What do they give for 5 years of marriage after the wedding?

For the five-year anniversary after the wedding, the ancient Slavs hung a sacred wreath on a fruit tree, which was tied with a red ribbon. This symbol of prosperity and prosperity remained there for all subsequent years, being a kind of amulet for the spouses. Times have changed, but now it is customary to give various gifts to husband and wife on the fifth anniversary.

What is the name of such an anniversary?
The fifth wedding anniversary is a momentous event in the life of any family. Passed the most difficult 5 years after the wedding - the years of grinding in characters. The contradictions that are inevitable between two personalities are harmoniously resolved.
For a long time, there was a belief that it took five years for an oak sapling to take root, fixing itself in the ground., and becomes a full-fledged tree destined for a long life. This is probably why the eve of five years from the date of married life is called a wooden wedding. The young family has grown stronger, put down roots, and there is a difficult life-long road ahead of it.
It is very likely that there is already a solid material basis for family relations. Traditions, a certain way of life, a circle of friends and established habits have appeared.
The name “wooden wedding” suggests what is given to “newlyweds”. Obviously, the gifts will be related to the theme of the tree.

Choosing a gift
For a long time, celebrating such an anniversary, the husband always gave his wife some kind of wooden thing, which he carved with his own hands. The sacred meaning of such a wooden presentation was that the husband is an economic man, a jack of all trades, is able to keep and maintain the family hearth in proper form.The wife put the gift in a prominent place, it symbolized family harmony and prosperity.

It is most reasonable to give the spouses some kind of wooden objects or products that will be useful in the household. Mahogany, for example, is very expensive, it is used mainly for furniture, which also costs very impressive sums. Therefore, the most common types of wood are:
- oak;
- Pine;
- Birch;
- ash;
- alder;
- sycamore.

Fun souvenirs packed in stylish decorated boxes can also be good gifts. On the 5th anniversary of the wedding, it is also good to give:
- armchairs;
- bedside tables;
- small wardrobes;
- wooden dishes.

Often, in the summer, spouses spend their days at the dacha, working on their personal plot. A set of garden tools and tools will be a great gift, which at the same time can serve well for a long time - if, of course, the couple is not completely alien to work on the garden plot.
In recent years, it has been customary to give tree seedlings growing in pots, attaching an envelope with money to the branches. The amount should not be quite small (for example, 20 rubles), so as not to hurt the pride of both spouses, but at the same time, giving a large amount (200,000 rubles) may seem like sybarism and a sign of bad manners.
A plant in a pot can then be planted in a summer cottage, it will bear tasty juicy fruits for many years, if it is a cherry, apple or pear. It's a good idea to order a picture of a branchy family tree with a photograph of a husband and wife crowning the crown.

To husband
Gift stationery is always a gift that looks like a magic wand. If no good thought comes, such an "offering" can be a real salvation. Such products look stylish, at the same time their cost is relatively low.
Even convenient compact shelves can be a wonderful gift, because good products of this kind are always characterized by functionality and pleasant appearance.

If a young man is a smoker, then a set of pipes and aromatic Dutch tobacco can genuinely please him. If he likes to drink, then a bottle of whiskey or a liter bottle of Finlandia vodka in a wooden case will also be greeted with warm understanding.

There are now many gadgets with stylized wood or birch bark coating. A case for a phone, a box for disks, a hard case for a tablet - all these are quite budgetary and original presentations made in a stylish manner.

It is also not a bad idea to give the spouses a one-year subscription to a joint visit to a Russian bath or sauna, because it is difficult to think of the best place to relax and restore health. If the bath is present on the territory of the household, then the bath accessories will be very appropriate:
- gangs;
- buckets;
- buckets.
An original gift can be a wooden puzzle, which can be collected by the whole family, combining the "newlyweds" and children.

Women and jewelry are inseparable concepts. Wooden earrings, beads, rings can look beautiful and make a splash. There is also a catch in such jewelry: they may not fit, then the “newlywed” will not look the best way, frankly clumsy.
Sometimes it is better not to take risks and present jewelry made of materials that a woman likes to wear, but the packaging for them can be ordered from wood.

The fair sex adores fashion and everything connected with it. Hangers for dresses, wooden rails on wheels, various accessories for the care of things - all these can be welcome gifts.
Now it is fashionable to monitor your own weight, to keep your figure in the right shape. It would be appropriate for a young woman to give:
- a massager with wooden elements;
- sports rings;
- hoop.

Wooden kitchen utensils and other devices for making various dishes will also become a welcome present that any housewife will be happy with.

For making sushi, you can donate a special board and a set of chopsticks. If sushi is a desirable dish for spouses, then they will certainly appreciate such a present. Many women love floriculture, and a set of colorful flower pots can add an extra festive mood. Also, cute wooden crafts can be quite out of place, for example:
- hairpins;
- combs;
- clutchers.
It is good for sporting families to give skis or tennis rackets.
Women are happy to accept small wooden barrels as a gift, in which you can make various marinades and pickles.

For parents
A couple, whose married life lasts only five years, do not often have children of a conscious age - unless this marriage is not the first in their life, or the relationship has a much longer history than is recorded. For this reason, children usually don’t give adults anything themed, but if they are still not quite small themselves, then they cannot do without an appropriate gift.
If the children are still quite young, anything will be a very pleasant gift, as long as it is made by hand.
Processing wood for a child is a rather difficult task, so you should not expect something practical - it is enough for it to be a piece of plywood, cut with a jigsaw with his own hand.
If the child has reached at least adolescence, he can already show a certain fantasy. In this case, it is a wise decision to give something that will remind the parents of what a good family they are (along with the donor himself). It turns out that a wooden photo frame will be an inexpensive but very appropriate gift, especially if it allows you to insert many photos at once, displaying the many happy moments of life together.

Shelves for books will always be in place if they look original and stylish. A chronometer in a wooden case can be inexpensive, but look very solid. Wooden jugs for drinks, or a panel that you want to hang on the wall - here are some more options for an excellent wooden gift.
Often they give a large decorative horseshoe made of wood - in the kitchen or in the hallway, it will be in place.
If the spouses love to spend time outside the city, then birdhouses for birds (especially when the anniversary is celebrated in early spring) will be an interesting gift.
Wooden spoons and dishes, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, cutting boards, beer mugs - all this is easy to find in an online store and give to young spouses.

Couple from parents
If parents give the "young" a dinner table that will gather the family for a meal for many years, then this gift will be very productive. A small table for drinking coffee in bed can also be an original and desirable gift.
The groom's father can carve an original housekeeper from wood. You can also engrave the pedigree of two genera with portraits of husband and wife on wood. Photos framed with beautiful wooden frames can be hung on the wall.

Of the symbolic jewelry from parents, you can remember about rings, brooches, signs of the zodiac. Hand-made presentations are always enjoyable and useful. Such things remember the warmth of human hands, most often they are aesthetically attractive and unusual. Such products are made from cherry, birch, oak, and their cost is relatively low.
You should definitely give a small sapling tree tied with ribbons - this gift will carry a special meaning and become symbolic.

Gifts for children couples
Over the five years of their life together, the couple may have had children, and this is also a holiday for them, since they are also part of a strong family. You can give them some kind of wooden toys.It is important that there are no chemical coatings on the product, because children are still small, they like to try everything new and unusual with their teeth, so it is best to play it safe and buy toys without coating with unknown substances.
A rocking horse for a 3-5-year-old child has always been a coveted gift, and in the XXI century such a toy will also be enthusiastically accepted by a child. Another popular gift is building blocks: a child will definitely get carried away with building a castle or a country house, which will give parents extra hours of rare rest.
Wood is remarkable in that it does not contain toxins, there can be no allergies from it, wooden toys can be put under the pillow, play with them in the bathroom.

Exclusive surprises
Cool gifts can be fun and thoughtful at the same time.
Video cameras and computers are in every home today, so you can make a video or a short film for 10-15 minutes, which will capture the glorious pages of a wedding, honeymoon trip and picnics in nature during a life together.
Although such a gift is not made of wood (unless the donor has made a wooden box for the disc), it is still appropriate for any anniversary of something.
Models of old sailboats look very good, they can be a wonderful decoration for a desktop or TV in the kitchen. The sailboat itself is a remarkable symbol:
- freedom;
- dealing with storms;
- confidence in overcoming all adversity.

A festive cake on which wooden figures of a husband and wife will flaunt is not the most original solution, but, on the one hand, you still cannot do without it, on the other hand, absolutely all other guests can forget about it in the pursuit of wood, and you will be a fine fellow. ...
The show will be funny, it will entertain the guests, so you can give wooden gifts solely from this logic. Pillow-shaped logs cannot but look original. Ideas can be gleaned from the hobbies that spouses enjoy.
If your husband likes to play the guitar, then you can give him a balalaika with a proposal to learn the "thieves" chords on this simple instrument. If your wife loves to play the harmonica, you can give her a wooden case for glasses, stylized as this foreign musical instrument.

In any case, gifts, in addition to originality, should be as practical as possible, especially those that somehow beat the number "five". For example, you can give a voucher to a sanatorium for the weekend, where the room will be listed under the number "5".
For information on what to give for a wooden wedding, see below.