All about the turban - headband

Modern women of fashion love to tie their heads with scarves - this gives the image a zest and mystery. The turban has become an integral part of the wardrobe of many girls. In the article we will talk about what this headdress is, give tips on wearing it and consider several interesting ways to tie it.

The turban comes from eastern countries, where women tie their heads with a scarf to hide their hair from the eyes of strangers. Modern fabrics amaze with their bright palette of colors, originality of patterns and beauty of colors.

A jersey or chiffon turban goes well with light Muslim dresses and outfits. Thicker garments can be paired with jeans and a jacket. Turban headdress looks great and with a classic suit, giving the image a touch of femininity.

This headdress has two names: turban and turban. However, there is a slight difference between the two. A turban is usually tied from a shawl, scarf or stole. To create a turban, you will have to use 10-20 meters of fabric.
The turban usually completely covers the entire head; the turban can act as a rim.

It is noteworthy that the product was originally intended for men. Later, it was also appreciated by women. The headdress was very popular. Nowadays women of fashion adorn their heads with a turban made of colorful fabrics, many of which are decorated with small rhinestones, large stones, bows, flowers and other decorative elements. This headpiece adds to the image oriental flavor... You can wear it both on holidays and on ordinary days. If you choose a fabric of a discreet shade, wearing a turban is acceptable to work.

A warm turban will protect your head from frost in winter, especially for girls who do not like hats... In summer, the shawl will prevent sunstroke and hair fading. The versatility of the oriental element fell in love with many Hollywood stars, from which ordinary girls began to take an example.

At the same time, in order to look like an idol, it is not necessary to seek the help of stylists. Tying a turban on your head is quite simple, everyone can handle it.

A colorful turban will help diversify the style and bring a bright flavor of the East. The use of a turban in everyday looks for many is not only a tribute to fashion, but also the observance of the traditions of their people. Some girls know how to tie a stole beautifully on their heads from the age of 10. For some women, wearing a headdress in the form of a tied headscarf is mandatory, as required by their religion. For others, the turban is part of the folk costume that must be worn on national holidays.

The rest of the girls wear a turban like a fashionable accessory that allows you to diversify your style. Before studying the knitting technology, you should understand what exactly you want to achieve with the help of an oriental headdress, since the type of product and the material of the fabric depend on this.
This winter knitted accessory will be an excellent analogue of a hat. Typically, these elements are a warm, voluminous rim that covers the forehead, back of the head and ears. For summer options, chiffon or cotton will be the optimal fabric. They lend themselves well to curling, while allowing air to pass through well.

It is better to use as an evening accessory knitted and silk models. Turbans made of double-sided brocade look very beautiful and oriental. The products look expensive and give the hostess a rich look. Lovers of ethno style will like bright cotton turbans. Turban can both completely hide the hair, and cover only a small part of it. Now it is fashionable to put on a turban on loose hair and slightly open the bangs.
In winter, a turban will perfectly replace a hat. It fits snugly to the head and provides reliable heat saving.

Tying methods
There are many interesting ways to tie a turban. Each of them can be used both over the collected hair, and on the loose, depending on the desired image. Consider the most popular and relevant this season.

The simplest option, which will take no more than a minute. Pull your hair into a high ponytail or bun. Fold the stole or scarf in half to create a long strip. Wrap your head in a cloth so so you can tie a knot in the front. Twist the free ends into a long bundle and tuck it in from the side.

Another easy way, which requires a long stole. Collect the curls in a voluminous bun. Wrap your head in a cloth, and twist the free ends into a long tourniquet. Next, lay the tourniquet around the bundle and fix it with invisible ones.

For better fixation of the scarf on the head, it is recommended to first put on a thin hat. Wrap your head with a long stole so that you fold the free ends crosswise at the back of your head. Bring them up and make a small knot. Then twist each end into a tourniquet and tuck under the turban.

For this type of turban, it is recommended to use a triangular silk scarf, or fold a square one in half. The long ends run forward and cross. The free corner must be fixed under the resulting knot. Then the ends are pulled back and fixed under the occipital part.

This option involves the use of a long fabric. It can be made of bright brocade. Place the scarf over your forehead, pull the ends back and tie in a knot. Next, wrap your head with each end in turn, fixing them under the back of the scarf.

Of two shawls
In this case, you can use special thin fabrics in the form of ribbons, or you can fold silk scarves. Connect the two strips crosswise and grasping the ends, lift the bottom one to form a kind of loop. Tie the resulting turban over your head and tie the ends in a knot at the back of your head. Open the scarves for a voluminous turban. You can decorate the middle with a brooch.

Stylist tips can help you wear a turban correctly. The traditional turban assumes no bangs. If you don't see your image without it, use a turban in the form of a bandage. A big plus of a turban is the ability to hide a messy hairstyle or unwashed head. But it is worth remembering that while the face remains completely open, accordingly, the makeup must be perfect.
For better fixation of the headdress, it is recommended to first put on a thin hat, especially for owners of long hair. If you don't have a hat on hand, just tie your hair in a bun so it doesn't get in the way. The bundle will also give more volume to the turban. Stylists advise using light and thin fabrics, as they are more pliable and better fixed. Working with chiffon or silk is much easier.

Imagine, experiment, everything is in your hands. Use bright materials with varied prints and original palettes.
Complement the turban with a beautiful brooch, it will add zest and become the finishing touch. It is recommended to wear large earrings - they will add flavor to the image. There are several ways to wear a turban. The most popular method is a turban worn over loose hair. The headpiece is put on like a hat and looks very nice. If you want to give your look a touch of the East, hide your hair under a turban, completely covering your head.
An oriental dress looks beautiful as a rim. Release loose curls over the back of the turban. This option is optimal for girls with a wide forehead and a large oval face. An interesting solution would be a combination of an open turban with a high bun. You can decorate the accessory with a large bow or flower. Important! Do not pull the hat too tight, as this can cause severe headaches.