Do-it-yourself gift for parents' wedding anniversary

Every year we celebrate many different events with our family. And nothing decorates a celebration like mutual gifts. They can be completely different: made by hand, purchased somewhere, gifts with money, plane tickets to another country. One of the most memorable events is the wedding anniversary of the parents. We will try to help you with choosing a gift, tell you what you can do with your own hands and how to present it gracefully.
Celebration place
If you decide to get serious about this gala event, there are many things to think about when it comes to organizing. One of the important points to consider is the place of celebration. The right place can determine a lot, from the mood of the guests to the possibility of implementing any competitions. In this case, it will be useful to consult with the parents about their preferences in this regard. You can ask them supposedly by chance.
It can be a picnic in nature, a feast in a restaurant, cafe, gatherings in the country with a bathhouse and barbecue. If you are celebrating indoors, decorative elements and festive decorations, for example, balls, ribbons, will never be superfluous. Themed decoration symbolizing the anniversary will be quite interesting and original.
For example, for a twentieth anniversary, you can add some kind of porcelain to the interior. The main thing is that people immediately have associations.

Presentation selection
A well-chosen anniversary gift can bring a lot of positive emotions and be remembered for a long time. The point of a gift is to show how much you value the person. Perhaps the main criteria that you should consider are:
- association with the anniversary;
- usefulness of the presentation;
- practicality;
- originality;
- compliance with the interests of parents.

As noted above, one of the main criteria for choosing a gift is the association with the occasion of the celebration.
If your parents refuse any gifts, it means that they do not want any purchases from you. Then it's time to do something with your own hands. They will never refuse such a sweet gesture.
Let's say it's a 10 year anniversary. Decorate the room with pink ribbons, make a number 10 from anything and whatever you like, make a postcard. A poster can be made in the form of a craft for mom and dad from a daughter or son.

Unwanted gifts
As in the case of choosing the right gift, a lot here depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion and your options. Here are some things to choose as a last resort.
- Money. The only and most important thing that can be said about this type of gift is that you do not know what to give. You do not know the couple's preferences and it will immediately become clear.
- Alcohol. "Cold" and detached gift. This type is too formal, it is more suitable for presenting, for example, the head of an organization. This may be a person who needs to be presented with something solid.
- Appliances. This is the most commonplace that you can think of. Rather, there is nothing to invent here. Leave such simple things to the choice of the "newlyweds" themselves. Surprise them instead of giving them a dishwasher.

20th anniversary
She's a porcelain wedding. Of course, a beautiful and neat set made of this material immediately comes to mind. Porcelain figurines and souvenirs are appropriate as a gift.
Give your parents a trip to where they have definitely not been and where they can get a lot of impressions. This age requires new emotions and relaxation.

30 years of marriage
Pearl wedding. The time when children entered an independent adult life and grandchildren appear. However, the couple will also be offended to call themselves elderly. Here things of a technological nature will come in handy, which will pleasantly surprise the heroes of the day.
An expensive camera, a robotic vacuum cleaner that briskly drives around the apartment will appeal to people who spent most of their lives without such units. Pearl jewelry is also great.

Ruby 40 years
Quite a rare event for which it is not so easy to find a worthy gift. This date corresponds to an age where a couple hardly needs the sophistication of technological advances, as indicated above. And not everyone can present something made of rubies.
One of the options is ruby colors for clothes, dishes, souvenirs, postcards. Here it is desirable to focus on the same association with the date and manual work.
People of this age will definitely appreciate your work and care, do not hesitate.

Traditional presents
Fortunately, there is a small list of traditional choices that won't let you down. These include:
- paintings that match the interior;
- dishes in a color suitable for the date;
- interior elements;
- service, vases, porcelain;
- books;
- things for gardening.
Of course, in your case, everything can be individual, as always, everything comes from the preferences of the person who accepts congratulations, and we only recommend the most effective options that you can consider first.

Handmade gifts
This type of gift can be described in one word - original. It will be very pleasant for a loved one to use an object in which love and care have been invested along with work and time spent. You can start from the lifestyle your parents lead.If they like to sit in front of the TV or on the balcony, you can sew them a beautiful and warm blanket that will warm them twice as efficiently, because it reminds of you.
It will not be difficult to buy materials for sewing in one of the nearest stores. When it comes to sewing, bedding is also a great option.
A portrait drawn personally or ordered from a special photo service, a homemade postcard, unusual food prepared with your own hands, and much more will surely surprise parents.

Video and photoset
Quite an original and interesting option. A set of photographs spanning the time span from your birth to today is one of the cutest things you can give.
Anniversaries will be able from time to time to view the whole story of your whole family, placed on the pages of the album. The same picture with a video cut, where you can see in action what once happened, and be touched by every little thing.

Idea for those with a sweet tooth
If you are presented with something that you can eat, this pleases no less than practical and durable things. The selection of the assortment of confectionery products exceeds all boundaries. You can choose the taste and color of cakes, pastries, chocolate, sweets, muffins, sweets with cream, muffins.
Most confectionery shops as well as specialized bakeries provide a service for ordering delicacies. And you are already adding your original ideas to the design.
We are talking about the numbers corresponding to the date, the figures of people that will need to be eaten, the color and taste design.

Only practicality
Of course, there is a type of people who are not satisfied with the gift eaten on the same day. In this case, a durable or useful thing is ideal. Better to combine these 2 qualities. We present you the following options:
- certificates (to a beauty salon, for a purchase in a store);
- a new smartphone (often older people do not change their phone until it starts to fall apart);
- cosmetics (we often forget to take care of ourselves, devoting all the time to work and family);
- handicrafts (linen, bags, baskets, accessories);
- household appliances (a banal but absolutely practical choice).

Romantic surprise
It should be noted right away that this way of spending time is more suitable for young couples. However, each case is individual, and no one forbids you to arrange an evening of love for your parents at an age. There are several effective and proven ways to have a romantic date.
- You can cook dinner at home and decorate with candles, rose petals and soothing music. Of course, don't forget to leave the couple alone with each other. A similar option is to book a table in a restaurant where you can spend time in a comfortable place with unusual food.
- Wedding photoset - this is already something like a tradition. Decide for yourself why you are doing this - to refresh your memory by periodically looking at the photos of the album, or to have a joyful time during all the fuss associated with the angles in the photos, the selection of a suitable place and an excellent outfit.
- A romantic trip to Paris, for example. An expensive gift, but many would say that there is hardly anything better to come up with.

Many impressions
There are people for whom the practicality of the thing is not so important, and they do not really like sweets either. For them, the saturation of life with impressions and variety is much more important. For such parents, the option with a voucher is perfect. The further - the better.
It can be a country with many mountain landscapes, dense forests, or just spacious and vast beauty. Help mom and dad master a new hobby, send them to rest on the Mediterranean Sea, take a long hike, present theater tickets.
Give them something that will bring a lot of experiences, new experiences and an unforgettable time.

Time for jokes
Such a gift can be difficult to choose due to the individuality of people and different understandings of humor, however, if you get to the point, it will be great. Laughter not only lengthens our lives, but also lingers in memory much longer than most trinkets. You can organize a humorous congratulation, where the heroes of the day will not even have a clue about the upcoming surprise. Or just stick to a constantly humorous background.
It can be a collage of photos processed in Photoshop, where your own grimacing faces will look at you. Quite common are paired clothes with drawings that are synchronous to each other or combined in meaning, where, as a rule, funny phrases will be written. And finally, remember that gifts to family are good in any form, most importantly, do not forget to pay attention to your parents.
For an original idea of how to present a gift, see below.