What to give parents for their wedding anniversary?

Not only young couples celebrate the anniversaries of their life together. Many parents devote themselves completely to work, caring for children and grandchildren, while forgetting about the importance of their own family holidays. Therefore, even if they say that they do not want to celebrate another anniversary, this is not a reason to forget about this date and not show them a sign of attention in the form of a gift.

Dates of marriage
In some families it is not customary to celebrate wedding anniversaries, in others, on the contrary, every year the whole family gets together and over a mug of tea the best moments of life together are remembered, plans for the future are made. There are also special dates that are not celebrated. This is due to various superstitions. They do not have a name and how to celebrate them or whether to do it at all is a private matter for each family. The very first anniversary comes a year after the wedding, it is called chintz.
For this small anniversary, you can give young people products from chintz and bedding. The paper anniversary (2 years) hints at the fragility of the relationship and the possibility of an easy break. Present photo albums, paintings or money and securities as a presentation.

Three years of marriage are marked by a leather wedding. The spouses have already got used to each other. Friends and relatives come to the holiday with souvenirs made of genuine leather and all kinds of products made from it (bags, wallets, wallets). The next in line is the linen wedding (4 years). Its name speaks of the naturalness (sincerity) of relations and their sufficient strength. Curtains, tablecloths or bed linen will be a useful gift.

5 years of marriage is the first serious anniversary.A noble, durable tree speaks of the strength of a relationship, but a small spark can burn it. There are a lot of options for a surprise: furniture, souvenirs, dishes and everything made of wood. After the first round date, there is a cast iron anniversary - 6 years. A home is unthinkable without a cast iron in which the hostess cooks delicious porridge. The family has already proven its worth and many are raising one or two children, that is, the family has become complete. It is better to give dishes or forged products (furniture, figurines).

A copper wedding is 7 years after the wedding. Copper is a tough yet flexible material. It symbolizes that the spouses have learned to find compromises and adapt to each other's needs. They buy coins, belts, jewelry as a gift. Many people think about what to give for a tin wedding (8 years old). After all, it is difficult to find a worthy item from this material. You can limit yourself to tin packaging (box). But what you put into it depends entirely on your imagination and desire.

It seems 9 years together is a serious period. But the date is called faience. On the one hand, this material is strong, on the other hand, it is fragile. A strong blow can split a family, so much so that it will not work to glue it together. Tableware and porcelain will be a great surprise (especially if the couple appreciates and collects it). So we have imperceptibly crept up to the first round date. It seems that yesterday you exchanged rings, and today you have been living together for 10 years.
Children must give their mother roses (another name for the date is a pink wedding), and their father - any item in the manufacture of which tin was used (as an option, tin soldiers as a symbol of strength and fortitude).

The Steel Wedding Anniversary is 11 years old. Help the spouses renew their “family hearth” by presenting cutlery, a set of pots or pans. For the 12th anniversary, called nickel, paired bracelets or parent rings can be ordered. Consider lettering or engraving too. It can be touching or funny, reminiscent of family values, or personal.

Delicate airy lace with cunning weaves perfectly characterizes the next date - 13 years of family life. The family has already formed relationships and connections (friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.). You can present them with openwork tablecloths, tulle and other lace accessories. It is not for nothing that 14 years after the wedding are called the agate date. It is a multi-layered mineral with the finest tints and streaks. Likewise, the life of spouses has many layers and simply cannot be homogeneous. It is logical to assume that souvenirs and jewelry with this stone will become a real symbol of the holiday.

An excellent occasion to fill crystal glasses with a sparkling drink is the 15th anniversary of living together, called a crystal wedding. Of course, you shouldn't give crystal shoes, but sets made of Bohemian glass and this material will come in handy. Do not forget that in the USSR the presence of crystal in the house was considered a sign of wealth, therefore the older generation had a special attitude towards it. The round date of 20 years of family life is popularly called porcelain. Following this symbolism, presentations must be appropriate. A tea set or a set of painted plates will remind spouses for a long time about the wonderful moments spent with family and loved ones.

Silver is a semi-precious metal, but certainly not gold. The couple has already passed halfway to the "golden" anniversary. 25 years is a long time. Spouses no longer need to prove anything, they are just happy together. Choose decorations for congratulations, a set of paired tea spoons, or just household utensils made of this metal. Married life is like a bead. Many separate events are intertwined with a single thread. It will be symbolic to present this particular piece of jewelry for the pearl jubilee (30 years). We think you guessed the number of beads in it yourself.
Do not forget to accompany the present with an explanation. This will give it special significance.

The mark at 35 years after marriage is usually called a coral or bridal wedding. Accordingly, there should be surprises in this topic. You can also play with color, presenting the heroes of the day with a large bouquet of coral-colored roses. The ruby stone in the mystical meaning serves as a talisman for kind people, enhances their feelings and makes dreams come true. Ruby anniversary (40 years) - proof of the strength and health of the family (the stone itself bears the same meaning). Souvenirs and jewelry with this bright mineral will be symbolic.

The next anniversary also bears the name of one of the precious stones, namely sapphire. Children can show their imagination and donate not only products with this stone, but also other items that have a similar color. For example, a pair of cozy sapphire-colored blankets will bring comfort and warmth to your home. And now the golden wedding - 50 years together. This is a whole life, and not everyone is destined to celebrate it. You can be proud that feelings and respect for each other have stood the test of time.
The significant anniversary and gifts must be appropriate. Noble gold is perfect for this.

The symbolic figure of 55 years carries a special charge. She reminds that spouses are one whole, each of them is equal in their rights, but at the same time they are independent individuals. At this wonderful age, the organization of a holiday will be the best gift from loved ones. Involve your grandchildren in this. After all, there is nothing more important than family traditions. This is followed by the Diamond Jubilee (60 years). A strong, expensive stone reminds of what a treasure it is to have a family. As a gift, you can present jewelry with a precious stone or something resembling it.

The anniversary of 65 years of marriage is called iron. We often use this designation for something very durable and reliable. You can donate a set of tools or other iron items. A blessed wedding is celebrated for 70 years of family life. Any items that carry the energy of love and fidelity will be appropriate from family and friends. It can also be intangible benefits in the form of certificates and just pleasant surprises.

The spouses celebrating the 75th anniversary of their family are real "kings", and the wedding is deservedly called a crown wedding. After all, not every couple is destined to celebrate this anniversary. Gifts must be appropriate. It is not for nothing that the concept of "family tree" exists. And introducing it, we draw in our imagination a wide massive oak. So the 80th wedding anniversary bears this name. Just like this spreading tree, the family has both "roots" and "crown". The most important thing for spouses at this age is the attention of relatives and friends. Oak gifts (tableware, figurines, etc.) are welcome.

We have all heard the expression "hard as granite." That is why the 90th anniversary is called granite. What can already happen to a family that has been together for so long? Even if you do not come up with a worthy gift from this material, do not forget to surround mom and dad with your love and care. Nine and a half decades together is worthy of all respect and admiration. The wedding is called a diamond wedding.
Diamond is the hardest crystal known. This also applies to the family. If your parents are real centenarians, then present them with gifts that are good for your health. Well, what name is suitable for a significant anniversary of 100 years of family life, if not platinum? The most expensive and luxurious precious metal known. Not every child can afford to buy a piece of jewelry from it. But there is a way out. Another name for the wedding is red. Thus, there is a choice between jewelry and red items.

The choice of gift does not have to be dictated by the name of the anniversary. Although this option is very original. After all, each name will be repeated once.
Inexpensive Gift Ideas
It is good if you have a large amount of money and can present a truly memorable present.But even with modest opportunities, you can find good ideas for gifts to heroes of the day. Children know their parents better than anyone. If you notice that the teapot or coffee grinder is out of order, then you can buy this very necessary thing for the anniversary. This will not only please them, but also show concern. Parents will be moved by the fact that you remember these little things.

A photo frame or photo collage is also a good presentation option. You can attract grandchildren to this, who can draw or glue their wishes and congratulations to it. Photos are always a memory. Moreover, today they are less and less printed. Most of the information is stored on electronic media. The option of paired little things for the house is also interesting. These can be slippers, bathrobes, or cups.
Remind your parents that no matter how different they are, they are one family.

Options for elderly spouses can be presented with cozy blankets or cute trinkets for the house: a housekeeper on the door, a rug, etc. Gifts do not have to be material. You can cook dinner and bring the whole family together. So you will save the "newlyweds" from unnecessary fuss. Think over the scenario of the celebration, pick up original congratulations.

Original surprises
Thinking about a gift for mom and dad, I want to give an unusual creative present. Among the original gifts are the following.
- A voucher to a sanatorium. It will help you recuperate and spend time in an unusual place. In addition, it is not as expensive as traveling to warmer regions.
- Family portrait. Today there are many techniques for performing them. This is mosaic, and the creation of a picture from small photos and, of course, classic watercolor or oil. It will be necessary to find an artist in advance and give him a photo, according to which he will work.
- Festive banquet. Invite the "newlyweds" to their own celebration, which you have organized. Take care of the guests too. Although it can be a family dinner in a small circle.
- Photo collage from old photos. Think romantic or funny lettering. It will be nice if all family members take part in its creation.
- Can be gifted to parents for wedding anniversary and massage or spa visit. There was no such luxury in their youth, so why not try it today?

Choosing sweets
Wishes for a sweet life can be accompanied by a corresponding gift. If the spouses did not order a birthday cake, then give them such a gift. Do not be lazy and order it in advance, let it display the date that the “newlyweds” celebrate. In addition, confectioners now offer various gingerbread. They look no less presentable and festive. They can also have a wedding date or specific anniversary symbols.

The trends of recent years allow giving all kinds of cupcakes. They are beautifully decorated in gift wrapping and complemented with flowers.
What is better not to present?
Although there is an expression that “they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” nevertheless, when choosing a gift, parents should understand the peculiarity of the situation. Discard the following presents.
- Money. There is a good chance that they will refuse. In this situation, both the giving and the receiving party feel uncomfortable. It is believed to be a gift without a soul. This is a good present for colleagues or acquaintances, but not for people who are close and dear to you.
- Alcohol. Even if it is a good elite drink, it will not show your care and love for your parents. In addition, in old age, it is strictly contraindicated.
- Cheap substandard gifts. Of course, your parents won't tell you a word. But the gift will be absolutely useless and unnecessary. Let it be a nice bouquet.
- Appliances. On the one hand, this is, of course, a very practical gift. But as useful as it is, so commonplace. If they really need a vacuum cleaner or other equipment, then they can donate it for no reason.

Toasts and wishes
The song or verse you write will be very enjoyable for your parents. Try to tell in a poetic form about their first meeting and what a good son (daughter) they had after a while. Do not forget that the feast is primarily toasts. Take care of them in advance. You can find a large number of them on the World Wide Web, but it will be more pleasant if you compose your own. It does not have to be in poetic form.
Remember how you begin your drinking speech in the Caucasus: "High, high in the mountains ..." Try to come up with an interesting story related to your parents.

You can also organize a collective congratulation. To do this, prepare short funny quatrains and distribute them to the guests. Be sure to number them so everyone knows in what order they perform. A wedding anniversary is a family celebration. This is the time when couples take stock and make plans. Whether to celebrate it widely or to gather in a quiet and family-like manner is up to you. But in any case, a gift for parents will never be superfluous.

For what to give your parents for your wedding anniversary, see the next video.