What to give parents for a silver wedding?

The Silver Wedding is the 25th anniversary of marriage, one of the most important dates in the life of any family. The name of this date contains precious metal for the first time, which is intended to show the importance and solemnity of the event. A quarter of a century is a serious period. It is obvious that the husband and wife have shared many happy and sad events together. Perhaps they raised children, and some have already had their first grandchildren. Silver in this case is a symbol of the experience and wisdom of such spouses, because today rarely anyone manages to keep their marriage for such a long time. This date is a reason for pride not only for the spouses themselves, but also for all their friends and relatives, therefore the gifts that are presented on this day should be special.

Anniversary traditions
Since most of the couples celebrating the silver anniversary are no longer young at all, the main thing on such a day is the return of romance to a relationship and caring for each other. In ancient times, there was a wonderful tradition of mutual ablution of spouses with spring or well water from silver dishes. The spouses performed a ritual consisting of three parts:
- the first ablution of the wife by the husband and the husband by the wife helped to wash off the burden of the years lived and restored the vigor of youth;
- the second ablution was to carry away quarrels and family troubles;
- the third mutual ablution promised many long and happy years of married life.

After the bathing procedures, the renewed spouses wiped each other with linen and dressed the husband for his wife, and the wife for the husband. The jug with the remaining liquid was exposed to a window or porch to dry completely.It was believed that the faster the water at the bottom dries up, the faster all the promises of the ritual will come true. Of course, the ancient rituals are a thing of the past, however, to this day there are various rituals for the silver wedding. Most often, this is a mutual exchange of silver wedding rings, which is carried out during the celebration with relatives and friends. They can replace old wedding rings or wear them with them. Such rings symbolize the beginning of a new stage in a relationship and remind one spouse of the love and care of the other.

Silver gifts
As in the old days, jewelry and tableware made of this precious metal remain one of the main gifts for the silver anniversary. You should not present rings on this day, as most often spouses buy them on their own. There are several options for other decorations, it is best if they are paired.
- Bracelets with engraving on which you can write various wishes or the date of the silver wedding.
- In the event that a man has a pierced ear, you can give the spouses pair earrings.
- Chains with various pendants in the form of zodiac signs or with family symbols. A man can be presented with a heavy silver chain with a minimalist pattern, and a woman with a massive necklace.
- An excellent and very original gift will be a watch made of precious metal. In order to save money, you can choose the option with a metal case and a leather strap. The prices for this option are much lower than for watches completely made of silver. Some people believe in such a sign that a watch is given to parting. In this case, you can ask for such a gift for a symbolic amount in the form of a couple of coins or a small sweet.
- A silver pin or brooch for her and a tie clip or cufflinks for him. For a long time, such pins are considered amulets of the family hearth. They protect from the evil eye and protect from envious people and gossip. Such a brooch can be pinned on a coat, neckerchief or favorite blouse, or it can be hung on a purse or purse.

You can also present a silver cigarette case, key rings, a small decorative figurine, or make a medal with various wishes and a memorable date. An avid numismatist can be presented with a collectible old coin as a gift. Like jewelry, dishes are considered a classic gift made of precious metal.
- A silver cutlery set will be appropriate both in the dining room of a country house and in a city apartment. It will add solemnity to even the most ordinary family tea drinking and preserve the memories of the celebration.
- A great gift would be a silver tray or tea pair for the heroes of the holiday.
- A silver turk, a teapot or a coffee set will turn the most ordinary breakfast into an aristocratic morning, and the process of handing over the silverware to the heirs can turn into a centuries-old family tradition.

Of course, silverware is quite expensive. In the event that they allow you to purchase something inexpensive, you can donate silver-plated dishes or just metal sets that have the color of a noble metal.

Practical gifts
Every child who grows up wants to make life easier for their parents, make their life easier and healthier. In this case, various household appliances, medical equipment or even transport are often presented as a gift. Of course, such gifts cost the donors a large sum, however, large equipment can be given together with other relatives and even family friends. Many people think that one large and useful gift is much better than several small, albeit memorable "trinkets".
- A washing machine or dishwasher, a new fridge or a separate freezer for items will be a great gift from children and grandchildren. A garment steamer or a new iron, a modern robot vacuum cleaner or a humidifier may come in handy.
- A new blanket and pillows stuffed with real feathers will keep silver jubilees warm on cold winter nights. An excellent gift would be a small bedside table, on which you can place a desk lamp and your favorite book, morning coffee or the necessary little things.
- If the parents have a common hobby, then you can pick up a gift in this topic. This could be a tent or cooler bag, a set of golf clubs, or some nice dance costumes. Those who prefer quiet evenings with their family to active rest can be presented with a smokehouse or barbecue, outdoor or balcony hammock.
- With age, people increasingly begin to suffer from various chronic diseases. A modern automatic blood pressure monitor, an apparatus for measuring blood sugar or a good massager will become a real "magic wand" for a person of age.
- New impressions have been and remain one of the best gifts at all times. Perhaps the parents have long wanted to visit a certain country or region, visit a certain exhibition or concert. In this case, a voucher, plane or train tickets, paid hotel accommodation, jointly donated from family and friends, would be an excellent gift. A gift certificate for a joint massage or shopping is perfect. The main thing in this case is not to make a surprise out of such a gift, as people may have certain plans. It is best to agree on such a gift in advance with the heroes of the occasion.

When buying such a large gift, it is necessary not only to get together with all the relatives, but also to carefully find out whether the donated item is necessary for silver heroes of the day. You should not donate the equipment that is already in the house, even if it is a newer model or a more proven manufacturer. Any trips must be agreed in advance with the heroes of the day.
If the husband and wife are in debt or outstanding loans, perhaps the best gift in this situation is simply money.

DIY gifts
Parents are always glad to those gifts that their children or grandchildren made with their own hands. Warmth and homeliness emanate from such surprises. If there is a needlewoman or a household man in the family, hand-made gifts will not differ in appearance from purchased gifts and at the same time will be more valuable and desirable.
- Sewn or knitted clothing and accessories. An excellent gift will be paired warm sets with a scarf and a hat, knitted for silver anniversaries. If you have the skill of working with leather, you can make wallets, belts, or a good laptop bag.
- For those with a passion for scrapbooking, you can create a memorable photo album that can accommodate many family and wedding photos. These can be interior frames for general and individual photos. Those who draw well will be able to paint a portrait or even draw a cartoon. If you have the skills of video editing, you can shoot and edit a small film in the style of Love story or wishes in video format from all relatives and close friends. Even when they are apart, the heroes of the day will be able to watch such a mini-film at any time.
- Cooks can make a birthday cake, bake a big cake, or even make their own candy. You can make an original bouquet of sweets or soft toys, cook a soap set in the form of various flowers, present a bottle of your own wine.

The smallest guests will be able to draw a postcard with pencils or paints and report to the main gift. Children who recite poems or sing a song will be able to cheer all the guests and cause tears of emotion among the heroes of the day, especially if they are written personally for the heroes of the occasion. Do not forget about various bouquets and flower arrangements. A gift supplemented in this way will be much more pleasant even for the most severe men. A postcard with wishes will also not be superfluous, the main thing in this case is to sign it with your own hand.
For more information on what the different wedding anniversaries are called and what to give them, see the video below.