terms of holding various celebrations.
  • A wedding anniversary can be celebrated in an unusual way. For example, throw a masquerade ball or organize a retro evening. In addition, you can invite friends and family to a disco in the spirit of the 80s.

The tradition of celebrating wedding dates has existed for many years, and when preparing for the event, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  • Any date of family life has its own name, and therefore each year lived together is traditionally celebrated in accordance with the symbols inherent in the name of the date. For example, a chintz wedding, pewter or silver.
  • The family's birthday can be celebrated both at home and in the restaurant. Depending on the venue of the festival, you can think over the theme of the event and the appropriate decoration of the hall.
  • Round wedding dates, as a rule, are celebrated more magnificently, so you need to decide on the number of guests. If the house, according to calculations, will be cramped, you will have to take care of the banquet hall.
  • Money problem. Whatever one may say, the scale of the solemn celebration of the silver anniversary directly depends on the availability of funds that the spouses are ready to spend on their wedding anniversary.

An interesting custom of washing has existed since ancient times. As soon as the spouses wake up, they must wash each other three times, and the water must be infused before this in a silver ladle or jug. It is believed that silver purifies, drives out all misfortunes, envy, diseases from the family.

Also, a good solution would be to exchange silver rings. It is not necessary to choose pretentious options, the simpler the rings, the better. It is worth wearing such jewelry for a year, then you can return to your usual rings.

When decorating the table, give preference to silver appliances, be sure to supplement it with candlesticks made of the same material. You can put a beautiful silver service, which will be in perfect harmony with the theme of the holiday.

Gift ideas for parents

What kind of gift can children give their parents for a silver wedding? Whether the surprise is successful or not, it all depends on imagination and a great desire to please such dear people. First of all, you need to think about colors. A beautiful lush composition will be very useful. You can, of course, dwell on this, but the "newlyweds" will be much more pleasant if the bouquet is complemented by an invitation to a romantic dinner.

Tickets to the theater or to a movie show can also make a spouse very happy. The practicality of a gift sometimes becomes an important aspect, an example for this can serve as a set of beautiful bed linen or decorative pillows with embroidered names of "newlyweds".

In addition, even the participation of children in the design of the holiday will be a pleasant surprise for the heroes of the occasion. Kids can draw beautiful drawings, take part in decorating the room, learn songs and rhymes, and make postcards.

The cake is also a must-have gift. It is best to do it yourself, but you can also turn to a master who can make a real work of art. In the middle of the cake it is necessary to place the number "25".

Good gifts will be silverware, beautiful silver jewelry, cufflinks, lighters, belts with silver buckles.

Options for the original congratulations of friends

Surprises in the traditional style are very wonderful, but sometimes there is a desire to present something peculiar as a gift in order to cause a pleasant surprise among the wedding anniversary. It can be either a fun entertaining show or an evening dedicated to any topic that is close to everyone present. Gifts of this kind can be given not only by children or close relatives, but also by best friends.

Some unusual gift ideas might look like this.

  • You can stun the hosts and guests of the evening with a stunning fireworks display or a light or fiery performance.
  • Launching air lanterns will be a great gift. A soaring fiery heart surrounded by several small lanterns, which, together with the spouses, will be launched by the guests, will look amazing in the night sky.
  • Children and friends can jointly prepare the wedding ceremony at the registry office.True, it is advisable to notify the "young" about this in advance so that on this solemn day they look just as amazing as they did 25 years ago. A wedding march, exchange of rings, connection in a kiss will help to awaken slightly faded feelings and add romance. During the whole ceremony, without stopping, congratulations to the spouses should sound.
  • To help the spouses to surround themselves with the aura of love and former romance will be able to rest at a seaside or mountain resort, as well as walk along the quiet streets of one of the European cities.
  • You can capture the wonderful moments of this solemn day with the help of photography. It can be studio shooting, or a visit of a master photographer to your home or to the bosom of nature.
  • A large gorgeous wedding cake with miniature figurines of "newlyweds" will also pleasantly amaze the hosts and guests of the evening.

Household appliances are a fairly common practical gift. But in this case, it is better to consult in advance with the heroes of the day about the appropriateness of the presentation. To keep the surprise like that until the end, it will be easier to present a gift voucher.

If silver jubilees have common hobbies, then you can present them with a gift that meets the interests of both. For example, for theater fans, it can be tickets to a fashion show, but for avid picnic lovers, a refrigerator bag, barbecue or a grocery basket will do.

Present to each other

        Of course, over the 25 years they lived together, the couple surprised each other with surprises more than once. Silver wedding day will also be no exception. For a quarter of a century, brides have become exemplary hearth keepers, and most often they prefer surprises that have practical applications. A husband on his twenty-fifth birthday can make a gift in the form of equipment, bed linen or even furniture. A joint romantic trip or a subscription to a beauty salon will be a surprise for the soul. Even the most demanding woman will be surprised to receive an unexpectedly pleasant present.

        25 years of life together is an unforgettable date, respectively, and the gift should leave a lasting impression. Men for the most part love to tinker with something, so a set of improvised tools will be just right. For those who are fond of fishing, a fishing rod or spinning rod is perfect, and for avid car enthusiasts, a set of car accessories will be a surprise. Gifts and surprises can be different, it all depends on the imagination of the givers. It is important that beautiful congratulations on this day are sincere, and gifts are bought from the heart.

        For twenty-five years, many narrow thorny paths and bright wide roads have been traversed. Spouses should remember that the most important person in their life is the one who has been side by side all this time. Therefore, a husband and wife need to carefully preserve their happiness, and as a reward for this, at the next celebration of life, they will again have a chance to hear sincere congratulations and wishes from friends and relatives.

        You will learn how to arrange a room for a silver wedding in the next video.

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