Types and applications of corrugated paper

The cellulose fiber web compressed into decorative folds is called "corrugated paper". It is in demand in the manufacture of handicrafts, decorative elements, packaging. The advantages of corrugated paper include elasticity, so that the material can be pulled and twisted.

What it is?
Corrugated paper is one of the varieties of craft paper. Corrugated fabric was invented relatively recently. The first mention of it dates back to 1856 - it was then that corrugated paper became widespread in England, where it was used as a lining for hats.
Today, the paper industry offers the widest range of crinkled paper in a wide variety of grades, and its scope of application has expanded significantly. Unlike traditional coated and offset papers they do not print on the corrugated sheet, since the print on the crumpled surface will significantly suffer.
But decor items made from such material turn out to be surprisingly beautiful and graceful.

Corrugated paper is obtained by the method of corrugation (from the French gaufre, which translates as pressing a pattern, making an impression, forming folds). Thus, the technique makes it possible to create artificial folds by repeatedly folding the sheet.

The advantages of crumpled paper are obvious.
- Decorativeness... Corrugated canvas is in demand in needlework, for assembling postcards using the scrapbooking technique, as well as for decorating souvenirs and presents.
- Protection... Due to the wavy structure, corrugated paper is well springy. Cushioning at the moment of impact, it reliably protects the gift wrapped in it from external damage.
- Environmental Safety... The material is recyclable, moreover, it can be completely produced from recycled materials. In its natural environment, paper decomposes within 1-2 months. Cellulose does not contain toxic components, therefore it is completely safe for children and adults.
- Practicality... The production cost of corrugated paper is not high, therefore, it is offered in trade enterprises at a reasonable price.
- Versatility... Corrugated paper is in demand both for internal filling of piñatas and boxes, and as decorative packaging.
- Smallness... This feature makes it much easier to carry packed items.

Depending on the visual features and physical and operational properties, corrugated paper is used to create thematic crafts. All varieties of such paper can be divided into two groups - floristic and crepe... There is no fundamental difference between these materials, but there are differences in density, custom properties and application nuances. It cannot be argued that these materials are better or worse, both varieties are in demand in handmade and are in demand among craftswomen.

Floristic corrugation is characterized by a high wave, therefore it is used as a packaging material. This type of paper is used in a variety of handicrafts. Density of corrugated paper - 180 grams / m², which allows you to strongly stretch the material to the desired shape, while avoiding breaks. The output is high quality parts.
Due to its stability and plasticity, such paper has found application in floristry and in the sweet-design technique.

Crepe paper is thinner, the base in small folds is characterized by exceptional decorativeness. The combination of these characteristics makes the material in demand for creativity. The density of crepe paper is lower than that of floristic paper - in the range of 20 g / m2² up to 35 g / m²... This makes it impossible to significantly stretch the canvas and does not allow the crafts to be given the desired shape and volume. If you try to stretch it with force, the paper may tear.

Crepe paper has an unobtrusive, weakly pronounced corrugation pattern. At the same time, it is on sale in a wide variety of colors and shades, thanks to which it is possible to form very realistic compositions from it.
Due to the high quality of cellulose linen, flowers made from it almost do not differ in appearance from living ones.

Depending on the height of the flute, corrugated paper can be of four types:
- flut E - about 1.3-1.5 mm;
- flut B - 3.0-3.3 mm;
- flut A - about 5 mm;
- individual solutions - made to order.
The lower the wave height, the more compact and sleek paper packaging can be made. For example, boxes for sweet treats and expensive perfumes are made of micro-corrugated cardboard.
Corrugated cardboard with large waves is optimal for protecting bulky items (furniture, PVC structures).

Forms of issue
According to the method of packing, corrugated paper is divided into roll and sheet:
- roll - gives a minimum share of waste, but its structure is too voluminous, therefore it is not very convenient for transportation;
- leaf - it is compact, which is important during transportation and storage, but the consumption in the manufacture of decor is much higher.
Many manufacturers pack corrugated crepe in rolls of 50x200 cm or in mini-packs of 50x1000 cm, often without a film on top. Such storage conditions cause burnout of the top layers and edges of the material.
Therefore, at home, it is advisable to equip a special place for needlework and packaging to protect crepe paper from ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing corrugated paper, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer. The visual characteristics of the finished work directly depend on this.
The greatest demand is for Cartotecnica Rossi products from Italy... This paper is sold in rolls sealed in cellophane with mandatory number marking and indication of user characteristics, which greatly facilitates the acquisition and storage conditions of the material after unpacking.
The surface of this brand of paper is evenly painted over, although bright colors can stain the palms. Immediately after unpacking, the roll may have a slight paint smell, but it fades rather quickly. Italian corrugated paper stretches well and holds its shape, thanks to which hands get less tired during work. The palette is rich and diverse. In this line, you can choose a monochrome corrugation, with a gradient of shades, as well as metallized with and without a gradient. The density of this material corresponds to 180 g / m², sheet dimensions - 250x50 cm.

In specialized stores, you can find Chinese corrugation at a low price; it has a number of differences from the more expensive Italian one. The material is also packaged in small rolls, but most manufacturers do not have an indication of the numerical marking of shades, there is only a name. This can significantly complicate the selection, for example, when buying over the Internet.
The quality of products from China also differs from those made in Europe.... It is less suitable for assembling volumetric handicrafts: it stretches weakly and, with significant stretching, begins to tear. This material is optimal for simple shapes, it is suitable for sepals, petals and greenery. Although experienced craftsmen have adapted to work with him. Chinese corrugated paper, in comparison with Italian, is characterized by a lower brightness of shades, but in general the choice of colors is wider.

As for the crepe paper, Brauberg brands are in greatest demand, as well as Koh-i-Noor and Werola... Most of these brands are European, but production facilities are located in the Middle Kingdom. They offer needlewomen the highest quality material with a rich color palette.
In the series of individual companies, for example, Hobby time, paper with pearl mother-of-pearl, as well as metallized, is presented.

Application for decoration
Corrugated paper is widely used for decoration.
In scrapbooking
From the thinnest (18-30 g / m²) corrugated paper makes naturalistic petals of decorative flowers. They look so delicate that they are almost indistinguishable from real ones. The stretching property of such a canvas is not high (stretch - within 40%), therefore, you need to handle the paper with extreme caution.

In suite design
Candy bouquets are made of corrugation. For petals and leaves, take material with a density index of 30-35 g / m² or stretch, they maintain volume and shape, demonstrate increased elasticity, so the workpieces can be bent without fear of tearing.

In floristic design
Strong, stretchable paper with good crease and virtually no tearing. In contact with water, it does not stain the skin. It twists with ease and maintains its shape for a long time, therefore it is optimal for creating large voluminous crafts, festive decor, as well as carnival dresses.

For topiary
Artificial trees can be made from corrugated paper, which will become a stylish decoration for an apartment and a work office.

Variable color corrugated paper is optimal for creating original handicrafts. Due to its plasticity, it can be used in the development of the rough base. It is also relevant for pasting blanks of various configurations, for example, homemade pots.

How to use for packaging?
Due to its density and embossed texture, corrugated paper is rarely used for packing presents in large boxes. But florists often use it when decorating graceful hand-made bouquets. It quickly takes on the required shape and thus complements the composition of fresh plants. In the course of handicraft, such packaging does not wrinkle or break.Due to the softness of the crepe corrugated canvas, it can be taken to glue the piñata. In addition, the paper can be cut into strips and used as decorative filler for it.

What kind of crafts can you do?
In most cases, flowers are collected from corrugated paper - ranunculus, hydrangeas and rosebuds. Assembled with our own hands, in recent years they have become increasingly popular. Consider the step-by-step making of a peony from this unusual material.
For work, you will need consumables:
- corrugated fabric in several shades;
- paper clips;
- scissors;
- metal thin wire.

The work includes the following steps.
- Take a sheet of corrugated paper and carefully begin to fold it in an accordion manner.

- You can choose the color palette of the future peony at your discretion and fold each leaf separately.

- Then line all the accordions in one row and cut each one a few centimeters shorter than the last. In this case, it is important that the longest blanks are of the basic color, for example, pink, scarlet or burgundy.

- After the leaves are shortened, each must be trimmed along the edges so as to give a pointed shape.

- Next, take some paper clips and attach the center unit to each accordion.

- After that, lay out the accordions in the direction from the longest to the shortest and again start folding with an accordion, but now all the blanks at once.

- Take a thin wire and secure in the middle.

- It remains only to gradually bend the leaves, moving from the smallest ones. Corrugated paper, unlike cigarette paper, stretches easily, so you can effortlessly spread all the petals, giving them the desired shape.

- As a result, you should have a large, beautiful compressed paper peony.

Such flowers can be made to decorate a room for a holiday or to create a floral wedding arch.

The corrugation pattern makes it possible to use this type of paper in the external decor of crafts: the creation of models of sailboats, musical instruments, as well as sweet presents. The floristic line is in demand in the manufacture of festive decor or photo zones. From it you can collect hanging balls, as well as beautiful garlands.

For anniversaries and birthdays, they make volumetric numbers or letters.

You can make textural growth flowers from corrugated paper with your own hands. They will become a spectacular decoration for the interior, as well as for festive venues.

Sets of colored corrugated paper are in demand in the manufacture of elements of postcards, volumetric applications, it is widely in demand in children's creativity. Children of different ages can make whole bouquets, butterflies, bows and dresses for dolls.