Features of recreation in the northern part of Crimea

  1. Location features
  2. Natural features
  3. Main resort towns
  4. sights

Crimea is a southern resort, which is chosen for recreation near the sea and recreation. Crimea is a peninsula, therefore, it has several parts, including the northern one. This area is rarely chosen by tourists, most of whom are confused by the word "north". This word does not want to be associated with summer vacations. We will dispel the stereotypes associated with the northern Crimea and prove that this part of the peninsula is perfect for a southern holiday.

Location features

Northern Crimea is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. This territory is located in a lowland, which is located between two depressions: Prisivashskaya and Karkinitskaya. The depression has a flat surface, which only to the south begins to rise up to 40 meters. The beginning of the Northern Crimea falls on the city of Armyansk and the Perekop Isthmus. Consequently, Armyansk is the northernmost city of the peninsula and its extreme point.

Northern Crimea is a flat surface covered with dry, featureless vegetation, grain fields and thorny dwarf shrubs. The exceptions are nature reserves, parks, islands and the Arabat nature reserve.

The northern part of Crimea offers quiet relaxation on deserted beaches, affordable housing and gentle sea.

Natural features

To get to know the Northern Crimea better, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of its geographical location. A small excursion into geography will definitely not be superfluous. The northern side of the peninsula is characterized by boring landscapes that are not very diverse. Nature is mainly composed of steppes, cropland and rice paddies.

Rice is grown here very actively, because this is facilitated by the close location of the North Crimean Canal. Water is taken from it for irrigation of rice fields.

Northern Crimea is located in a moderately warm steppe zone. Accordingly, it is dry and hot in summer and not cold in winter. The North Crimea is characterized by a mild climate, which is conducive to relaxation and treatment. On the territory of the northern part of Crimea, there are many landscape reserves, which are striking in their beauty:

  • Bakalskaya spit;
  • Swan Islands;
  • Arabat Reserve;
  • Kuyuk-Tuk.

One of the deepest and most beautiful rivers in Crimea is Kacha. It belongs to the northwestern slope of the Main Crimean Ridge. The bank of this river is picturesque, in places it is steep and even turns into canyons. The slope of the Kacha River can be different: frightening and frightening, calm and beautiful.

To see all the beauty of this river, you can take part in an organized hike or go on a trip on your own. The impressions will be unforgettable - there is no doubt about it.

Main resort towns

To have a complete picture of the northern part of the Crimean peninsula, you need to familiarize yourself with the largest settlements. We have selected the most outstanding and interesting cities to visit.

  • Dzhankoy - the most famous city of the northern region, it is its gate, since it is he who first meets the guests of Crimea. This settlement is the largest in terms of territory and population in the northern part of the peninsula.

Dzhankoy is famous for its wines, which the Greeks began to make here about 2 thousand years ago.

  • Krasnoperekopsk is the center of the district that bears the same name. This small town offers a quiet, relaxing holiday and wellness with the salty waters of its many lakes. Krasnoperekopsk has good transport links with other cities of Crimea, so you can easily travel outside of it.

There are restaurants in the city where you can get acquainted with oriental and Tatar cuisines.

  • Armyansk, as we have already said, is the extreme point of the peninsula. This city is not among the popular tourist destinations, but tourism is still developed here. People come to Armyansk for a quiet vacation on the Black Sea coast and recovery in the waters of the Sivash, which are characterized by a unique composition.

While vacationing in Armyansk, you should definitely visit the Perekopsky Val, the landscape park and the Bakalskaya Spit.

  • Nizhnegorsk Is an urban-type settlement that attracts tourists with a calm, measured rest away from the bustle of the city and crowds of tourists. Also, these places are famous for excellent opportunities for hunting and fishing. There is a large assortment of fruits and vegetables in the markets of the city. The nature in the city and its surroundings is amazing.

In the Nizhnegorsk region there is something to see - what is only the Vvedensky castle, Shatilov's estate and the young temple of the Great Martyr Victor.

  • Razdolnoye urban-type settlement offers a quiet holiday that couples with children are looking for. This area is considered the cleanest and greenest on the entire peninsula. The nature here is wonderful: Razdolnoye is buried in flowers that smell pleasantly, and the sea breezes bring magical air. While relaxing in this amazing place, you should definitely try local cheeses and fruits, swim in the Bakalskaya Bay, which is distinguished by its calm sea and clean beaches, and look at the glowing sea in the Karkinitsky Bay.

In spring, the Crimean steppe near Razdolny blooms with a variety of flowers and turns into a motley carpet.


Northern Crimea, although not in high esteem among tourists, is why it does not become a harsh and boring area. Yes, there are no rocks and rare representatives of flora, castles and amazing monuments, but there are other attractions in this area.You should see them at least once in your life - these emotions will stay with you for life.

  • Sivash is the main feature of the northern part of the peninsula. If we translate "Sivash" from the Turkic, then we get "dirt". This is exactly the case. Sivash is a large bay of the Azov Sea, which separates the peninsula from Ukraine. It consists of 11 bays, which vary greatly in size. The depth of Sivash does not exceed 3 meters, although the area is 2500 square kilometers. In summer, the water fully warms up and becomes the source of the stench.

The water in the bay is very salty and contains a large number of chemical compounds.

  • On the Perekop Isthmus there is a very ancient structure in the form of a ditch with a rampart. Its dimensions are impressive: the length of the shaft is 8,475 m, the width at the base exceeds 15 meters, the height from the bottom reaches 20 meters, the width of the ditch varies within 40–45 meters. This structure is more than 2 thousand years old, and it was made by man. It is not known for certain who the authorship belongs to: ancient Greeks or Romans, Scythians or Cimmerians.

The Or-Kapu fortress is also located on the Perekop Isthmus.

  • Bakalskaya spit is a narrow strip of land that cuts into the waters of the Karkinitsky Bay. This natural landmark is located near the village of Steregushchee. In summer, this area attracts vacationers with its clear water and velvet beaches. A park was created in this area in 2000.

The Bakalskaya Spit may disappear in a few years, because during storms the sea takes more and more of its territory.

  • Higher along the coast of the Karkinitsky Gulf the archipelago is located, small in size. On its territory there is a branch of the Crimean Nature Reserve, which is called "Swan Islands". It includes 6 islands, which have been chosen for themselves by more than 250 species of birds. These include the mute swan.
  • The second spit, part of which belongs to the Northern Crimea, is the Arabat Spit. Although it begins in the Eastern Crimea, its third part belongs to the northern side. This natural landmark separates the Sivash and the Sea of ​​Azov.

Tourists and the local population also like to relax here, since the conditions for this are ideal.

  • The Shatilov estate is an unknown attraction for many. Not only tourists, but even many indigenous people of Crimea have not heard of it. Shatilov was a state councilor. The estate is located in the village of Tsvetushchee, which belongs to the Nizhnegorsk region.

You will see a trip to northern Crimea in the next video.

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