What to give my husband for his sixth wedding anniversary?

After 6 years from the date of marriage, the husband and wife can celebrate a cast-iron wedding. This date got its name because cast iron is metal, but plastic material when forging. In addition, strong blows can scatter a cast-iron product, as life adversity can shake relationships in a still young family. On the other hand, 6 years is already quite a long time for the spouses to get used to and get used to each other, therefore this date for the first time contains such solid material in its name.

In the old days, there were many traditions associated with the sixth wedding anniversary. Some of them have already been forgotten, some will seem too strange today, and some do not lose their strength to this day.
- All kitchen utensils made of cast iron were displayed on the window. She had to be polished to a shine and shine - this spoke of the thrift of the young wife. In addition, before the feast, the mother-in-law could take a white linen mitten and walk it over the entire surface of the cast-iron utensils. After that, the mitten, which had preserved its whiteness, was shown to the guests as proof of the daughter-in-law's thrift.

- All dishes on the festive table were to be prepared only in cast iron dishes. She was also presented to the heroes of the occasion.
- At the end of the meal, the guests were walked around with a small cast-iron pot, in which each of them had to put a coin and say a wish to the spouses. They tried not to spend the whole year until the next anniversary, this promised mutual understanding and financial well-being for the young family.
Cast iron gifts
Various objects cast and forged from this metal are considered a traditional gift for the husband on the sixth anniversary.It can be either a large purchase or a small souvenir reminiscent of an important date. It is best if such a gift is associated with the hobbies of the spouse.

For example, a culinary specialist will be delighted with a new frying pan or baking sheet that will serve him for many years. The angler can pick up a small sinker for a cast iron rod. The athlete will be delighted with the new dumbbells or weights, and those who prefer a summer vacation can be presented with a real grill or brazier.

A young man who loves various toys can be presented with a cast-iron railroad. It is not only fun to collect, but you can then use it while playing with children.
One of the traditional gifts for the sixth anniversary is a cast iron horseshoe, which is believed to bring happiness and wealth to the family. Traditionally, it should be hung from the inside of the apartment above the front door. On such a horseshoe, you can engrave or forge a wish or a wedding date, then the gift will remind you of this festive event every day. Various souvenirs in the form of figurines, paperweights or table clocks can be cast iron.

The smoker will be delighted with the original lighter or ashtray, and the lover of spending the weekend repairing a car or home will be delighted with a set of wrenches and adjustable wrenches.
Practical gifts
On the wedding anniversary, as on any other holiday, you can give any item that will facilitate the life or work of your beloved spouse. All gifts considered practical can be divided into several categories.
- Appliances. This could be a welcome coffee maker, a good mechanical alarm clock, or a small home brewery. You shouldn't give a food processor or dishwasher as a gift, unless it was a long-term dream of your husband. The gift should be not only useful, but also taking into account the personal characteristics and desires of the person.
- Electronic equipment and accessories. It could be a quality electric shaver, a new phone, or a good pair of headphones. Before buying, it is better to consult with your spouse, he may want to receive a specific laptop model or a bag for him from a specific manufacturer as a gift.

- Clothing, perfumery and accessories. Any fashionista will be glad to see a silk scarf, a bottle of his favorite perfume or a beautiful sweater. Plus, even a traditional gift like a cufflink or tie can tell your husband a lot about your feelings. The main thing is that the gift is chosen wisely and presented with love.
- Furniture. A small study in the living room or on the balcony can be an ideal gift for many men. A good leather armchair or a small bench on which you can put your tired legs after a hard day is an excellent indicator of the care of a loving spouse.
- Impressions. A lover of extreme sports will be delighted with a parachute jump or flight in a hot air balloon, while a lover of calm contemplation will gladly go to an exhibition or a short excursion. Such a gift, shared with your spouse, will strengthen the relationship and bring a lot of romance into family life.

With your own hands
At all times, gifts made with one's own hand were considered the best gift. In the old days, needlewomen sewed and embroidered shirts and outerwear for a spouse, made various amulets and amulets, weaved carpets and bedspreads. Today, many wives are not inferior to them in their skills, and many surpass them.
Those who like to spend the evening with knitting needles in their hands can give their beloved husband socks, a warm scarf and even a sweater knitted with their own hands.
Those who feel comfortable working with the dough can bake an original cake or a beautiful cake for their spouse. A connoisseur of good alcohol can be presented with an original bouquet of mini versions of your favorite drink. A supporter of a healthy lifestyle can be presented with a bouquet of healthy vegetables and fruits, decorated in restrained colors and laconic style.

Women who are fond of sewing can make a beautiful warm blanket for their spouse or make beautiful embroidery on bed linen. The experience of working with leather also opens up a wide scope for imagination. A belt, a key holder, a wallet, a case for a driver's license and car documents - all this can be made even with minimal leatherworking skill.
It can be a pretty soap or candle set, homemade chocolates, or a beautifully painted morning coffee mug. An original gift will be a personal verse or song written and performed by a loving spouse.
One of the most desirable and at the same time unexpected gifts for a young spouse will be a spicy erotic dance performed by his wife to romantic music in an appropriate setting. You can round off a romantic anniversary dinner for two upon arrival from the restaurant or after dinner at home with this gift.

If you are not confident in your plasticity and skills, you can take a couple of private lessons from a good choreographer, or find suitable video tutorials on the Internet.
A cast iron wedding is just one of many memorable dates on the way of a strong and loving family. Of course, I want the gift to delight and surprise my beloved husband, to be desirable and useful. However, do not forget that the best gift for any spouse was and remains love and understanding from the other.
For information on what to give to your husband, see the next video.