6 years from the date of the wedding - anniversary features and a choice of gifts

The six-year anniversary of marriage is usually called cast iron. It is not easy to find a gift for this celebration - after all, do not give heavy and such out-of-date cast-iron items. But if you approach the choice of a presentation wisely, it will delight those who are gifted with originality and practicality.
Anniversary features
The sixth anniversary of marriage is usually called a cast-iron wedding. Cast iron is a very interesting material. Like all metals, it is durable. This is how a 6-year life together seems to be - the spouses have studied each other quite well, the stage of "grinding" is behind, in most families there are children who also bring the spouses closer.
However, if severely damaged, cast iron can split into pieces. After the sixth anniversary, the marriage of the spouses is still very fragile, it does not tolerate neglect. It is no coincidence that the second crisis in relationships, according to psychologists, falls on 5-6 years of marriage.

During this period, for many spouses, the union seems to be something permanent, for granted. However, he is very vulnerable not so much to the influence of external factors as to the unwillingness or inability of the spouses to resist them. During this period, you need to be especially tolerant and attentive to your soulmate. Another feature of cast iron is that it hardens under high-temperature exposure. After 6 years of marriage, passions subside, giving way to solving everyday problems. However, the husband and wife should try to keep the "high degree" of relations, not forgetting that their obligatory element is tenderness, closeness (both spiritual and physical).
Cast iron weddings have been known since ancient times.Earlier on this day, the hostess polished cast-iron utensils and other utensils to a shine and appeared before her mother-in-law, who acted as an "examiner". She appreciated how well her daughter-in-law copes with the housekeeping, passing a white handkerchief in the corners. The result of such an "exam" was demonstrated to the guests who came.
The celebration could not be called noisy and numerous, only close relatives were invited. By tradition, gifts from cast iron were given - dishes, household items. In the Baltics, a similar holiday was called a rowan wedding, since ripe rowan bunches were considered a symbol of family happiness, a home. Today, some sources also talk about a possible interchange or addition to a cast-iron rowan wedding.

Gift ideas for spouses
Spouses on this day can exchange rings, however, they will have to be made to order. Of course, wearing such a piece of jewelry every day will not work (it is not very presentable, and the strength leaves much to be desired). Cast iron rings will become a symbolic present, and in the future - a pleasant memory of the anniversary.
On this day, the husband traditionally gave his wife cast iron dishes. However, such a present may seem offensive to modern women (“he sees me as a housewife”), so another, more romantic gift can be placed inside a pot or iron pot. For example, a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, a new phone, a certificate for a spa or a favorite store. In a word, it can be any gift whose useful "packaging" will be cast-iron dishes.
Do not forget to explain to your spouse why on this day the latter appeared in the list of gifts for her. In addition to mentioning a cast-iron wedding, praise her for her housekeeping, thank her for making your life easier and more comfortable.

When choosing a gift for your wife, you can start from the concept of "mountain ash" wedding and present jewelry decorated with precious or semi-precious stones to match the juicy rowan berries. Products with floral ornaments will also be symbolic, they can be beaten or associated with the peculiarities of the holiday when presented. Among the gifts that most wives will be delighted with are cosmetics, good perfume, and linen.

If you can't make a choice, present a gift certificate to these stores. Popular gifts include gadgets. A mobile phone, accessories for it, an e-book with an annual subscription, if the spouse loves to read, a laptop - all these are necessary and good gifts.
To husband
If we talk about the presentations, "tied" to cast iron or mountain ash, then among them all the same jewelry can be distinguished - cufflinks, a ring, chains. An expensive watch will also be a good gift. Since in our mentality the opinion has taken root that it is impossible to give a watch, you can give a certificate for their purchase. The spouse himself will choose the model he likes. The presented shirt, tie, neckerchief will be appropriate. But socks and underwear are better to buy for no reason. and certainly not on their wedding anniversary.

If the husband is an avid motorist, then you can choose something for the car.
Undoubtedly, if the husband has a hobby, he will like a gift related to this topic. However, be careful - having presented a new spinning rod, you yourself will send your husband on a fishing trip, he will want to experience the "new thing" as soon as possible. Do not criticize your spouse for this by making you feel guilty. Men are winners and conquerors by nature, so a cup or medal can be presented as an addition to the main gift. The nomination can be different - "best husband", "most beloved / brave / strong".
If the relationship is monotonous, then you can give each other a romantic date. Think about what gave you the most pleasure at the height of your romantic relationship. Go for a walk or picnic in the park, visit a movie theater, reservations at a restaurant, or “chill out” at a nightclub.If you decide to invite guests to the anniversary or they asked for it themselves (you must admit, it happens), then do not rush to wash the dishes and go to bed after they leave. Save up a small snack and drinks for this case, light candles and just sit with your significant other, thank each other, dream about the future.

You can start congratulating your soul mate in the morning, decorating the house with balloons and flowers, and preparing a festive breakfast. It can be served directly in bed. These actions do not require large financial expenditures and preparations, but in the morning they will charge the spouses with positive emotions, help to tune in to a romantic mood.

You can also conduct an interesting ceremony that our ancestors performed on this day. Take a small iron pot, write your cherished desires on pieces of paper and lower them into it. Then the iron pot must be hidden from prying eyes. It is believed that what was written will come true within a year. By the way, in a year, on the next anniversary, it will be interesting to re-read these wishes and discuss them.
How can children congratulate their parents?
By the time of the cast-iron wedding, most families already have children, but they are still quite small to prepare a gift for a certain date on their own. In this case, older relatives, grandparents can help the children. Parents will be pleased to receive a portrait of the family, congratulations, hear a poem or song in honor of themselves on this day. Alternatively, dad with the children prepares congratulations for mom, and mom with them - for dad.

If for some reason the children in the family are over 7 years old (for example, there are children from previous marriages, the parents first lived in a civil marriage for some time, where the child appeared), then they can buy a photo frame, a bouquet for mom as a gift. Under the guidance of all the same older relatives, bake a cake or prepare a festive breakfast.

What to present to friends?
If you are invited to a cast-iron wedding, then as a gift you can present all the same cast-iron pots and pans. If you decide to replace them with similar pans and pots made of modern materials, I think the hostess will be even more delighted. You can also present a beautiful table service, for example, for 6 persons (according to the number of years lived together), a set of cutlery. The latter can be supplemented with engraving. Then, even with an abundance of such sets, the owners will always highlight your present.

Elegant forged home furnishings are also a good gift option for a cast-iron wedding. This can be a wrought-iron mirror, a similar shelf, various footstools and shoe racks. If the "young" live in a house with a fireplace, then you can donate a fireplace grate, tongs and other attributes. Passionate summer residents will rejoice at the presented forged bench for the garden, small (hand) hoes and rakes made in vintage style (they are often used not for their intended purpose, but as a decor), garden lamps. Lovers of outdoor recreation can be presented with a wrought iron barbecue or a folding mini-table.

A rather neutral, but useful gift for a couple will be home textiles, bedding or table linen. If you can find with a mountain ash pattern, it will turn out, as they say, "in the subject." Try not to give gifts that are difficult to find use in everyday life. Sometimes you can come across a recommendation on the Internet to donate a cast-iron candlestick. Before doing this, the guest should ask himself how often he uses the item himself.
If you "beat" this gift, then it will turn out to be quite interesting. On the basis of the candlestick, you can collect a gift for a romantic date for the "young". Naturally, you need to supplement the candlestick with candles, preferably aromatic candles, a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine. If the anniversary falls in the fall-winter period, then you can add a fluffy blanket.Such a present will surely be remembered, and the candlestick made of it will remain as a pleasant memory. Perhaps the spouses will continue to use it for romantic evenings.

The same can be said for metal trays. You will hardly find cast iron in the store, however, you can pick up an option stylized for it. Choose a small tray with handles. Complement it with a small tea or coffee set for two, good tea, coffee and a box of chocolates.
Today, more and more people prefer to give money as a gift. If it is pleasant to the gifted person and suits the donor, then money is quite a good option for an anniversary presentation. However, it can also be presented in an original and very symbolic way. It is enough to turn to the old tradition. Previously, those gathered for a cast-iron wedding, sitting at the table, passed cast iron to each other, into which they dipped coins. If the cast iron turned out to be full, then the further life of the young, as it was believed, will pass in abundance and prosperity.
Modern guests can also present money by putting it in a small iron pot. You can exchange a large amount (not quite small, of course) and drop each bill, accompanying it with a joking wish. If young people are planning a big purchase and saving up for it, then a collective monetary gift can be presented. Then it is more interesting to start filling the iron pot at the festive table, passing it from guest to guest.
Do not forget that it is customary to present flowers, sweets, sweets to the main present. Don't go for overly luxurious and large bouquets. The composition from the guest, which will be deliberately luxurious and surpass the bouquet from the spouse, is perceived ambiguously. In addition, the mistress of the house may not have a suitable vase for a large bouquet.

There are no special recommendations regarding the type of flowers for a cast-iron wedding. You can focus on the rules of etiquette: young ladies are presented with flowers of light shades; mature women can be given a bouquet of darker flowers. Potted plants are allowed to be given only to close women and being sure that caring for them will not become an unpleasant duty for them. If a cast-iron wedding is celebrated in the fall, then you can collect a bouquet of asters, sunflowers, supplementing them with rowan branches with red berry bunches.
If you order a cake for a cast-iron wedding, then it may well depict old household items from the material of the same name. For example, a cast-iron iron or a large goblet that you will hand over to the newlyweds as a symbol of the victory of love and romance over monotony and everyday life.

See the following video for gift options for a cast-iron wedding.