What to give my husband for his first wedding anniversary?

The first wedding anniversary is the most important event in the life of every couple. During this year, the couple got to know each other better, experienced many happy moments, were finally able to enjoy each other, and therefore this event should be definitely celebrated. It is customary to celebrate the first anniversary noisily and cheerfully. Witnesses and guests of last year's celebration must necessarily congratulate the young. But the spouses expect the most important gift from each other. If for the anniversary the wife cannot decide on a gift for her husband, then this article will help her make the right choice.
What is the name of the date?
The first family anniversary is called a chintz wedding. There are several opinions about the origin of this name. On the one hand, the relationship of the newlyweds has already moved to the everyday everyday level, they have a chintz simplicity. On the other hand, the source of this name is the word from Sanskrit - "sitras", which means "variegated". That is, the first year of life together, when young people just "rub in" to each other, is full of incredible happiness and noisy quarrels at the same time, wild scandals smoothly flow into ardent passion, so this year cannot be called boring.

According to another version, in 1 year from the date of the wedding, the spouses just managed to get to know each other, their relationship is still fragile and can break off at any moment, break like a fragile chintz. At the same time, there is a more mundane and natural explanation for this name: for the first year, the spouses are absorbed in each other, they experience an unimaginable passion, which leads to wear and tear of chintz bedding.

On the day of the anniversary, a chintz shawl should be a must-have. Husband and wife give these products to each other as a sign that they have successfully withstood the trials that awaited them in the first year of married life.
During the holiday, heroes of the occasion should tie knots on chintz shawls and hide gifts in a safe place. Now handkerchiefs will serve as a talisman for conjugal love and protect the family hearth.

Traditional gifts
Usually on this day it is customary to give things made of chintz, but still it is not necessary to cleanly observe the traditions of the holiday. If the above ritual with a handkerchief is observed, then other classic options can be dispensed with.

Thematic gifts
If the wife wants to give her spouse a chintz present, then you can donate a set of bath towels. Nowadays, many men love a bath, but now bath procedures are, rather, a form of relaxation and entertainment, and therefore the husband will definitely appreciate such a gift. For interest, you can embroider your spouse's name in the corners of the towels.
Another unusual option is a pillow with a printed joint photo and the date of the anniversary. An interesting and useful present is chintz underwear. Also, a man should be delighted with a blanket, especially if the anniversary is celebrated in a cold winter. A blanket is not only a practical gift, but also a symbolic one. Thus, the wife will express her warm feelings and hint at romance.

An interesting option is a portrait of her husband, made in some unusual technique. This can be an embroidered face of a faithful person or a general picture. Such a gift looks gorgeous, and can also decorate the interior of the apartment.

For hobbies
In this case, one should focus on the interests of the husband. If he is fond of fishing, he will be incredibly happy with a modern set of fishing tackle. True, if the wife herself is not particularly versed, then it is better to ask for advice about buying from a spouse's friends or consult a fishing store. Perhaps the man loves out-of-town vacations and prefers to spend the summer in the country. In this case, he will be happy to get a summer rocking chair, as well as a new barbecue, smokehouse and other attributes for a picnic.

If the spouse is a collector, then the wife will guess for sure if she will present the missing piece in the collection on the day of the anniversary. And if a man is fond of football, then the options are endless: these are souvenirs with the logo of his favorite team, and a T-shirt with the image of a sports idol, and a thematic mug. An excellent gift - buying a ticket for the next match of your favorite team, however, this option needs to be planned in advance: make sure that the husband is free on that day, find him a company of friends if the wife herself cannot go, think over how to get to the stadium if the match takes place in another city.

Useful presents
In this case, we mean universal gifts that will definitely please any man. For example, a safe bet is a good new phone, laptop, or tablet. An excellent solution is a gift set of tools, this thing is needed not only by the spouse himself, but will also be useful around the house. Another option is paraphernalia for the car: a new DVR, navigator, car key fob and other universal items.

In the first year of married life, it often happens that spouses find themselves in a difficult financial situation. They are still very young, perhaps some of them are still students and do not have a job, or maybe the newlyweds are renting an apartment, because they have not yet had time to acquire their own cozy nest. In this case, it is unnecessary to spend money on an expensive gift for the husband, you can instead agree on gifts in advance and purchase some kind of general present, for example, household appliances or furniture - then the costs will be fully justified, and the husband will be satisfied, besides this item will bring more coziness and convenience to life together.

Original options
To make this holiday memorable to your spouse for a long time, you can try to give an original gift, one that none of your friends have ever given on other holidays.
The most daring ladies can ask their friends for help, rent musical instruments and perform a serenade under the window of their beloved. Yes, this is unusual and a little strange, because serenade is the prerogative of men, but this is all the relish! However, it is important to foresee the man's reaction in advance: if the faithful is more inclined to erotic surprises, then it is better to stop at this, the serenade will please only a true poet and romance. In general, it is quite possible to get by with an ordinary song or poem performed during the celebration. The option of dancing in the company of friends is also suitable.

The prepared video will also bring pleasant impressions to the man. You can “drive away” joint photographs taken during the first year of married life to the accompaniment of romantic music on the big screen, and at the end, for example, write down congratulations from your wife. A real pleasure will give her husband an invitation to the holiday of his favorite musical group. True, you will have to spend money on this, but if it is a local musical group, then the amount may be quite affordable.

You can give unusual gifts that your spouse does not exactly expect to receive. Parachute jumping, bungee jumping, river rafting - all these extreme adventures will be welcomed by a man. However, in this case, the woman again needs to be guided by character. Perhaps the husband is a stay-at-home who does not like to spend extreme free time, but prefers a quiet family vacation or gatherings with friends at a cozy table, and then these options will not work.

A practical joke will be an interesting surprise for your spouse. This can be organized with the participation of friends and relatives, but it is better to contact special entertainment agencies - the company's employees will offer many scenarios, and they will also organize everything so that the man does not realize until the last minute that he is being played. However, in this case, the spouse should take into account the character of the beloved. Among the males, there are very touchy men, but in a year the woman should have understood whether this quality relates to the character of the chosen one.

If the husband does not have a craving for extreme adventures and is offended by the rally, then there remains a win-win option - a quest. You can prepare everything in the morning or even in the evening - hide riddles and "tips" from friends, in the entrance, in places that are important for the newlyweds (for example, the park where they met, or the dance floor where they kissed for the first time). Of course, the instructions for the next item must be encrypted in the riddles. All paraphernalia can be accompanied by images of kisses and general photographs. The final gift should also be unusual: for example, an album with family photos that the wife has been secretly creating for a long time, or maybe the final surprise will be a party with friends, which, according to the husband, was not originally planned for the anniversary. Another goal of the quest, pleasant for both spouses, is a wife dressed in erotic lingerie in an expensive hotel room.

DIY gift
If a wife has hand-made skills, then she has nothing to think about at all. The most common and always pleasant gift is the creation of a collage from common photographs, decorated with chintz paraphernalia and other decorative elements. You can independently embroider a joint portrait and give it to your spouse during the celebration of the anniversary.

Another unusual idea is a surprise chest. In a beautiful homemade box in the shape of a chest, the wife can put pieces of paper on which 50 reasons will be written that made her fall in love with her chosen one. During the holiday, the husband will take out one piece of paper and read the text to the guests.At the same time, it is important not only to indicate standard reasons such as “I love you for what is behind you, like behind a stone wall,” but also cool ones, for example, “I love for your kindness not only to people, but also to animals: after all, I do I can’t persuade you to give me a fur coat ”.

Simpler, but no less pleasant options are baking a delicious and beautifully decorated cake, making an exclusive scarf, creating an individual pendant. By the way, in the latter case, you can make two pendants at once in the form of halves of a heart for yourself and your lover. It will be a couples romantic gift.

What is better not to give?
In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a gift, it is recommended to refuse the following options.
Toys and souvenirs. Women love teddy bears, beautiful figurines, cute trinkets, so they often try to present such a present to their partner. However, a man who grew up from childhood is unlikely to welcome such a gift with joy, so a woman should not be guided by her preferences, but take into account only the interests of her spouse.

- Makeup kit. Perfume, shaving foam, shower gel - all these are not the best options. The fact is that a suspicious spouse may think that this is a hint of his uncleanliness. If the husband is not touchy and not too burdened with the choice of care products, then, most likely, concern for his appearance already rests on the wife's shoulders. And then it will no longer be a gift, but an ordinary standard purchase.

- Mirror, watch, knife. All these items, according to the signs, cannot be given to the husband. It is believed that after the presentation of one of these gifts to the spouse, the married couple will part.

What to give for a gingham wedding, you can see in this video.