Summer turban: materials and colors

Fashion is changeable. If a hundred years ago oriental motifs were not welcomed in western fashion houses, now every such detail is gaining immense popularity. One of these things is a turban. You should know what it is usually sewn from, how it is tied, and what is the best way to wear it.

The turban comes from India and is a man's headdress. There it is worn over a skullcap. Quite often, the turban was used to indicate the status of its owner. A little later, a female turban appeared as a derivative of the turban. However, its purpose was slightly different: it protected from the scorching rays of the sun (overheating), and also part of it could protect the face and eyes from dust. The modern summer women's turban on the head began to spread as a part of the wardrobe only at the beginning of the 18th century.

The turban, or turban, is a long piece of rectangular fabric, which is wrapped around the head. Perhaps the most important characteristic of the turban is its unique oriental style, which, surprisingly, suits the fair sex of any nationality and age.
Despite its characteristic shape, there are many varieties of the female turban.

Such a headdress goes well with any clothing: from warm fur coats to light short dresses. The advantage of the turban is that it fits snugly to the head, thereby hiding hair, which can be done without spending too much time. And also a turban can visually change the shape of the face and head, create an interesting image.

Today in stores you can find a hat that repeats the configuration of a turban. It is often worn in summer weather. The winter version of this headdress - headband hat. Easy to put on.Plus it is very comfortable. Another similar option is this is an "incomplete" turban, which covers the ears, while encircling the head like a rim. Such a turban is usually not wide.

A separate type of hats are winter hats in the form of a turban. They are made both in large knitting and from fine woolen threads. Some of them are quite voluminous, while others, on the contrary, are not. Often such hats can be decorated with a large brooch or a large sewn-on stone.

And also homemade (hand made) turbans can be noted, which can have many characteristic details. Most often, older women are fans of these models.

Fabrics and colors
There are no restrictions on the choice of fabric for a turban. It all depends on the wishes of the designer or the hostess of this headdress herself. but natural fabrics such as cotton or knitted fabrics are most welcome. The turbans of them are better kept on the head. Also among the materials for making a turban are fabrics such as chiffon, silk (despite the smooth structure), velvet, viscose and natural wool.

Turbans made of fabric with a colored pattern are practically not produced, the material is always monochromatic. When buying preference best for bright, noticeable colors. Black and white are classics. Now popular are emerald and wine colors.
A guipure turban occupies a special place in the modern world of fashion. It looks like it was made of embroidered lace material. A headpiece like this is a great accessory for a summer outfit.

How beautiful to tie?
A do-it-yourself turban can be made from a scarf, a large shawl, or even just from a suitable piece of cloth. You can use pieces of fabric 4–20 m long. There are several ways to tie a turban, the most popular are Turkish and African.

To tie African turban, you can use an ordinary stole of bright color. You need to tilt your head forward, throw a stole over it, and cross its edges in front and collect them at the top of the head in a bun. The bundle must be tightened firmly, but at the same time not strongly pinch the head.

The Turkish way is easier. They cover the head with a stole, cross its ends from behind, take it to the forehead and again twist it together a couple of times. Then the ends need to be fixed at the back of the head.
The rest of the ways of tying a turban are derived from these 2 main ones. For a change, you can decorate the turban with another scarf or stole. Experts say that there are about 1000 ways to tie a turban.

What to wear with?
The turban is perfect for women with a high forehead. However, when tied correctly, this headpiece will look good on any girl or woman. Many things go with it. It can be argued that the purchase of a turban will always be a bargain, as it is easy to fit into almost any bow.

In summer, a lightweight female turban with a floor-length dress becomes a rather popular combination. And also this headpiece looks great with a short dress in a light shade. If you are a fan of strict style, then it would be best to wear a turban with a minimum number of lines along with a strict knee-length dress. You can even go to work in such an outfit. Another office option is a turban with a white blouse or shirt.

It should be noted that turban does not go well with jewelry. Large oriental-style earrings and sunglasses can be an exception. The glasses match better with an African-style turban. Another spectacular option is a turban and a swimsuit of the same color.

Here are two ways to tie a turban.