Novofedorovka in Crimea: weather, location and attractions

  1. Description
  2. Where is it located and how to get there?
  3. Weather
  4. Housing options
  5. Beaches
  6. sights
  7. Entertainment
  8. Infrastructure

Crimea is often criticized for the fact that vacation here is disproportionate to the level of comfort provided. However, the high prices are provoked by the increased demand for recreation on the southern coast of the peninsula, although it is washed by the seas from almost all sides. If you choose your destination in Crimea, too, but a little further north, there will be fewer tourists, and although the infrastructure will also be a little more modest, pleasant prices will please.

If you also think that the main thing at sea is to swim and sunbathe, and the rest of the infrastructure is no longer so fundamental, go to Novofedorovka. It has everything you need, even if it falls short of the best resorts.


Modern Novofedorovka is a fairly large urban-type settlement with a population of more than 5 thousand people. It is located on the coast of the Kalamitsky Gulf of the Black Sea, and next to it there are three salt lakes at once - Saki, Kyzyl-Yar and Bogaily. Unlike most Crimean settlements, Novofedorovka has practically no history - her official date of birth is 1992.

With the terrain, of course, the situation looks completely different. Two and a half thousand years ago, a small ancient Greek settlement was located here. There is no data on the population of the area in the next two millennia, but it is known that before the revolution there was a dacha called "Scarlet", which consisted of several buildings - from here its owner supplied healing mud to Livadia personally for Tsarevich Alexei.

Moreover, already from the middle of the 20s of the last century, this place appears Russian village Novo-Fedorovka (then its name was spelled with a hyphen), which had a population of one hundred and a quarter people.

The civil settlement did not exist for so long - the further development of the area determined the construction here unpaved airfield for training military pilots, whose school was located nearby - in Kach. During World War II, the Germans improved the runway for their needs by making an artificial turf, and already in 1945 the planes that brought Churchill and Roosevelt to the Yalta conference landed here.

The authorities decided not to lose the potential of such an object, and it became closed, receiving the name of the Saki-4 aviation garrison. Only in December 1992 the settlement received the "civil" status of an urban-type settlement, and already in 1995 it established its own settlement council.

Today, when Novofedorovka is open to visitors, many guests perceive it as a good seaside resort.

Where is it located and how to get there?

You can find Novofedorovka on the map in the western part of Crimea. Administratively, she belongs to the Saki region, and its location to the regional center is so close that it is considered a suburb of Sak. If we talk about the nearby large cities, then Evpatoria is also located nearby - it is only 18 kilometers away.

Most vacationers today arrive on the Crimean Peninsula through the Simferopol airport. Given the large size of Novofedorovka, it is not surprising that it is connected to Simferopol by regular direct bus service. Buses leave from the bus station-2 "Kurortnaya" several times a day, the travel time is an hour and a quarter, and the ticket costs 115-118 rubles.

It is the close location to Simferopol and the ease of overcoming the route that make Novofedorovka one of the most popular small resorts in Crimea.

If you decide to use the Crimean bridge and come to the village by your own car from the Krasnodar Territory, Novofedorovka no longer seems to be the most obvious choice - it is significantly removed from the bridge.

From Kerch, located at the exit from the ferry, the distance is 269 kilometers along the shortest route, the estimated time to overcome them is 4.5 hours. To Simferopol, you need to move along the four-lane Tavrida highway under construction, just before the Crimean capital, turn onto the bypass (direction to Dzhankoy or Kherson), and then follow the signs to Saki and Evpatoria. A little before reaching Sak, you need to turn left, and then almost immediately to the right. This road will lead you to Novofedorovka.


Considering the very close location of Novofedorovka to Saki and Evpatoria, it should not be surprising that the local climate is very similar to that of these famous resorts. The local conditions are characterized by typical steppe characteristics: even in spite of the close proximity to the sea, the weather here is very dry, with winds, but almost no precipitation.

Winter is mild here - the proximity of a large reservoir still makes itself felt.

Despite the fact that Novofedorovka is significantly removed from the subtropical southern coast of the peninsula, the temperature here is not much lower - the average annual rates are 12.2 degrees above zero. The average June air temperature is approximately 26.2 degrees Celsius, in July-August it exceeds 29 degrees. If we start from the fact that the swimming season requires a water temperature of at least 17 degrees, then three summer months and almost the entire September are suitable for this definition.

The outskirts of Evpatoria, including Novofedorovka, are considered one of the sunniest in Crimea - the annual duration of the sunshine here is an impressive 2384 hours. For comparison, even Yalta cannot provide this, where this figure is one and a half hundred hours lower.

Housing options

Today's Novofedorovka is rapidly getting used to the status of a regional resort, but the fact that in Soviet times, the mass development of resorts, it was a closed territory, has a very strong effect on it. There are no outdated hotels and boarding houses with a typical Soviet level of comfort and no reconstruction for decades, but in general the hotels are not doing very well here.

There are not so many options for living.

  • Orchid is rightly considered one of the best guest houses here. but its key advantages are its close proximity to the beach, a playground with parking, and full board at the local canteen - you even have to clean your room yourself.

For those who want the hotel to have its own swimming pool and it will be possible to come there with animals, it will be difficult here.

  • It is not surprising that the renting of housing in the private sector is very developed here., who is always ready to come to the rescue of tourists. As often happens, this is the cheapest option - if you are not looking for outstanding amenities, but want to save money, rooms in the master's house will be the perfect solution for you.

However, in the same private sector of Novofedorovka there are also more expensive options like separate villas, where you can come with a big noisy company or just with children.

Despite the fact that the village is quite well located in terms of the development of a balneological resort, there is no abundance of sanatoriums here either - the long period of isolation of the former security facility affects. The first establishments of this type appear little by little, but nevertheless, organized recreation of such a plan will be better in neighboring Saki.

Many people come here for healing mud, but they treat themselves with it.


The key point that surprises many visitors is the fact that in fact, Novofedorovka is located not quite on the seashore, but only close to it. For this reason, the village does not have an embankment in the classical sense, which is so typical for most Crimean resorts. However, the beach is not far from the center of the village, it is quite possible to walk on foot. It is made of a mixture of pebbles and sand, but the coastal bottom is completely sandy - this makes entering the water more pleasant.

While on vacation with children, stay attentive: despite the fact that the entrance to the sea is initially shallow, pits and sudden cliffs may appear a few meters from the shore.

If we talk about the main beach, then it is relatively small. - a concrete pier divides the sand and pebble strip into two parts, the length of which is 190 and 120 meters. Perhaps it was the modest size of the beach area that led to a fact somewhat unusual for these regions: the infrastructure is very well organized.

In addition to the fact that the beach is cleaned regularly, there are also changing rooms and showers, toilets and rental points for various equipment. The rented equipment is in good condition; vacationers usually do not have complaints about its quality.

The safety of tourists is monitored by a rescue team on duty.

If the central beach of the village does not attract you for some reason, there are alternatives in the form of the beaches "Robinson" and "Deck". For those who prefer wild beaches without any infrastructure, but with a minimum of outsiders, there are wild beaches to the north of the village - in the direction of Sak.


Despite the fact that Novofedorovka is just an urban-type settlement with a short history of existence, there is also something to see here.

Local attractions are inevitably associated with aviation, because this territory was a closed air base several decades ago.

  • A casual tourist hardly knows about it, but it is here that the largest aviation training complex located on the ground is located - the so-called Thread.
  • Less impressive local attractions Noteworthy is the alley of busts of pilots who received the title of Hero of the USSR. Installed here Tu-22 is a legendary bomber of the Second World War.
  • Rest in Crimea is somehow not perceived without antiquities, therefore it is worth paying attention to ruins of an ancient settlement, which is located near Sak. Excursions to this place depart from Novofedorovka every day, such a trip will help diversify the cultural program.
  • If you want something even more interesting - such as offers most of the cities of Crimea, go to neighboring Evpatoria. This ancient city will delight its guests with numerous attractions, while it is also replete with various tourist infrastructure, which will seem interesting to children and adults.

Buses between Novofedorovka and Evpatoria run daily several times a day, but the distance of 23 kilometers can be covered in other ways, for example, by taxi.


As a rule, vacationers quickly get bored of just lying on the beach, and they want some more interesting entertainment. Of course, Novofedorovka, as a relatively small town and not the most important resort even within its area, cannot provide incredible experiences, but all the typical beach bonuses are presented here.

The main entertainment infrastructure of the village is located exactly on the central beach, where all the attractions are located. Here you can rent a variety of water equipment - catamarans, "pills", sign up for riding a "banana". For those who want to independently ride on the water surface, a jet ski rental is provided.

Naturally, there are more primitive things like inflatable and water slides, as well as trampolines. However, not only they are limited to the children's part of the entertainment - in front of the entrance to the beach there is a whole playground that allows kids ride bicycles and scooters, older children - on electric cars or segways.

Those who want to see as much as possible are also expected right next to the beach - here you can see tourist tents offering to buy an excursion to all the interesting places of the Crimean peninsula.


Novofedorovka does not shine with a special tourist infrastructure - everything here is at the level of any resort village of the same size. As with entertainment, most of the establishments are located in close proximity to the coastline - this is where all the popular places where you can taste local and overseas cuisines are located.

The advantage of this village is that prices in all establishments are still relatively democratic... Those bistros that have found the opportunity to feed their guests in an open area with a panoramic view of the sea deserve a special preference for tourists.

At the same time, the majority of guests staying in the private sector prefer to save as much as possible, therefore they are engaged in cooking on their own. The abundance of shops scattered around Novofedorovka complements the local grocery market where you can buy all the ingredients you need.

Those who want to be treated with mud and brine do not need any infrastructure at all - all this can be obtained in Lake Saki and on its coast, and access to this place is open and completely free. Substances present in mud and brine are effective eliminate problems in the field of gynecology and urology, treat rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also eliminate unwanted skin formations. In addition, they have a positive effect on patients with neurological disorders.

See the next video about the rest in the village of Novofedorovka.

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