Horoscope of the signs of the zodiac

The border sign of Cancer or Leo: characteristics and personality traits

The border sign of Cancer or Leo: characteristics and personality traits
  1. Personality traits
  2. Vibration cusp
  3. Personal life
  4. Which sign is dominant?
  5. Tips for those born during the Vibration cusp

Many people believe in horoscopes, read forecasts for the coming day, week, month. They rejoice if good things come true. We are convinced that all Aries are stubborn and Gemini are changeable. But what if it's not really clear to which sign of the zodiac to attribute oneself?

If a person was born on July 23 - his sign is Cancer or Leo and what horoscope should he read? What if July 21, 22 or 25? Let's try to figure out what astrologers say about this.

So, the borderline period between two signs is called a cusp. The Cancer-Leo cusp lasts for a week - from 19 to 25 July. People born during this period have the properties of both signs. They are controlled simultaneously by two mutually exclusive elements - water and fire, they are under the auspices of the Moon and the Sun. The word "hesitation" very clearly reflects the essence of these people: the secrecy and sensitivity of Cancer conflict in them with the openness and emotional pressure of Leo.

Personality traits

People born on the border of the signs Cancer and Leo tend to rush and change their decisions. They love to move, and not only in the literal sense: travel, move, play sports; but also in the figurative: grow spiritually, change your mind, habits. They tend to abruptly start projects with truly frantic activity, and later a surge of energy can be replaced by a period of calm and even detachment. For Cancer-Leo, the main thing is to find an inner balance so that the sinusoid of emotionality does not jump so sharply, because this exhausts, first of all, himself.

People born under this cusp love to overcome obstacles that they often create for themselves.

Playing sports is very important for them, as they want to look graceful, fluttering, airy, but, unfortunately, by nature, this, unfortunately, is not given to many.

Vibration cusp

Astrologers call the period from July 19 to July 25 the Vibration cusp because it gives those who were born at this time the habit of rushing from one extreme to another. Cancers-Leos have a cheerful and expressive nature, they know how to love and give love. However, Cancer's sensitivity, when faced with the expressiveness of Leo, can make life very difficult for the owner of these qualities.

Often a combination of these qualities can manifest itself like this: outwardly, a person is modest, shy and quiet, but real passions boil inside him, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Sometimes it also happens that the flame raging inside Leo Cancer may sooner or later break out, and the people around (or, most often, close ones) will be amazed at the intensity and drama with which this will happen. Because the external calmness and even some humility of these people does not imply that they are capable of such a vivid and dynamic manifestation of emotions.

Personal life

It is the leaps of temperament that create big problems in the personal relationships of people born in the period from 19 to 25 July. These personalities tend to accumulate complaints or dissatisfaction with their partner for some time (while the partner himself, in most cases, does not even realize that there are problems), and at a certain moment, having reached the point of internal boiling, arrange a grandiose scandal. Naturally, the partner, who did not suspect anything before it began, is at a loss - why was nothing said before? This causes hostility and, as a result, cooling in the relationship.

Cancer-Leo needs to learn to calmly talk about what they don't like, without bringing themselves to an emotional peak. It may be necessary to practice yoga or meditation techniques.

In addition, you need to communicate with people without getting locked in inner experiences.

Which sign is dominant?

Astrologers agree that people born from July 19 to 22 have stronger "crayfish" traits, and those whose birthday falls on the numbers from July 24 to 25 are dominated by "lion" features.

And only for those who were born at the "junction" of the signs - July 23 - equally from each of the two signs. As a rule, it is most difficult for them to find the balance that will allow two polar characters to peacefully coexist in one person. They are proud and shy, courageous and sensitive, creatively active and desperate to express themselves. Cancer's intuition is combined in such people with the tenacity and strength of Leo, and, with the presence of spiritual harmony, a person can achieve tremendous success in life.

Born 19 july is much more Cancer than Leo. They are sensitive to color and sound, catch the slightest nuances of shades and have the ability to color, design, architecture. These people really need approval and recognition. They are disciplined and responsible. At the same time, such people can easily part with those who deceived their trust, and go on through life.

People born on July 20 are more practical. They are dreamy, but if they decide what they want and what is really important to them, they can achieve a lot. Their nature is such that harmony is their integral feature, they do not need to fight with themselves. With a seemingly complete set of "crayfish" traits, these people have a purely lion quality - to fight for the right to be in charge.

Born on July 21, intuition is so well developed that not listening to it is just a crime. They make excellent psychologists, because they know how to notice the smallest nuances of human behavior and understand interpersonal relationships.

If such people know themselves well and trust their inner voice, then even the most difficult to reach peaks will easily succumb to them.

The intuition of some of the representatives of this period of birth is so strong that we can even talk about extrasensory abilities.These rakolves have a truly brilliant mind. But they need constant replenishment, continuous acquisition of new knowledge and improvement of old skills.

People born on July 22 are more sociable and energetic than Cancers usually are, that is, they have many Leo traits. They are ambitious, well trained (and love it very much), they know how to convince, they think in an original way. In addition, they are good at planning and developing a sequence of actions.

If these people learn to avoid excuses to cheat and will always remain honest (at least with themselves), then great success awaits them. The huge reserve of personal charm inherent in those who were born on July 22 should not be left aside.

Persons born on July 24 are true idealists. They are excellent tacticians and natural organizers, if they wish, they can make a career in any field. They have a lot of talents, while intuition is well developed, like Cancers. Their weakness is excessive stubbornness and even some aggressiveness in an effort to achieve their goals. They need to learn how to communicate with people, and also come to terms with the fact that his high ideals are not always commensurate with his own capabilities.

In people born on July 25, from the qualities of Cancer, only intuition, on which, unfortunately, they do not always rely. Otherwise, these are real Leos. They love to shine, be in the spotlight, have a remarkable supply of artistry and generosity. Their inquisitive mind helps to reach the deepest essence of objects and phenomena, they have a wide range of hobbies, but they never forget about self-preservation.

Internal contradictions between intuition and sanity can greatly interfere with them, so such Leos should learn to trust themselves.

Tips for those born during the Vibration cusp

Anyone born between July 19 and July 25 should master the art of smoothing sharp edges and stop rushing from one extreme to another. You need to learn self-discipline, while maintaining the liveliness and originality of thinking. You should not focus on what will happen in the future, focusing on what is happening now. This will help reduce the stress in your life and solve current problems faster.

Finding a balance between the desire to be a leader and to remain a “gray eminence” is very important for Racolves. Such personalities like to waste money, a special passion is caused by luxury goods: jewelry, perfume, beautiful accessories, household items. By purchasing whatever you like, the rakolves feel better and more valuable. Of course, you should ask yourself the question more often: “Why am I buying this? Do I really need this? ".

Otherwise, you can get too mired in the material side of life, replacing the rest of the joys with purchases.

Despite the craving for loneliness, people born in the period from 19 to 25 July are better at working and solving problems in a team.

Only constant self-improvement will help such people achieve success. Sports activities will help get rid of excess nervous tension, discharge after emotional outbursts.

It is desirable for such people to build relationships with those who were born in the border period of Libra-Scorpio and Capricorn-Aquarius.

You will learn more about the border sign of Cancer and Leo in the following video.

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