45 years from the wedding day - what gifts to prepare for a married couple?

Not every married couple can boast of a long marriage. Especially if we talk about 45 years of marriage. Only truly loving and patient people are able to maintain their love after so many years to celebrate a sapphire wedding.

What is the name of the anniversary?
The 45th wedding anniversary is called sapphire, as the sapphire symbolizes great fortitude, perseverance and patience. On this day, it is customary to arrange a grandiose holiday to please the "newlyweds" and express their respect to them. So many years lived together speak of the strength of the union. People who managed to preserve their marriage even after 45 years have the wisdom and poise of life that help spouses go hand in hand through any obstacles.
Sapphire is blue, which means calm and serenity. With its help, you can emphasize the reliability and durability of the union, in which love and harmony still reign. Celebrating a sapphire wedding, the spouses are trying to prove that even in old age it is possible to maintain a tender and respectful relationship and remain dear to each other.
There is a tradition according to which husband and wife exchange rings with sapphire inserts. This event must be attended by relatives and friends, for whom such a strong union is an example to follow. After all, the vows again said by the spouses and the exchange of wedding rings can move any person.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding on a grand scale. Of course, not every married couple at such a respectable age is able to organize a noisy banquet.In this case, the organization of the event should be taken up by children or grandchildren. The holiday needs to be made unforgettable, and therefore, in addition to the festive table, you can dilute the evening with contests or unexpected surprises.
To emphasize the significance of the event, you need to decorate the room in which the banquet will be held in blue colors. Jewelry can be turquoise or blue. Shades of blue should be found everywhere: from decorations to dishes. For beauty, you can put candles on the table or decorate the walls with balls.
The grandeur of the event largely depends on the availability of funds. In any case, for an elderly couple who have lived together for 45 happy years, it is important to arrange a holiday, albeit a small one.

Gift Ideas
A sapphire wedding gift should reflect the respect and appreciation of the “newlyweds”. Therefore, it is important to select expensive and high-quality products that match the grandeur of the event.
For parents
Parents can be presented with a ticket to the sanatorium. This gift will improve the health of the “newlyweds” and give them the opportunity to take a break from everyday worries. If the children are worried about their parents, then they may well go with them and settle in the next room.
Household appliances or electronics, which they themselves are not able to buy, will become a valuable gift for the heroes of the day. This can be a large TV, a gas stove, a washing machine, and so on. You can please mom with a bouquet of blue roses and a set of jewelry with sapphire inserts. But the father can be presented with a gold ring with a sapphire placer.

Spouses to each other
To present an original gift to her husband, the spouse can buy a wristwatch with a sapphire. If a man is not a fan of watches and does not wear any jewelry, then you can give him a product decorated with blue inserts. This can be a toolbox, a gun case, a knife, or a fishing rod. It all depends on the hobbies of the spouse.
For the 45th anniversary of their marriage, the wife can be presented with a sapphire jewelry set. You can complement the gift with a luxurious bouquet of flowers.

Friends on their wedding anniversary as a gift can be presented with high-quality expensive alcohol. If the married couple does not drink alcohol, then you can give them a set consisting of fruits and berries. Furniture will be the optimal gift for a married couple on the 45th anniversary of their marriage. This could be a new bed, a dining table and chairs, a wardrobe, and so on. Of course, everything depends on the financial capabilities of the donor, but for such an event it is important to purchase a valuable gift.
It is appropriate to give home furnishings for an anniversary. For example, a large portrait in a beautiful blue frame or blue curtains. Framed paintings, flower pots, floor vases or wall clocks can act as a presentation.

Elderly people value stability and comfort, and therefore they can be presented with a tea set or a festive tablecloth, looking at which the spouses will remember the donor. Dishes, which are necessary for any family, can become a gift. For almost any event, you can donate bed linen, blankets, pillows or towels. Such things are in demand by any person, regardless of his age.
If it is difficult to decide on a gift, then you can always give an envelope with money. This will allow spouses to decide on their own what to buy. This will be especially appropriate if the couple has long dreamed of investing in something really important.

To surprise grandparents and express your love through a gift, you can make a surprise with your own hands. Granddaughters can master the technology of soap making or knitting, and grandchildren can carve a gift out of wood. You can emphasize the anniversary through the blue color, which will be present in the products.
The material side of a gift is usually of little interest to older people. Having lived together for 45 years, the couple need more attention and love than money.Therefore, they will remember most of all gifts made with their own hands. It can be a cake that grandchildren baked with their own hands, or a large family portrait painted by a talented relative.

You can please the heroes of the day with the help of poems and songs. You can write them yourself if you have the ability to do so. If desired, the text of the song can be ordered from the poet.
The more seriously the children and grandchildren take the organization of the holiday, the more the elderly couple will remember it. Therefore, it is very important to carefully consider every detail and to know in advance about the wishes of the "newlyweds". The attention and love of loved ones will help make a sapphire wedding unforgettable and let the spouses know that they have not lived their lives in vain.

What cannot be gifted?
Each event has its own traditions and signs. This also applies to gifts that relatives and friends present for the 45th anniversary of their marriage. There are things that are inappropriate to give for such an event for one reason or another.
- Antiques - it is believed that such things carry negative energy, which can adversely affect the relationship of the spouses. Husband and wife with such an acquisition may cease to understand each other. This can lead to constant fights and even divorce.
- Glass - some people associate it with fragility and unreliability. With its help, you can weaken the union, which in the end can break as easily as fragile glass breaks.
- Mirror has long been considered a guide to the afterlife. Such a gift can offend spouses who, in a beautiful and expensive gift, can see a hint of their imminent demise. To avoid misunderstanding, it is worth excluding any products with mirrors from the list of prospective purchases.

- Set of knives and forks can cause quarrels and unhappiness in the family. Superstitious people will accept such a present only by exchanging it for a banknote, which, in their opinion, will avoid negative consequences.
- Trinkets - in most cases, their purpose is only to collect dust, and therefore it is impossible to donate them for such a grand event.
- Empty vases or piggy banks personify emptiness and lack of money, and therefore they can only be presented in a filled state. Coins or candies can be poured inside the products.
- Candles mean the rapid melting of love in marriage. They can be used to decorate a room, but not as a gift.

When choosing a gift for a 45-year wedding anniversary, it is important to find what you really need, which will be used in the future. Anniversaries are unlikely to appreciate a gift in the form of a trip to the sea, a subscription to attend dance lessons or a certificate to a beauty salon. In old age, people are more in need of peace and quiet, and therefore the present should be appropriate.
For more on the sapphire wedding, see the next video.