How to make a turban out of a scarf?

The turban is a headdress that came to the fashion world from the countries of the East. He gained immense popularity. Not only ordinary people, but also famous personalities from the world of show business began to wind the turban on their heads: Ksenia Sobchak, Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Bonya and many others. But if stylists choose and tie turbans for them, then ordinary people, in order to look stylish, need to master this art on their own, because there are several ways of tying a turban, and you cannot make this accessory on your head from every scarf.

Sizes of a scarf for a turban
A turban is a rather long piece of cloth that is wound around the head in a certain way. People in eastern countries use headscarves for this, the length of which can reach 20 meters. But it will take a long time to tie such a scarf, and a special skill will be required.
If you want to look stylish, you can use a 130x40 cm scarf for a turban.Sometimes you need a longer cloth to create a beautiful turban - up to 2.5 meters in length.
It is not recommended to choose a scarf that is too short for this purpose, since it will be rather difficult to tie it. And even if it is possible to do this, then in the process of wearing a turban, the hidden tips may fall out. Ultimately, the entire structure may fall apart.

Common methods of tying
There are many ways to tie a turban: Muslim, with a tourniquet, African and others. They all differ from each other in technique, complexity, final appearance.
The traditional way of winding a turban is at the same time the simplest. For execution, you must take stole (it is better if it has a rectangular shape).Next, you need to put it on the back of the head, and raise the ends up.
The next step is to twist the ends on the frontal part and bring them back again, tie, and carefully hide the ends.

Most women do approximately the same procedure with a towel after washing their heads. Simply terry towels look bulky and less graceful.

For long hair
The turban can be beautifully positioned on the head, even if the person has long hair. To do this, follow these steps:
- fold the square scarf in half so that you get a triangle;
- the long sides of this triangle must be folded overlapping in the direction from the back of the head to the crown - an angle must form with the apex in the central part of the forehead;
- then the ends must be brought back, crossed with tension and returned up, tied with a double knot;
- at the end, it is better to tuck the edges down.

If you want to remove your hair, then you need to use the remaining third corner. You can leave the crown of your head open and let your hair out. Any of these options will look beautiful and unusual.

To get such a turban, you need to use two shawls of different colors. An important point is that for this purpose it is better to choose scarves made of lightweight fabrics, since otherwise the knotted knots will not be so graceful. You need to do the following steps:
- one corner of the two selected scarves must be tightly tied together;
- the knot must be attached to the back of the head, and the free corners of the scarves must be taken to the forehead;
- here they need to be crossed and sent back again, and there they must be cross again and forward;
- tie a knot and hide the ends.

Fashion experts say this turban winding option is more suitable for summer.

Unusual options
If you want to look spectacular and surprise others with your own image, you can tie a turban in one of several unusual ways. These options are more suitable for women.
With harnesses
One of the most interesting is the version with harnesses. It is these details that require separate consideration. With their help, you can reliably fix the turban, and also use it as a decor option. Here, too, there are many options: you can braid a braid from scarves, make a "basket" or "snail".
The stole needs to be wrapped around the head several times, tied, and the ends twisted into tight bundles. Then they can be folded with one of the above options. It all depends on fantasy and desire.

African style
The African turban is very suitable for completing an exotic look. But it should be noted that more this option is suitable for dark-skinned women or those who have a Scandinavian appearance.

The secret of winding the stole in this case is as follows: the fabric is wound in numerous layers, and in the region of the crown and back of the head, a majestic fit of the head is formed.

You can enhance the effect by using the following tips:
- if you have your own thick and long hair, then you can collect it in a bun at the top of your head;
- you need to use a long or 2-3 medium size scarf;
- make linings that can visually increase the volume.
On the African continent, such a headdress is simply irreplaceable. He not only adorns local women, but also helps them to carry heavy loads (water jugs, food) on their heads.

Triple knot
You can tie a scarf on your head in the form of a turban using knots. This method is not only relevant, but also very elegant. The step-by-step actions are as follows:
- the scarf must be folded diagonally, and then cover the whole head with it;
- the hanging ends must be crossed at the back of the head, and then directed up;
- on the side of them, you need to tie three knots in turn.
The remaining tips need to be hidden inward to get it neat.

In turkish
To make a real Turkish turban, it is better to use real Muslim headscarves that have good elasticity. The step-by-step scheme for tying is as follows:
- the canvas must be thrown over the head as if it were a hood;
- the free sides are crossed at the back of the head;
- they are thrown upward and there they are crossed again twice;
- the ends are again pulled back and hidden in the inside of the entire structure.
To make the Turkish turban look beautiful and be securely fixed on the head, at the final stage, the ends of the stole can be additionally tied (before hiding them).

From a square shawl
If you want to make a neat turban, then for this purpose it is better to choose a light square shawl. You can tie it by following these instructions:
- the scarf must be evenly folded diagonally so that a triangle is formed;
- then it must be put on the head, but backwards: the long corner should be in front, cover the face;
- two ends, which at the time of applying the scarf should be in the hands, must be tied into a knot on the frontal part;
- then you need to raise your head, and try to turn the right angle back - thus, at this stage the face should already be open;
- the free ends are recommended to be brought back and tied well in a knot.
Traditionally, it is better to hide the tips under a turban.

Despite the different ways of tying a turban, there are general tips that you shouldn't ignore. if you really want to look spectacular.
- In most cases, the turban will hide the hair, so others will pay attention to the face. It is better to do a gentle, discreet make-up, and a turban will be a great addition to it.

- If a person has long hair and it is not planned to expose it outside, then it is better to make a tight bun. This way, the hair will not cause any inconvenience when winding the turban.

- Too little tension when tying can be harmful - the turban will simply fall off the head at the most inopportune moment. And if you tighten the scarf too tight, then after a few minutes you can feel a headache, which will only intensify over time. You need to try to tie as tightly as possible, but so that it is comfortable.

- It is better to tie a turban after a person has dressed, but has not yet put on outer clothing (if it is implied by weather conditions).

- Silk shawls are difficult to fix due to the nature of the material. That is why it is better for beginners in tying a turban to stop at stoles made of some other material - more dense and rough.

- It is wrong to believe that the turban is itself an accent. In most cases, it needs to be "revived" with some kind of accessory, such as a brooch. You can also wear massive clips or earrings on your ears.

- The turban has a significant advantage - it will help hide unwashed hair and lack of styling.

Turban is a headdress that is distinguished by its versatility. Depending on the fabric and color, it can be worn both on weekdays and holidays. The main thing is to fix the fabric on the head correctly and securely.

An easy way to tie a turban out of a scarf is presented below.