What to give for a silver wedding?

The 25th anniversary of married life is an important date in every family. It is customary to celebrate this significant event not only together, but also to invite friends, colleagues and relatives. In this regard, many are interested in what to give for a wedding, so as not to get lost in a crowd of identical vases and sets. The gift should be worthy and tasteful. It is desirable that it contain symbolism in the form of the number "25" or be executed in silver color.

Holiday symbols in gifts
In order not to be banal and donate the tenth set of silver spoons, you can show a little ingenuity and choose the truly necessary things that will delight the owners of the house. They must be silver or gray or have the number "25" in their symbolism. If the spouses do not like silver, or it does not fit the interior of the house, then you can wrap the chosen surprise in a beautiful rustling silver packaging.

The anniversary of living together implies a strong relationship that has developed over 25 years. The couple went through a lot together, got used to their characters, went through difficult stages in life, and became very close. They are connected not only by passion and love, but also by sincere affection, trust and respect.
Practical items can be gifted for a silver wedding.

If the interior of the kitchen allows, then it is worth buying appliances in the color of silver metallic: an electric kettle, an oven, a blender or a refrigerator. It can also be a digital camera, an artificial fireplace, a split system, an air ionizer, or any other useful household items. Traditionally, bed linen sets are presented for the wedding anniversary.It is worth looking at expensive silk linen in silver or noble gray shades.
The symbolism of metal for the silver anniversary will also be transferred to other things for joint family use. If the husband and wife are avid summer residents or live in households, you can give them high-quality and quite worthy gifts in this topic. A chaise longue, swing, barbecue or chic grill, beautiful benches or country figures will come in handy.

Silver items
For the 25th anniversary of the wedding, silver items are the most common and status gift. Some people buy items not made of solid silver, but silver-plated ones. In this case, it is better to make a small but valuable gift made of pure metal. If the budget is limited, you can negotiate with other guests and put together, for example, a service or a set of spoons.
Silver tableware is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, luxury and aristocracy. A truly valuable service or a set of 2-3 items will be inherited. Silver dishes show not only the excellent taste of their owners. It heals the body and disinfects water, killing most of the pathogens.

On this day, spouses traditionally present each other with new silver wedding rings, which they wear instead of their gold ones. The old ones are kept until the golden wedding. It will be great if the rings are with a unique paired engraving. This will highlight the special relationship between the spouses.
In addition to rings, husband and wife can give each other other silver jewelry.

A man who prefers a classic style of clothing will be pleased with cufflinks or a tie bar in silver. The businessman can buy a silver status pen, and the traveler and adventurer can buy a flask. If your husband is fond of computers, a silver-plated flash drive will be in place, and a car enthusiast will appreciate a silver keychain with the logo of his favorite brand.
A woman will appreciate the tastefully selected jewelry: chains with pendants, earrings, bracelets, brooches, which are back in fashion. You can also choose a whole gift set. It should be remembered that there are two types of silver. Anodized very light, shiny, reminiscent of white gold. Lovers of vintage will appreciate the blackened, as if artificially aged silver.

If guests give gifts in the form of silver jewelry to a couple, then it must be paired things, for example, similar chains, symbolic pendants or rings. It is not customary to give a ring to a wife, but a tie bar for a husband is not accepted. Naturally, it is worth asking if the spouses are wearing silver jewelry. Some people prefer one specific metal throughout their lives. They also don’t give money for a silver anniversary.

But special commemorative silver coins with engraving, purchased for this occasion, will be very useful. If the married couple is a believer, an icon with a silver frame will be a valuable gift. It can be any little image. Most often, for such a date, they choose the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, as the patrons of love and fidelity.
Original and inexpensive options
If the budget is limited, and you really want to please the heroes of the day with an original gift, then original comic gifts will help you not to hit your face in the dirt in front of other guests. They can be ordered from numerous workshops, salons, or purchased from a gift shop. Of course, such things can be given as a gift if the couple has a good sense of humor. It is not forbidden to make such offerings to the children of the couple, especially if they are still schoolchildren, and financially did not take place.

Guests often give flowers to the owners of the house, which rather serve as a pleasant addition to the main gift on such a holiday. The husband also gives his wife a bouquet of 25 white or red roses. Do not be limited by the framework of tradition. Choose for the hostess of the holiday those flowers that are to her liking. These can be chrysanthemums, peonies, sunflowers, lilies.Perhaps she dreams of some rare flower in a pot. They learn about such preferences in advance, and try to please with an attentive attitude. The number of colors can also be more than 25, as long as it is odd.
You can order paired interior items or furniture: mugs, T-shirts, plates.

On them, in any photo workshop, they will quickly and inexpensively perform photo printing on your order. Pictures of spouses, warm words of wishes or symbolism of the number 25 will become dear to the heart images. You can take a silver or white background as a basis. Such things, when used at home, will give pleasant memories every day. There are many symbolic medals on sale now. Spouses can present such awards to each other. There are ready-made gift options. You can also order a commemorative individual engraving with warm or funny words.
A good strong drink with twenty-five years of aging will become a symbolic gift. Spouses with humor and benevolence will appreciate the tastefully selected gift. You can give a small silver pin to your husband and wife. Such things will become a valuable and beautiful talisman against the evil eye and envious people.

The silver-plated horseshoe will be appropriate anyway. Hanging in the house above the entrance, she will bring joy and good luck to the family in all matters. It is important to position this item correctly. Hanging with the ends up, it will favor prosperity in the house, down - it will bring peace and increase love. It is good to give your relatives a high-quality full-length photo album in a silver design. If you insert several printed photographs inside, then you can nicely and unobtrusively please the hosts of the holiday.
You can also give your sister an original silver frame with a photo of the spouses in their happiest moments.

If the owners of the house love painting, it’s a good idea to give them a picture in a silver frame or a still life depicting silver household items. Naturally, the work should be of high quality, tasteful, real paints. In the event that the furnishings of the premises and the taste of the owners are familiar to you, you can present an original and modern panel to order, metallized or in high-tech style.
Add a playful mood to gourmet relatives and chocolates or a bottle of wine with an original label in honor of the 25th wedding anniversary. A cake (albeit not a wedding cake) or unique cakes to order will delight lovers of sweet desserts. Congratulations on radio, television or a banner with a striking appeal will be a pleasant surprise for a couple who love attention and ceremony. For active spouses leading a social life, it is worth buying a ticket to a concert of their favorite performers, to the theater, to an exhibition or to an exciting show. Organize a trip for the couple.
It doesn't have to be a month trip to exotic countries. A three-day tour to one of the European capitals or a local recreation center will also be a pleasant gift. Nice to book a table for two in a restaurant. Husband and wife will be able to take a break from all business, escape from routine and be alone with each other in a pleasant environment.

In continuation of gifts-impressions, you can order their organization and implementation from professionals. In every major city there are entertainment agencies that provide package deals or a vibrant pastime for a couple of hours. It can be anything according to the couple's preferences: a romantic balloon or helicopter flight, a tango lesson, parachute planning, a day at the spa, a riding lesson, rides and much more.

What can you do with your own hands?
Lovers of unique and spiritually warm things will appreciate a gift made on their own. Do you have a hobby in which you have already achieved professional success? Fine! Are you engaged in soap making - cook an original aromatic soap with organic herbs for your spouses.You can present a whole small collection.
Let the holiday inspire you to create a truly exclusive and precious set.

Do you know how to sew or knit? Remember what the hostess of the house told you about. Maybe she dreams of a quality kitchen set or curtains for the living room. You can also please with a warm knitted blanket, original stylish pillow covers to match. Sewing a brownie amulet, which will guard the house of the heroes of the day, is also quite appropriate.
If you are fond of floristry, make an unusual and bright bouquet instead of the standard set of 25 roses. You can decorate flowers in a beautiful basket, statuette stand. The only limitation will be your imagination. An excellent alternative to a congratulatory wall newspaper will be a family tree, made on a Whatman paper with your own hand. True, such a gift will take a lot of patience and time. But you will get to know your relatives and their roots better.
A beautifully designed tree will remind generations of the strength of family ties.

If you have artistic talent, you can draw a family portrait of a couple from a photograph. It doesn't have to be a classic piece. If the heroes of the day have a good sense of humor, you can give them a friendly cartoon. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the most characteristic features for each of the spouses. This should be done, of course, not with mockery, but with good feelings.
A beautiful presentation or video about the marital journey from the moment of acquaintance will become a touching surprise that will please not only the owners of the anniversary, but also the guests of the holiday. You can put together a traditional presentation from vivid photographs, complementing it with warm words and music. If you have basic skills in a video editor, then you can shoot an entire short clip or a congratulation film, like the ones that parents do to their children at graduation. These moments are priceless. They help to bond the couple and evoke pleasant nostalgia.

What is better not to give?
Some things are best not given for any wedding anniversary. As a rule, they carry bad symbols or can somehow offend, be misinterpreted by the gifted.
Let's dwell on a list of gifts that should not be considered potential purchases.
- Cutting objects: knives, forks, collectible edged weapons. This can lead to aggravation of family relations, quarrels and scandals.
- Watch. It is believed that giving a watch is a sign of separation. However, the gift can be expensive and highly desirable. You can deceive a bad omen using one method. In this case, the spouses do not accept the watch as a gift, but, as it were, redeem it, giving a symbolic amount.
- Animals. Here you need to be sure exactly what the guests of the holiday want, whether it is possible to keep pets at home, and whether both spouses want such a gift.

- Towels, scarves, handkerchiefs, in many ways, they will also not bring anything good to the family.
- Various containers for storing food, wallets, vases, caskets must not be given empty. Be sure to put sweets or small bills in them.
- Women are never given pearls, if they do not want the hostess of the holiday to drown in a sea of tears.
- A mirror, according to the beliefs of many peoples, is a window to another world. Therefore, it is not worth making such a dangerous gift to the family.
- Various antiques will also be a bad choice, since it carries the energy of the past owners, which can negatively affect the fate and relations of the heroes of the day. The heirloom may be an exception.
If the family has, for example, silver jewelry or a set of inherited cutlery, then just such a reason would be appropriate for a gift.

And, of course, it is worth remembering that transferring unnecessary things and gifts lying around is also bad form.

Make presents with taste and love. Treat the hosts of the holiday the way you want them to treat you.Let the gifts speak of your attention and benevolence, so you will always become a welcome guest in the house of the heroes of the day.
What to give for a silver wedding, see the next video.