What to give for 12 years of marriage after marriage?

The anniversary of the marriage is one of the main family holidays. They celebrate it in every home in their own way, according to traditions, budget and their own wishes. Many do not celebrate solemnly non-round dates. But the spouses do not forget to sit in a quiet family circle or remember the best moments of marriage in seclusion. Twelve years of married life are well worth a memorable day. The holiday is good when it is in the soul. And to share their emotions with loved ones or save for two, the heroes of the occasion decide for themselves.

What is the name of such an anniversary?
The 12th anniversary of their life together is called nickel. In Ancient Russia, it was celebrated not exactly twelve years after the wedding, but another 5 months was expected from the coveted date of marriage. But modern traditions have changed this rule in such a way that it is convenient for counting and significant in numbers.
Being able to save a marriage for 12 years is not an easy task, which not all couples manage to solve. Only truly loving and wise unions survive all crises and maintain the strength and closeness of relationships. Years together temper feelings and help spouses, with the help of each other, get the education of a teacher, raising children, a psychologist, building relationships, an accountant, distributing the family budget, a builder, building their own house. It is just right for them to be awarded a diploma in multilateral endurance and jewelry cutting of marriage.
Nickel date was nicknamed in honor of the noble metal, which in the old days was estimated not cheaper than gold and silver. The name is not accidental, because relationships at the current stage, experienced in life, are valued above all else.

Nickel features strength, shine and durability.Relationships in a friendly family are inherent in his physical qualities. If the spouses respect and cherish each other, then the relationship will not fade from time to time. Without exposing them to trials and stress, you can keep the marriage strong as nickel.
The 12th anniversary of marriage has several other names with an interesting history. Some peoples call it silk. This is explained by the fact that silk is considered a noble and durable material, which is always highly valued and knows no wear and tear. The strength of a silk thread is comparable to that of a wire. Likewise, the relationship of a couple during this period cannot be broken by negligence. To break the harmony in a marriage, very good reasons are needed, which, like a pruner, can break the trust and bond between spouses.
And among the residents of the United States, the twelfth wedding anniversary is called a pearl one. Among Americans, it is believed that such a significant date can only be compared with precious pearls. This is the same miracle of nature, available for possession not to everyone.

In China, one of the symbols of this wedding anniversary is considered the "king of flowers" - the peony. It symbolizes nobility, love and happiness, promises abundance and reverence. A lush blooming flower attracts good luck, and is no less revered in the West. In ancient times, it was used in medicine, and the Greeks treated it as a talisman that promised longevity.
However, whatever name was given to this date, the number of years lived is worthy of praise and congratulations. The spouses have already tested their feelings, their union is strong, the house is cozy, children are growing up and there are many plans in advance. But the relationship must continue to be monitored with the same attention, otherwise they can lose their outer brilliance and inner beauty, ceasing to be precious to both.

A nickel wedding has its own traditions and established rituals, and the peculiarities of the celebration are also associated with them. In the old days, spouses celebrating the 12th anniversary of marriage received dirty dishes from guests. The hostess had to clean the pans, pots and spoons until they shine. If she coped with the task, the family expected well-being in relationships and harmony in the house. For a lazy wife, the ritual predicted problems in marriage.
For 12 years of marriage, the couple has probably already acquired nickel household items or utensils from alloys with nickel in the composition. A hostess with such a solid experience should keep them in order, maintaining shine and cleanliness.
Since ancient times, the look of nickel crockery in the family spoke of a relationship in a couple. The owners were judged by their appearance. If the products were washed to a shine, then the life of the family is successful and happy. If the utensils look untidy, problems are coming.
Modern hostesses, on the eve of the memorable date, polish all household utensils to shine, from teaspoons to five-liter pots. They sincerely believe that after such a cleaning of the dishes, a spotless future awaits the family. In strong families, wives are assisted in this task by their husbands. This is not considered a gift to a spouse from a faithful person. Mutual help and support in any business is the key to a happy and long marriage.

This date is usually celebrated not in large companies, but in a close circle of people close to the family. Husband and wife set off in the morning to the places that once became iconic for them. For example, they visit the church where they were married, the park or cafe, where the first date took place, the meeting place and the first kiss. Often spouses conduct a family photo session, starting at the walls of the registry office and ending at home. If a celebration is planned for the evening, the spouses can be met with the traditional showering of coins, promising them prosperity in the future. Better get some nickel fines. It will be very symbolic and beautiful. However, guests are not forbidden to accompany the married couple to places of pleasant memories.
On the festive table there should be cutlery made of cupronickel or with a nickel sheen. You can conduct a second wedding ceremony by simulating a trip to the Wedding Palace.A pair of nickel rings, an impromptu veil on the bride's head and a flower in the buttonhole of the groom's suit - and it's done. So many pleasant emotions you can relive! If there are disagreements and old grievances between the wife and husband, it's time to forget about them and start life from a new stage. Undying love will be confirmed by the kiss of the spouses accompanied by shouts of "Bitter!"

Spouses gifts to each other
The husband and wife will not only have to celebrate a joint date, but also take care of gifts for each other. These can be not only material values, but also spiritual surprises. For example, you can spend this day together, ending the holiday with an incredible night. The 12th anniversary is called silk, that is, the name itself tells us to buy new silk linen for the family bed and test it on the fortress.
Fragrant flowers and candles, soft romantic music - that's all you need to create a special atmosphere. Feel free to try something new, open up to each other from unknown sides. There is a chance that this very night will change life for the better, marking the beginning of a new happy stage.

As a gift to his wife, the husband traditionally presents flowers. The most relevant for this anniversary, of course, are peonies. The airy bouquet looks very elegant and symbolic. It is worth finding out what the shade of a peony means and making your own original bouquet with subtext:
- pink speaks of respect in the family and promises material well-being;
- red expresses love, passion and devotion to feelings;
- purple - a symbol of protection and constancy;
- white is the color of stability, sincerity and tender affection;
- yellow - harmony and harmony in a relationship.
Nickel jewelry in the form of earrings, a ring or a bracelet can serve as the main present. A name pendant or an engraved pendant on a chain is the perfect gift for your 12th wedding anniversary.

If your spouse likes to grow flowers, peony seeds will come in handy. But gardening tools should not be presented as a gift on such a momentous day. It is better to hint a loved one about caring differently. For example, by presenting a subscription to a beauty salon or inviting you to dinner at your favorite restaurant. Going on a trip on the weekend is also a great option for a festive pastime.
Equally useful will be a joint horse ride in the park, a trip to an amusement park, where swings and carousels will allow you to forget for a while all adult problems and relax your soul. Two movie tickets for a touching melodrama followed by a visit to an ice cream parlor and dessert will sweeten the celebration. You can experiment the way you want, because on this holiday only the spouses decide how to spend the day.

The husband, too, should not feel deprived of attention and surprises. Nickel menswear dazzle the imagination with its many variations. Choosing something special for your life partner is easy. The most traditional gifts are trivial but enjoyable:
- a ring with a nickel-plated shine;
- cupronickel stand for a tea glass;
- a shiny flask with a dedication;
- a T-shirt recognizing the best qualities of a loved one;
- frame for joint photos with the finished general photo in the center;
- personalized mug made of metal for hiking and hot drinks;
- thermos for coffee on the road;
- briefcase or comfortable backpack;
- fashionable accessories;
- modern gadgets.
If your spouse falls asleep at the ballet and hates tearful films about love, you should not go to watch them together. It is better to devote this day to joint hobbies.

What to give to friends?
True faithful friends will never forget to send congratulations and gifts to the family on such an eventful date. Original poems may well pass for a present if presented beautifully and solemnly. Maybe they will be so appropriate that they will become the most memorable gift of the day. You can even beat in verse the presentation of the most banal gift:
We give you this set,
Chur, you shouldn't beat him.
You only need to drink tea in it,
To appreciate your folded marriage!
I present you with a portrait.
Let it hang for many years
In your bedroom on the wall
Reminding about me!

From myself I give glasses
So that it becomes much more
You have reasons to celebrate
The best events together!
May this wondrous candlestick
Do not stand idle for a long time.
Better to use actively,
For a family of good development ...

Let it be like a candle in a candlestick
Will be hot all the time
Your mutual love!
Give tenderness again and again
To each other without a trace.
Without "Bitter!", Only sweet.
As a souvenir, take
Wall Clock,
But just don't count
Minutes for love.

We give you a coffee machine,
To yourself in the morning
Delicious coffee served
Straight into a warm bed
And everyone was jealous!

Something from small household appliances, interior items, a beautiful blanket, a tablecloth or souvenirs for decor will not interfere with the family. Of the traditional things as gifts, you can list:
- a set of cutlery from cupronickel;
- silk items (bathrobes, bed linen);
- nickel-plated pans.

You can agree on a gift with relatives and chip in on something global that the family dreams of. For example, give them vacation vouchers at a good foreign resort. Or a home theater for watching movies together. And also a general present will be good - a new bedroom set or a dining group of a table and chairs.
There can be a lot of options, depending on what the married couple is dreaming about and how much is known about it in her immediate environment.

What can you choose for parents?
Children also usually contribute to the congratulation process. Of course, they still do not earn money, but they are quite capable of saving up from pocket funds or doing something with their own hands. Postcards with silk ribbon decor look very touching. And also parents will be touched by a homemade flower vase, a poster with the words of wishes. Older children can bake a simple cake or make salads. You can pamper your parents with breakfast or hang balloons with the numbers 12 everywhere. What is done from the heart is always appreciated above all else.

For more on the nickel wedding, see the next video.