What to give for 24 years from the wedding day?

24 years is a big milestone. Spouses with such an experience of family life experience many happy moments together, get to know each other from all sides, go through resentments, quarrels and misunderstandings. Despite the fact that the date is not round, you need to know what kind of anniversary it is, what traditions accompany it, how to celebrate it correctly and, of course, what to present to the couple. In addition, the celebration of the 24th anniversary of life together often becomes a rehearsal for a silver wedding, which is celebrated a year later.

Traditions and customs
24 years of family life is usually called a satin wedding. What does the atlas symbolize? This material is considered noble and has an exquisite appearance, which is why it symbolizes the strength and well-being of family relationships. Naturally, in the celebration of such an anniversary, one cannot do without an atlas., many traditions and rituals are carried out with his involvement. Let's consider the main nuances that should be considered.
As for the spouses, it is believed that before the anniversary, the husband should give his beloved wife a satin shirt. This will become not only a romantic component, but also a symbol of the strength of the marriage bonds and the couple's feelings. It is recommended to celebrate the holiday together in a romantic setting; it will be useful to remember the past years and sum up small results. You can invite your closest relatives and spend this day in a close family circle.

Another tradition is the exchange of a pair of satin ribbons, which should be tied around each other's wrists, thereby emphasizing the inviolability of the union. In addition, at this moment, the spouses make vows to each other to be close to the end of their days, showing the sincerity and longevity of their relationship.The addition of oriental elements in the table setting and decoration of the room will betray solemnity and zest.

In general, the oriental style is chosen on this day for a reason. The homeland of the atlas is the east, which, as you know, is rich in signs and traditions. The presence of unusual lamps, candlesticks and cushions in the interior is considered a bait for good luck. It will be a good sign to give each other satin wardrobe items.For example, in response to a nightgown, the spouse may give the husband a shirt made of the same material. Atlas has a rather high price and therefore is considered an expensive and luxurious material, which means that such gifts are especially pleasant to wear not only at home, but also for going out.

To husband and wife
Gifts are always a pleasure to receive, but their choice can often be seriously puzzling. This is especially true for spouses who have lived together for many years, because you always want to please your soul mate. And if such a significant date as the 24th wedding anniversary is approaching, it is not difficult to get confused.
Let's try to figure out what kind of gift a husband can give to his beloved wife on such a significant day. There can be many options. First of all, it is recommended to take a closer look at the jewelry. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are always pleased to receive such significant gifts.

In addition, we must not forget that the 24th anniversary is called a satin wedding, so clothes or underwear made of this material are relevant.
An original gift will be 24 roses or any other flowers in the same amount, each of which will symbolize a year of life spent together. Also, you can not refuse a romantic dinner. Candles will bring solemnity and sensuality to the evening.

However, the main thing when choosing a gift is to focus on the preferences of your beloved wife and listen to her wishes. A gift should first of all please a dear person. The fair sex appreciate the manifestation of imagination, so a collage of family photos, one for each year of the couple's life together, can become more delicate and touching than a diamond ring or a huge bouquet of roses.

But how to please your husband on such an important day? In this case, it is also worth considering the interests and preferences of the man. Someone will be sincerely happy with a fishing rod, someone will be nicer than a satin shirt or a tie made of a similar material.
It is also not forbidden to connect imagination, an excellent solution would be a picture made by yourself using satin ribbons of different colors.
A universal gift, the idea of which can be used not only by the spouse, but also by loved ones, is a bottle of quality alcohol, aged for 24 years. The gift can be supported by a solemn speech, the essence of which boils down to the fact that as the drink is strong, so are the relationships of the married couple.

In general, any gifts can be presented to a man, the main thing is to take into account his interests. A motorist will be delighted with accessories for his "iron horse", a hunter - with an unusual weapon.
For parents
If parents celebrate the 24th anniversary of family life, their children can be both very toddlers and mature adults. What gift will be given to the most dear people, first of all, is determined in accordance with the age of the child. If the children are not too old yet, live with their parents and do not provide for themselves, the best option would be a handmade present. For older daughters and sons, the choices may be more varied.

The option with jewelry cannot be ruled out, but it is more relevant when presented to the mother. As for presentations in general, parents will surely appreciate the entertainment, where the whole family can go. There can be a lot of ideas, for example, a family trip to an amusement park, to a cinema or theater, to a thematic quest.Board games or watching good movies together will help unite relatives at a common table.

Parents will be pleased to receive a cake that children can either order from professional chefs or prepare themselves. Date binding and themed souvenirs will also delight moms and dads. Satin things and products can be presented to each of the parents, or you can come up with a general gift, which can be bed linen, curtains and tablecloths. A photo session on this solemn day will allow you to capture the whole family together, which will allow you to view common photos for many years of life and during other significant dates.

From friends
A satin wedding is considered a family celebration. On this day, it is not customary to gather a large number of friends and acquaintances. However, the closest people may wish to bring their congratulations on such a solemn day. This must be done deliberately, taking into account all the nuances of the holiday. So what to give your friends for their 24th wedding anniversary? First of all, of course, satin products. Bed linen, bedspreads and other such things will be a great present.

Friends who have a good imagination will definitely try to diversify the everyday life of a married couple, who, after such a long period, could lose their sensuality and romance a little. In this case, a great option is to organize, for example, a horse ride or an entertaining excursion, a trip to a theater or a restaurant. You can present souvenirs made by yourself. A service on which you can make a thematic inscription will be a good gift.

When celebrating the 24th anniversary of family life, it must be remembered that a big and important anniversary is approaching - the silver wedding. Therefore, the main conditions for the celebration are close people, positive emotions and a soul mate who will always be there.

What to give and how to celebrate an anniversary, see the next video.