Summer headband

Owners of long hair know how difficult it is on a hot, humid summer day to build a stylish, fashionable hairstyle on their heads or simply tidy up their hair beautifully. Bandanas, caps, hats, panamas cannot cope with this task. Then a summer headband comes to the rescue.

She will not only protect her head from the sun and help create dozens of different hairstyles, she will also bring freshness and youthful enthusiasm to any image.

A headband is not only a beautiful element of a summer look, it is also a rather multifunctional item:
- She covers her hair from the sun, if it is a headpiece;
- It protects the face from sweat if it is an element of sports equipment;
- It can be an irreplaceable part of a stage, carnival or other costume;
- Finally, it is just a base for creating interesting hairstyles.

Headbands can be made from fabric, leather, lace, thread, denim, braid, satin and other materials.

The incredible popularity of the accessory can be easily explained by its long history. Even the ancient Indians used a bandage to support their hair, and the Greek women wore thin ribbons or ribbons on their heads for decoration.
Later, this headband was used as a very expensive piece of jewelry. It was worn by representatives of the nobility, and brocade, silk, velvet were used for manufacturing, which were decorated with beads or embroidery.
In the 60s of the XX century, the bandages received another purpose. They began to be associated with representatives of the hippie youth movement. Often, such headbands were woven with their own hands, decorated with beads, beads and certain symbols.

How to make an unusual bandage with your own hands, see this video.
Today, the choice of these accessories is truly huge. You can choose a headband for children and adults, models can be casual and festive, sports and smart, warm and cooling.

The modern abundance of various dressings can be roughly divided into several main groups:
- Bandages can be narrow, medium and wide in width. Narrow models are leather strips, braids, plait of woven threads. Rhinestones, beads, stones, pendants, lace are used as decorative adornments. Wide bandages are made of elastic material, jersey, knitted fabric, lace.
- By the type of material used (knitted or knitted fabric, satin, denim and other materials at hand).
- By style of performance: hippie, glamor, classics, ethnos, baroque, pin-up, Greek, Roman style and many, many other directions.
- By functional purpose. The accessory can only serve as a decoration, be used simultaneously as a headdress, warm or cool the head.

The cooling headband is a relatively recent invention that allows you to feel comfortable even in the hottest season. Most often used by people who have to spend a significant amount of time under the scorching sun. For example, athletes during training or jogging.

The essence of her work is to use a special material that quickly absorbs moisture and keeps it longer than any other fabric. A wet bandage reduces body temperature and makes sun exposure much more comfortable. The variety of colors and prints allows you to choose the right model for men and women of any age.

How and with what to wear?
Tight headbands or stripes are perfect for long-haired beauties. They can be tied directly over the forehead, over the bangs, or passed underneath.

Wide headbands are usually worn at the hair roots. They can be worn directly above the forehead line or moved a little further. It is both a decoration and an element of sports equipment. The knitted strip keeps your hair well, not allowing it to interfere with your workout.

A smooth monochromatic model can be decorated with embroidery, rhinestones, applique, lace, complemented with a bow or other decor.
Hippie headbands work best with loose hair, loose braids, and a slightly tousled and tousled hairstyle. Clothing should be appropriate: a loose blouse or tunic, a light sundress or a long colorful dress in ethnic style. As shoes, you can choose fringed ballet flats, moccasins, flat sandals. The image should be as stylized as possible.

An elegant, stylish ribbon in the Greek style is a very feminine and fashionable option today.... Such an ornament is worn on the forehead, a couple of centimeters below the hairline. It is better to collect hair in a lush bun or a high hairstyle. Dress, sundress, tunic should have the most simple, concise cut. Light sandals will harmoniously complete the look.

A headscarf is a versatile accessory that allows you to quickly style your hair in an original, fashionable hairstyle. The kerchief can be rolled up into a bundle, diagonally, decorated with one or more knots, left hanging loose ends or removed under the hair - there are a lot of options.

Fashion Women Hair Bands
Among the huge variety of headbands, several models will be the most popular in the new season:
- With a bow. The bow can be located on the side, in front, there can be several bows. A very romantic and girly sweet and spontaneous accessory.

- With lace. The model can be made entirely of lace or lace is used as a decorative addition.

- Solid, smooth ribbons. Go well with loose hair. Decorations can be bright, contrasting, or made in neutral, calm colors.