What to give for 4 years of living together after the wedding?

The fourth wedding anniversary is a great occasion to get together with a cheerful and noisy company and celebrate this celebration. In the first years after marriage, the spouses try to celebrate each date. What is the name of the fourth and what to give to spouses? We will talk about this in our material.

What is the name of the fourth anniversary?
Has it been 4 years since your wedding took place? So it's time to celebrate another anniversary. The 4th anniversary of married life has several names and its own special customs and traditions.
Since ancient times, such a date has been called a linen wedding. Linen is a dense and durable fabric. If the first anniversaries had such names as paper, calico and said that the relationship between spouses is still very fragile, then a linen wedding is already a certain stage of married life, which suggests that the spouses have withstood the first tests with dignity, and the marriage has become stronger, more reliable.
In addition, for a long time it was believed that such material as flax personifies material well-being and prosperity. Therefore, there is such a belief that spouses who have crossed this line will continue to live happily in marriage and in abundance.

There is another name for the 4-year anniversary of marriage. This is a rope wedding. For four years, the spouses have become reliable support and support for each other. Their interests, destinies, lives are intertwined with each other, like a strong rope that cannot be broken.

But in Europe, this date is called a wax wedding. This name also appeared for a reason.It is believed that over the years of living together, a husband and wife have become wiser, softer and can easily adapt to each other.
Celebrating 4 years of marriage, each couple can take as a basis any of these names. Of course, most modern couples celebrate linen weddings and try to follow old traditions. For example, in the old days, on the 4th wedding anniversary, a wife weaved linen with her own hand, and in the morning of a festive day she laid it on the table.

Nowadays, you can buy a special linen tablecloth for this anniversary and lay it on the table. Remember the tablecloth should be large. The shorter it is, the less happiness and joy there will be in the family. Also, in the old days, the spouses presented each other with linen clothes. Previously, shirts and dresses were embroidered by hand, and each embroidery had its own special meaning.
Like any non-round date, it is customary to celebrate the 4-year anniversary with the closest relatives and friends. The festive table is decorated with a linen tablecloth, large round pies are always prepared and candles are placed on the table.

Gifts for husband and wife from each other
A couple who have been married for 4 years must give each other gifts on this day. Spouses should prepare presents in advance. Gifts should be associated with the anniversary. Earlier, the wife and husband gave each other clothes made of linen. This tradition remains relevant to this day.
- The spouse may well arrange romantic evening by candlelight. Such an unexpected surprise will be appreciated by every woman. You can give your wife a gift certificate from a beauty salon, spa, or store.

- In order for a symbolic gift to remain in memory, you can present to your wife a beautiful blouse or sundress made of linen fabric. In addition, there are original decorations on durable linen ropes and more. As for the festive bouquet, it is advisable to pack it in a fabric wrap. You can also add flax flowers to the composition.

- A spouse's husband can give a good diary in a fabric cover. Such a gift will be useful and will remain in memory of the anniversary. If you are planning to give your spouse a perfume, any technical device, a thermo mug or a useful gadget for work or a car, then be sure to choose a linen packaging. It can be a gift bag or a box covered with fabric.

What to give to friends?
For the 4th anniversary of marriage, friends and family may well give symbolic and practical gifts.
- For example, it can be a set of beautiful linen napkins with or without embroidery. It can be a tablecloth complete with napkins. You can also donate a set of towels.
- Linen bedding is a practical and symbolic gift that spouses will appreciate. If a husband and wife receive such a present for their anniversary, then on the same night, linen should be laid on a shared bed.
- Many family friends traditionally give small curtains made of this material on this day. For example, it can be curtains for the kitchen. Now you can find beautiful options made from flax. In addition, now it is quite possible to pick up interesting options for fabric blinds. They look modern and stylish.

- You can also present a set of decorative pillows, a canvas painting, or a beautiful tapestry. You can give your spouses a couple of Tild dolls, which are made of this fabric. If you want to give some other thing, for example, a decorative item, then it is better to choose a linen gift bag as a packaging.
- Souvenir shops today offer beautiful fabric panels, wicker furnishings and other products that are perfect as a presentation for a rope wedding. A set of scented candles or unique handmade candles will do just fine. Today it is possible to order original wax figures according to a personal sketch.

What can parents choose?
When children celebrate the 4th anniversary of their life together, parents want to give them something like that, which will definitely come in handy on the farm and will remain as a keepsake.
- By tradition, many parents give festive tablecloths, linen sets, curtains and other useful things for everyday life. The tablecloth must be laid on the festive table.
- You can also give the children a pair of bathrobes. Such a gift will definitely come in handy for spouses. And if you also make personalized embroideries on them, then the robes will become unique.
- As a gift, pair T-shirts with interesting inscriptions that spouses can wear at home or when going out into the countryside are quite suitable.

- Parents can give their children a ticket to a country holiday home. The spouses will definitely be happy with such a gift. This is a great excuse to take a break from work, everyday life and renew your feelings. A trip for two is a great opportunity to arrange your second honeymoon.
- You can also give children a certificate for a master class related to their hobbies. For example, spouses can go to a master class on painting some romantic theme. Such pictures will later become a harmonious decoration of the matrimonial bedroom. You can send your children to a pottery lesson. After class, they will be able to take their original mugs or baking pots with them.

- As a gift, a certificate for a horse ride for two is quite suitable. And if you invite a professional photographer, then not only positive impressions, but also wonderful photos will remain in your memory. By the way, you can give the young a family photo album in a beautiful cover and a certificate for a family photo session in advance.
For information on what to give for a linen wedding, see the next video.