What gift to choose for your wedding anniversary?

Living together in marriage can be different, but everyone strives for harmony and comfort, so that it is always pleasant to return home, plunged into a pleasant environment. So that the daily routine and everyday life does not devastate the spouses, it is worth more often organizing some kind of events and surprises for each other. If you can't please your soul mate for no reason, then in the event of a wedding anniversary, you should try and do something special and very pleasant.

"Young" marriages
No matter how many years a couple has lived together, it is always worth treating the wedding anniversary as the most important family holiday. If you do not pay due attention to your soulmate, do not prove that the day of your marriage was the happiest and most important, then there is a threat of the collapse of such a family. For a happy married life, it is necessary to constantly remind how much the husband loves his wife and she, organizing a variety of events for this.
A wedding anniversary gift is optional, but very nice. Whatever the date, round or not, both husband and wife will be pleased to receive a surprise that tells about the love of the second half.

You can use unusual ideas, come up with surprises, or give something that is dear to your partner or that is advised by tradition.
- First anniversary is referred to as a chintz wedding, therefore the gift must be appropriate.
- Third anniversary - leather wedding, so the choice of a gift can be very interesting.
- The fifth is called a wooden wedding, which can lead to the right choice of a surprise or an interesting idea for organizing a holiday.
- Seventh date living together is called a copper wedding, which gives a direct hint at the options for gifts to spouses.
- Tenth anniversary called pewter, because the gift must also be appropriate.
Each of these dates is special, which means that a gift for a loved one should mean something. It is not at all necessary to give something from chintz a year after the wedding, but such a present will be pleasant and symbolic, which can strengthen the union and make it happier.

Cool gifts can be made of leather, if the third anniversary of life together is celebrated, which in many respects "ruffled" the spouses and "gave a belt", but those who survived were rewarded in full.
A husband can make original gifts to his wife in the sixth year of marriage by presenting something made of cast iron. The main thing is to beautifully pack the gift and present it so that the spouse does not consider it as another commitment, but with joy and inspiration baked, cooked or fried on a new cast-iron product. The tenth anniversary of the wedding is quite a lot, because after living for ten years together, you can definitely figure out your feelings in relation to your spouse, therefore the celebration of this anniversary should be as loud and bright as possible, with an abundance of chic gifts.

1 year
Those families who are married for the first year can experience many different emotions and states during this time. Not everyone met for a long time before marriage, not everyone happened to live together, because the storm of passions will not subside for a long time, but this does not give a reason to postpone the celebration of this date or neglect it, quite the opposite. On the first anniversary of their life together, a husband and wife can please each other with gifts such as:
- a beautiful bedding set that will be equally pleasant for both husband and wife;
- tablecloths, aprons and napkins from a husband for a wife who loves to observe folk traditions;
- decorative chintz pillows that will make the interior of the house of a young married couple even better and warmer.

During the first year, the husband and wife learn a lot about each other and can already come up with gifts regarding the hobbies of the second half:
- an athlete's spouse or spouse can buy sneakers or uniforms from their favorite sports company;
- a music lover should present a selection of his favorite or newest songs, decorated with love;
- The amateur photographer will love the new lens or specialized parts for photo effects.
If you did not manage to find the best gift, then a candlelit dinner with beautiful music will always be relevant.

5 years
After five years of marriage, the spouses already have their own family habits and foundations, often the family already has children and all issues of everyday life are fully adjusted. In this case, the celebration of the anniversary becomes no less important, since it is possible to sum up and determine the course of sailing of the family ship for the next 10 years. For the holiday to be a success, it is worth considering the event itself and the gifts that will be presented to the spouses. Since 5 years of marriage are called a wooden wedding, the most favorable gifts can be considered such as:
- small wood products such as chests, caskets and small containers of various shapes, which will be equally pleasant for both husband and wife;
- wood ornaments presented to spouses as a traditional anniversary gift, symbolizing harmony in the family;
- furniture made of natural wood or chipboard, which will be an addition to the interior of the house, which has everything you need for a long time.

If you want to make gifts of a personal nature, then you should move away from traditions a little, and focus on what the husband or wife loves:
- for a wife who is engaged in flowers in her free time, it is worth giving some rare and beautiful species that will take pride of place in her collection;
- for a husband who is fond of modeling tanks, cars or airplanes, you can buy the model that he lacks in the collection;
- for a family of athletes who are actively supporting a particular team in a particular sport, you can donate tickets to a sporting event.
Whichever gift is chosen, it will hit the target, because after five years of living together, the spouses know everything about each other and can easily find something that will delight their soul mate.

10 years
The tenth wedding anniversary is a very serious anniversary, which is popularly called a pewter or pink wedding. Those spouses who have lived together for 10 years can afford to throw a real feast, inviting all relatives and close friends, of whom a lot has accumulated during this time. Preparation for such an event should be thorough, as well as the selection of gifts. Based on tradition, you can choose the following gifts:
- pewter cutlery with the names of the husband and wife;
- if you want to remember a significant date for a long time, you can order a tin keychain as a gift, where there will be a festive inscription from one spouse to another;
- the wife will be very pleased to receive a huge bouquet of roses, preferably red, which symbolize love and passion;
- if you need to give a gift to spouses from friends, then a bed set with red roses would be a good option.

Such a round date gives reason not to doubt that harmony, order and comfort reign in the family, and therefore the big holiday was not arranged in vain. To maintain the level of love and passion, husband and wife simply have to celebrate their anniversaries, annually remembering the happiest moment when they united their hearts forever, becoming a family.
Mature unions
When a married couple has lived together for more than ten years, the family often grows larger as children are born. Each new wedding anniversary is celebrated in a new composition, and after a while children will make gifts to mom and dad, which, of course, will be very pleasant for them. A husband and wife, who have come such a long way together, have a great store of knowledge about each other, and therefore it is not so difficult for them to come up with original and interesting gifts for each other.
It may not be so easy for family friends to find a good present, which means that there is a reason to remember about traditions and choose something in accordance with them.

15 years
As the couple prepares to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their life together, they plan a fairly large party to which family members and closest friends are invited. The husband and wife and all guests must choose the right gifts to be presented at the event. The most suitable for such a case would be:
- jewelry presented by a husband to his wife;
- crystal vase from friends;
- glass service from relatives;
- glass frame with a photo of parents from children.
All of the above is connected with the traditions according to which it is worth giving crystal or glass on this anniversary. But you can also move away from it, presenting to the family what there is a need for.

20 years
After 20 years of family life, the union between the spouses has become quite strong, which means that the holiday should be very noisy and cheerful. Every year the number of guests will only increase, because children grow up, get married, give birth to children. A good holiday is not complete without an organized program, delicious treats and gifts. For 20 years of married life, you can give:
- dishes made of porcelain, which will show off in a glass cabinet;
- a porcelain tea set as a symbol of a happy family life;
- all kinds of porcelain products, both purchased and made by hand.
Any gift will be valuable and pleasant, especially if it was chosen from the heart and especially for the heroes of the day.

30 years
The husband and wife, who have lived together for 30 years, deserve to celebrate the pearl wedding with a good feast. Children can organize a noisy event for them as a gift, and grandchildren, who can recite a short poem, sleep or dance, can also make a pleasant surprise. Of the main gifts that are customary to give for such a serious anniversary, the following can be distinguished:
- pearl-colored dishes: white, black, mother-of-pearl;
- souvenirs specially made with pearls for a couple;
- the wife will be pleased to receive pearl jewelry;
- as a souvenir, you can make a photo frame decorated with pearls, where you can place a photo collage of the whole family of the spouses.
There can be many options for surprises and presents, because the spouses have been together for a long time and their tastes and needs are known to all those close to them.

Strongest couples
Those who have lived together for more than 25 years can consider themselves truly happy people, because their marriage has endured a lot, and despite all the problems and hardships, the husband and wife remained faithful to each other, creating a large and friendly family. For the celebration of anniversaries, not only children, but also grandchildren will work on the selection of gifts. They can present something made with their own hands to their grandparents.
Such serious dates should be celebrated with increased pathos, and therefore flowers from each guest will become an obligatory attribute.

40 years
Not everyone can live together for 40 years and still be truly happy. Those who have received such an honor should be rightfully rewarded with a beautiful holiday in their honor. Usually the family by this time becomes very large, but no less friendly, which means that the holiday will be held in a warm and cozy atmosphere. The 40th anniversary is called the ruby wedding. Traditional gifts for her are:
- any beautiful things and objects of red color that friends and family can give;
- beautiful boxes decorated with ruby stones will be a gorgeous gift from relatives;
- you can pick up unusual or antique watches for the spouses;
- the wife will appreciate the ruby jewelry that the husband will present to her.
Although the ruby will be the dominant stone at the holiday, it is not necessary to subordinate to it the style of the celebration or all the gifts, the main thing is to focus on the tastes of the husband and wife in order to please them as much as possible.

50 years
The husband and wife, who have lived together for so long, managed to be in a variety of roles - initially newlyweds, then parents, after a long time grandparents, but now the time has come for great-grandchildren. Not many couples can be counted who live together to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary, but such cases do happen. The most successful gifts for a golden wedding will be:
- gilded presents - boxes, dishes, trays;
- jewelry for husband and wife;
- a gift from one spouse for another in the form of a favorite jewelry made of gold.

Since the holiday is very special, you should not save on a gift either. There should be a lot of relatives and guests at the event, which means that there is an opportunity to fulfill some dream of a couple, to do for them what they have long dreamed of. This could be:
- family photo session;
- a trip to Europe;
- buying a car;
- purchase of a country house.
If you start preparing for the celebration in advance, you can pick up the most interesting and unusual options that will delight the spouses on their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

What can you do with your own hands?
Sometimes it happens that there is no time or finance to prepare a beautiful or expensive gift, but this is not a reason to be upset. There are some surprises that look much better made with your own hands than bought in a store. You can please the spouses for any anniversary with the following options:
- handmade soap, which will be an excellent option for both husband and wife, because components, colors and aromas can be selected individually;
- a photo of the spouses, hand-embroidered on fabric and framed;
- a photo collage of pictures from different years, placed in a hand-decorated frame;
- a patchwork quilt made from many different fabrics, joined together, as a symbol of the years lived together by the couple;
- wine glasses with a pattern and individual decor, which are appropriate to give for any anniversary;
- knitted gifts that are more suitable for elderly spouses.
A handmade gift is sometimes much better than a purchased one, and it is valued unambiguously higher, because the soul and love of the creator is invested in it, which is very pleasant for any person.

What is better not to give?
There are a lot of gifts that can and should be given, but in order to buy or present what will be appropriate, it is important to know about those options that are undesirable. These will be:
- money, if:
- husband and wife are much older than those who present the gift;
- spouses are significantly younger than donors;
- the married couple is very rich;
- the spouses are new to the donors.
- spoons and knives will be superfluous, because they are considered harbingers of quarrels and discord;
- a wrist or wall clock that may portend the separation of a couple (an exception may be the choice of such a gift at the request of the family or in the case of making a product to order);
- it is worth fearing mirrors, which can cause too early old age or bring illness to the house;
- all kinds of linen scarves will also not be very appropriate, as they can become harbingers of tears, quarrels and parting;
- you can please the spouses with vivid impressions, but in some cases such a gift will be undesirable, it is:
- the conservatism and practicality of a husband and wife in certain issues that the donor wants to change;
- the tightness of the budget of the spouses, who will have to spend money in order to get those very cherished impressions;
- poor knowledge of the couple's tastes, when a gift may not please them or even offend.

Whatever wedding anniversary a gift is selected for, you need to study all possible options, exclude everything that will be superfluous and inappropriate and leave only those gifts that will be pleasant for the spouses, sincere and reminiscent of a special date that will be celebrated.
Knowing what not to give is just as important as a good choice of a surprise that will become truly pleasant and will remind you of the holiday date and who made your husband and wife happy on their momentous day for many years.
About what you can give your husband, see below.